Research interests
- computer-aided text analysis and natural language processing for social and humanities research
- funding of international organizations
- social network analysis
Professional experience
since 05/2023 Project coordinator at MetaKLuB project and research associate at the Chair of "Educational and Socialization Theories" (Prof. Dr. Nina Kolleck)
since 08/2022 Freelance Political Scientist, Science Advisor for Non-Governmental Organizations and Non-Profit Organizations
since 08/2022 Adjunct Faculty at Hertie School
09/2020 - 07/2022 Visiting Professor (Senior Lecturer) at Hertie School in Berlin in the core areas of "International Political Economy" and "Global Governance & Human Rights".
06/2014 - 08/2020 (Senior) Postdoctoral Research Fellow at LMU Munich in a project of the DFG Research Group "International Administrations" on budget and fundraising administrations in the United Nations system (e.g., UNESCO). Research Associate at the Chair of "Political Systems and European Integration". Research includes the application of Natural Language Processing (NLP) to diplomatic language in cooperation with Prof. Manfred Stede at the Computational Linguistics department of the University of Potsdam (since 2019).
07/2012 - 05/2014 Advocacy Officer at Transparency International in Brussels, including Press Spokesperson and Social Media Manager; Head of the research project on "Integrity in the EU Institutions"
01/2010 - 06/2012 PhD Candidate (with scholarship) at the Chair of "Politics and Governance in Germany and Europe", University of Potsdam; Doctoral thesis on interest group networks and information flows in EU decision-making (thesis defense in 04/2014)
04/2009 - 12/2009 Research Assistant (with diploma) at the Chair of "Politics and Governance in Germany and Europe" (Prof. Dr. Klaus H. Goetz), University of Potsdam; Contribution to the team that organized the ECPR Conference 2009 at the University of Potsdam.
09/2008 - 03/2009 Trainee at the Office of the Council of Europe in the Republic of Moldova on "Free and fair elections"
09/2006 - 03/2007 Intern and Staff Member at the German Representation to the Council of Europe (Strasbourg)
06/2005 - 08/2005 Intern at the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research
Education and doctorate
2009 - 2014 Doctorate at the University of Potsdam (Dr. rer. pol.)
2003 - 2008 Study of Political Science at Freie Universität Berlin (Dipl. pol.) and Study on Transformation in Central and Eastern Europe (including the Baltics) at the University of Tartu in Estonia (Spring Semester 2005)
Goetz, K. H., & Patz, R. (2017). Resourcing International Organizations: Resource Diversification, Organizational Differentiation, and Administrative Governance. Global Policy, 8(S5), 5-14.
Patz, R., & Goetz, K. H. (2019). Managing Money and Discord in the UN. Budgeting and Bureaucracy. Oxford University Press.
Eckhard, S., Patz, R., & Schmidt, S. (2019). Reform efforts, synchronization failure, and international bureaucracy: the case of the UNESCO budget crisis. Journal of European Public Policy, 26(11), 1639-1656.
Goetz, K. H., & Patz, R. (2016). Pressured budgets and the European Commission: towards a more centralized EU budget administration? Journal of European Public Policy, 23(7), 1038-1056.
Patz, R. (2018). Leaking, leak prevention, and decoupling in public administrations: the case of the European Commission. West European Politics, 41(4), 1049-1071.
Patz, R., & Goetz, K. H. (2017). Changing budgeting administration in international organizations: budgetary pressures, complex principals and administrative leadership. In International bureaucracy: Challenges and lessons for public administration (pp. 20).
Perera, M., Hancisse, L., McMenamin, A., & Patz, R. (2014). The European Union Integrity System. Transparency International EU Office.
Thorvaldsdottir, S., & Patz, R. (2021). Explaining sentiment shifts in UN system annual reporting: A longitudinal comparison of UNHCR, UNRWA and IOM. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 87(4), 794-812.
Patz, R., Thorvaldsdottir, S., & Goetz, K. H. (2022). Accountability and Affective Styles in Administrative Reporting: The Case of UNRWA, 1951-2020. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 32(1), 111-129.
Schoenfeld, M., Eckhard, S., Patz, R., Meegdenburg, H., & Pires, A. (2021). Corpus: The UN Security Council Debates 1995-2020.
Patz, R., & Thorvaldsdottir, S. (2020). Drivers of expenditure allocation in the IOM: Refugees, donors, and international bureaucracy. The International Organization for Migration, 75-98.
Eckhard, S., Patz, R., Schönfeld, M., & van Meegdenburg, H. (2023). International bureaucrats in the UN Security Council debates: A speaker-topic network analysis. Journal of European Public Policy, 30(2), 214-233.
Thorvaldsdottir, S., Patz, R., & Eckhard, S. (2021). International bureaucracy and the United Nations system: introduction. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 87(4), 695-700.
Patz, R. (2016). Just the TTIP of the Iceberg? Dynamics and Effects of Information Leaks in EU Politics. European Journal of Risk Regulation, 7(2), 242-246.
Stede, M., Patz, R. (2021). The Climate Change Debate and Natural Language Processing. Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on NLP for Positive Impact, 8-18.
Patz, R. (2014). Information flows in the context of EU policy-making: affiliation networks and the post-2012 reform of the EU's Common Fisheries Policy. Universitätsbibliothek Potsdam.
Thorvaldsdottir, S., Patz, R., & Goetz, K. H. (2022). Mandate or donors? Explaining the UNHCR’s country-level expenditures from 1967 to 2016. Political Studies, 70(2), 443-464.
Patz, R., & Goetz, K. H. (2017). Resource mobilization strategies and administrative structures in the United Nations system. International Conference on Public Policy (ICPP), Singapore, 28-30.
Patz, R., & Goetz, K. H. (2015). From Politicised Budgeting to Political Budgets in the EU? International Conference on Public Policy.
Patz, R. (2012). Preparing the# rp12: Search in the multilingual Euroblogosphere. Polscieu blog.