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Portal – Two 2024: “Europe”

Portal - Zwei 2024
Photo: PÖ

To this day, Europe is recognised for its diversity. From Madrid to Zagreb to Cyprus, from Reykjavik to Oslo to Minsk, we encounter the most diverse temperatures, values and traditions. In the current issue of the university magazine, we celebrate this diversity, but also take a look at how the European idea is currently being put to the test.

Cover story “Europe”

European flag

How Much of Europe Is in Our Everyday Lives?

Andrea Liese, Christian Rauh, and Thomas Sommerer about international organizations | Photo: AdobeStock/rarrarorro

Ehizode Irefo (l.) and Hikmet Güler (r.)

Committed to Europe

“I am a big fan of the European Union and of Europe.” | Photo: K. Ryl

Symbolic image: Solidarność movement

From Solidarność to PiS and Back?

The Path of Polish Democracy in Europe | Photo: AdobeStock/cronislaw

Symbolische Darstellung eines Netzwerks

“The Aim is to Increase the Competitiveness and Visibility of Young Universities”

The Young European Research Universities Network YERUN | Photo: AdobeStock/suldev

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Physics didact Andreas Borowski

Professionally Competent and Qualified for the Job

How the University of Potsdam is training urgently needed teachers | Photo: T. Roese

Lucia Steinmeyer teaches English to a fourth grade.

The Country Teacher

Graduate Lucia Steinmeyer teaches at a primary school in Zülichendorf, Brandenburg | Photo: K. Ryl

Alejandra Camelo Cruz

With Willpower and Passion

University scholarship recipient Alejandra Camelo Cruz discovered her enthusiasm for the intersection of technology and language in Potsdam | Photo: K. Ryl

Lars Masanneck at the Ceremonial farewell of the 2024 graduates

Transgressing Boundaries with Digital Medicine

Lars Masanneck receives the Graduate Award of the Universitätsgesellschaft Potsdam e.V. | Photo: T. Roese

Verena Schott is swimming.

Stroke by Stroke

Para swimmer Verena Schott between world-class sports and teacher training | Photo: S. Ungermand

Justizia holds the scales.

Building Bridges in Europe

Franco-German Degree Program in Law Turns 30 | Photo: AdobeStock/Axel-Bueckert

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Aileen Oeberst in her office

Misjudgments and False Memories

The newly appointed professor Aileen Oeberst knows the pitfalls of human information processing | Photo: S. Cava

Rookie Kas Haverkort on the race track

Pit Stop for the Big Dream

Outpatient Clinic of the University of Potsdam provides medical care for young racing drivers of the Porsche Supercup | Photo: Porsche AG / hoch zwei

Robot Nao in the office together with Katharina Kühne

Did You Know …

… That Potsdam Robots Speak Berlin Dialect? – Katharina Kühne researches our relationship to artificial agents | Photo: S. Cava

Martin Fischer in seinem Büro.

If I Could, I Would …

… Suspend the Laws of Nature! – with cognitive scientist Prof. Martin Fischer, Ph.D. | Photo: T. Roese

Maja Linke in her office.

33 Questions to Maja Linke, Professor of Artistic Practice Specialising in Painting/Graphics

She has been training student teachers for the subject of art at the University of Potsdam since 2023. | Photo: E. Kaczynski

Prof. Dr. Ulrike Herzschuh während des Interviews

Extrapolating from the Core

Leibniz Prize winner Ulrike Herzschuh conducts research on climate history for the future of the planet | Photo: T. Roese

Prof. Maximilian Kleinert

Fresh Momentum for Diabetes Research

Maximilian Kleinert holds the new Heisenberg professorship at the University Potsdam and at the German Institute of Human Nutrition | Photo: E. Kaczynski


You can find more articles about research at the University of Potsdam here. | AdobeStock/Icons-Studio

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Diana Gonzalez Olivo

Empowering Others

Diana Gonzalez Olivo is the new Integration Commissioner of the state of Brandenburg | Photo: MSGIV

Matheus Hagedorny during the interview.

Between Hostility and Admiration

The Historian Matheus Hagedorny on Images of Islam among the New Right | Photo: K. Ryl

Kirsten Sachse im Labor

My Workday

Between Shaking Flasks and Petri Dishes | Photo: K. Ryl

Pupils sit in the classroom.

Room for Creative Solutions

Future primary school teachers support gifted third- and fourth-graders in the mathematics research workshop | Photo: J. Scholz

Antonia Pydde (left) and Paula Gilka

Studying With Financial Aid

Over 600 university scholarships have been awarded by the University of Potsdam in recent years, and the number is constantly increasing | Photo: S. Cava

Frederike Offizier during the interview.

All Totally Healthy?

American Studies Scholar Frederike Offizier About Biosecurity | Photo: S. Cava

Prof. Dr. Julia Brennecke

Fast Lane to Success Thanks to Mentoring

Julia Brennecke supports start-up teams of Potsdam Transfer at the University of Potsdam | Photo: S. Cava

Iain Macdonald is Professor of Philosophy at the Université de Montréal and visited the University of Potsdam for the second time as a guest researcher.

Rediscover Old Paths with UP Reconnect

Alumni Can Return to the University of Potsdam for Short Stays via a Funding Program | Photo: T. Roese

Dr Katharina Rein in her office.

Threefold Magic

Technology, Tricks, and Show Effects | Photo: T. Roese


You can find more articles on the topic of society here. | AdobeStock/Icons-Studio

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