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Certificates and Memberships

The University of Potsdam is a lively community of teachers and students. Research findings are directly incorporated into teaching, and students can feel the intellectual dynamism in their fields. Comprehensive quality management ensures this on all levels, from Bachelors’ programs to graduate or postgraduate studies. 

Certificates and Quality Seals

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Code of Conduct

To facilitate a quick integration, the university offers a number of German language courses, organizes intercultural training, and matches up tandem partners who want to learn one another’s language.

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Excellence in Teaching

The University of Potsdam is implementing its concept to improve teaching consistently.

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Internationalization of Universities

The Audit "Internationalization of Universities" supports German universities to align their internationalization strategically.

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System Accreditation

The Accreditation Council has the statutory task of organizing the system of quality assurance in learning and teaching through accreditation.

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The TOTAL E-QUALITY Award is presented for activities in terms of human resource management aimed at providing equal opportunity. Since 2020 the UP additionally had the ad-on for diversity.

Logo Human Resources Excellence in Research Researchers (HRS4R)

Human Resources Excellence in Research

Implementation of the European Charter for Researchers and the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R) at the University of Potsdam


Federal Initiative “Klischeefrei“ (Cliché-Free)

As a partner of the initiative, the UP aims to establish gender equity in terms of study and career choices in the STEM field, e.g. with the orientation week tasteMINT or Roberta workshops.

Zertifikat „Vielfalt gestalten“

“Vielfalt gestalten” Diversity Audit

The University of Potsdam has successfully completed the “Vielfalt gestalten” Diversity Audit and received a certificate from the Stifterverband für die deutsche Wissenschaft.


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German University Alliance (UA) 11+

The UA11+ is an association of 15 medium-sized universities in Germany with extensive research and transfer activities, which are characterized by a special role in their regional environment.

Logo Brandenburg State Rectors' Conference

Brandenburg State Rectors' Conference

The National Conference promotes interuniversity cooperation in education and science and is concerned with higher education policy issues.

Study Orientation Network Brandenburg, Logo

Study Orientation Network Brandenburg

The network stands for orientation for prospective students and science propaedeutics at schools and institutions of higher education.

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Scholar at Risk Network

The worldwide network „Scholars at Risk“ with over 400 higher education institutions in 39 countries is working to protect threatened scholars and to promote academic freedom.

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European Digital UniverCity (EDUC)

EDUC is an European higher education alliance of six different countries that creates an inclusive space for people of diverse cultures, backgrounds and goals.

Das Bild zeigt das Logo des Netzwerks


The “Young European Research Universities” network strengthens European cooperation at young research universities with regard to research, academic training, and mobility.

The European University Association - Logo

Die European University Association (EUA)

The EUA represents over 800 universities in Europe and plays an important role in the Bologna Process through its influence on EU policies in the fields of higher education, research and innovation.

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Family Life in Academia

With the Charter Family Life and Academia, the members of this network commit themselves to the implementation and further development of equal opportunity for families at the university.

The interdisciplinary organisation promotes Virtual Exchange and supports educational institutions in their "Internationalisation at Home"-activities through training, research and networking.

The global community of practice, with 225+ member institutions, is dedicated to collaborative online international learning, partnership development and professional exchange.