Final Thesis (Bachelor, Master)
At the Research Unit for Educational and Socialization Theories, we supervise final thesis (Bachelor's, Master's, and dissertations) that are related to the research focal points of our unit. We welcome empirical thesis, but they can only be conducted by students with prior knowledge of research methods. Systematic reviews or literature-based works aimed at answering specific research questions are also common.
The guidelines for writing final theses at our professorship (german)provide detailed information on the process and structure of thesis writing. We kindly request that you read through these guidelines before contacting us.
Currently, we primarily supervise theses on the following topics:
- Family, school, peers, and their significance for the development of children and adolescents
- Socialization, personality, development, identity, attachment
- Social networks, online networks (particularly TikTok, Instagram, Twitter)
- Extremism, group-based prejudice, stigmatization, stereotyping
- Democracy (education)
- Educational policy, international educational processes, environmental and climate policy
- Climate education, education for sustainable development, cultural education
- Cooperation, social relationships, networks
- Youth research
- Social network analysis, natural language processing
Final theses can be submitted in either German or English.
If you are interested in writing your thesis with us, please contact us at least six months before the submission deadline.
Before reaching out to us, please make sure to familiarize yourself with the information provided on writing final theses.
The evaluation of the final thesisis based on the following criteria:
- Independent and well-founded research question
- Appropriate methodology/theory
- Systematic structure and organization
- Independent and innovative approach
- Clear and precise language
- High academic standard and careful execution
If you wish to write your thesis at our research unit, we kindly ask you to discuss a topic with us and submit a thesis proposal (1-3 pages) outlining the research question, its relevance, and the intended methodological/theoretical approach. For further information on writing final theses, please refer to the provided link.
Lea Sopie Dittrich:
Henna Tahir:
Inessa Schoel: