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Transferpodcast: Natural Sciences in Life Portraits

As part of the podcast on the topic of "Knowledge and Technology Transfer", the production company Speak low organised a series of workshops in addition to the actual podcast production, where people could get an overview of the most important rules and methods of podcasting: How does storytelling work, how do you find interesting interview partners for podcasts? Furthermore, they were introduced to the most important audio programmes and practised handling and speaking in front of the microphone.

These workshops were linked to the course Transferpodcast: Natural Sciences in Life Portraits by Prof. Dr. Hans-Hennig von Grünberg was linked to these workshops. The central idea was to approach fundamental scientific findings not through textbooks and theories, but through the lives of the people who had them.

In the accompanying seminar, four students developed their own podcast on the life paths and scientific life achievements of personalities in their discipline.

#28 - Dominic Hamann: César Milstein - Father of modern immunology

In episode 28, Dominic Hamann talks about the Argentinian immunologist César Milstein, who paved the way for modern immunology despite political unrest and obstacles in his home country and was rewarded for this with numerous awards. Among others, the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine, which he received in 1984 together with Niels Kaj Jerne and Georges Köhler for the development of the hybridoma technique for the production of monoclonal antibodies.
















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#29 - Helena Schulz: Edsger Wybe Dijkstra - The computer scientist who loved simplicity and rejected technology

Edsger Wybe Dijkstra was the first computer scientist in the Netherlands and made extremely important contributions to computer science. One of these contributions is his algorithm for calculating shortest paths in a graph, which was also named after him. Computational science student Helena Schulz looks at this algorithm and the life of this idiosyncratic man in episode 29.















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#30 - Florian Hollants: Emmy Noether - The Forgotten Genius

Florian Hollants tells of the career of Emmy Noether, a mathematician so influential that her work was surpassed only by Albert Einstein.
Born in 1882 in Erlangen into a German-Jewish family, she grew up in a world that rejected people like her. Barred from attending university because of her gender,
she nevertheless managed to gain such a phenomenal understanding of mathematics that her work
that her work founded an entire discipline. Anonymous during her lifetime,
ignored by posterity, this is the life of Emmy Noether, the most important mathematician
mathematician whom the world has forgotten.















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#31 - Julian Stähle: Joseph-Louis Lagrange - A pioneer of mathematical physics with great visions

n Laplace's memorial speech, the latter reflects Lagrange's person and work very well: "Among those who have most effectively extended the frontiers of our science, Newton and Lagrange possessed in the highest degree that happy art of discovering the general principles which constitute the very essence of science. This art, combined with a rare elegance in the development of abstract theories, is characteristic of Lagrange."

In episode 31, Julian Stähle looks at the life of this quiet, very proud, person, Joseph-Louis Lagrange, who, as he recounts, had to endure a great deal of suffering, illness and setbacks in his life, but nevertheless carried on and did not allow himself to be discouraged. He drew his strength primarily from science.















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