Dr. Keith Goldstein
Research Associate
Campus Golm
Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 24-25
14476 Potsdam
Research interests
- big data analysis
- quantitative and qualitative survey research multinational education projects
Professional experience
Since 01/2024 Research Associate for the DFG TRANSPACE Project about the Emergence of Global Administrative Spaces in Transnational Climate Policymaking
Since 07/2016 Vice Chairperson (2023-Present), General Secretary (2017-2021,2022-2023), Treasurer (2016-2017), Board Member (2016-Present), Representative for UN ECOSOC at UNHQ, UNOG, UNOV (2016-Present), and Think Twice Conference Coordinator (2016-2023) for Pirate Parties International.
Since 01/2011 Board Member, and International Coordinator for Pirate Party Israel (Jerusalem, Israel).
08/2021-11/2023 Research Manager for the Ofanim NPO Project for The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
10/2021-12/2023 Research Manager for World Zionist Organization Study About Israelis Abroad Following October 7th for The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
06/2016 - 01/2024 Research Partner, Sociology of Education Specialist, Psychometrician for the Henrietta Szold Institute, The National Institute for Behavioral Sciences
01/2022-12/2022 Post-Doctoral Fellow for World Zionist Organization Project on Israelis Abroad. Faculty of Humanities, School of Education, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
05/2019-12/2021 Post-Doctoral Fellow for Belmonte Labs and The Hebrew University for Youth and Progression of Science at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
12/2016-12/2018 Post-Doctoral Fellow for the Research Institute for Innovation in Education and Home Instruction for Parents and Preschool Youngsters International at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
01/2020-12/2022 Research Partner for Early Childhood Education Program Evaluation for the Home Instruction for Parents and Preschool Youngsters International
01/2018-06/2023 Research Partner for Early Childhood Census Projects of the Brotherhood of St. Laurence in Australia.
01/2019-12/2020 Researcher for the Ministry of Education/Axioma Study with the Southern District of Israel’s elementary schools about literacy programs for Bedouin communities.
01/2009-08/2019 Researcher and Statistician for the Research Institute for Innovation in Education at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
06/2013-02/2015 Research Director of the GlobalGiving Japan Storytelling Project and the Voices of Tohoku community archive for IsraAid-The Israel Forum for International Humanitarian Aid (Sendai, Japan)
01/2012-12/2013 Research Partner for University Social Responsibility Programs at The Research Authority for Youth and Community at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
09/2010-09/2012 Hebrew and English Language Instructor for Evening Classes for RefugeesAfrican Refugee Development Center in Tel Aviv, Israel
09/2008-09/2011 Language Empowerment Director: Coordinator, Teacher Trainer, and Instructor for Asylum Seekers Education Programs for Advocates for Asylum in Jerusalem, Israel
09/2008-12/2009 Quantitative and Qualitative Evaluation Research of High School Programs for Arab and Jewish Students at the Gilo Center at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
09/2006-09/2008 Instructor for Liberian Refugee Language and Relocation Program at the United Nations High Commission for Refugees in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, Israel
09/2004-05/2005 Paralegal for Blau and Bonavich Law Firm in Chicago, Illinois
09/2003-05/2004 At-sea Spanish instructor and guide on round-the-world academic tour for the Peace Boat based in Tokyo, Japan
07/2000-07/2003 High School English Instructor for the Japanese Department of Education JET Programme, Aichi Prefecture Board of Education
Academic education
2007 - 2014 Doctorate at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, PhD in Sociology and Anthropology. Thesis on Subcultural Stereotypes of Israeli Youth. Degree awarded in 2016.
Doctoral thesis: Goldstein, K. (2014) “Subcultural Stereotypes of the Israeli Youth: An Exploratory Study of the Causes, Consequences, and Implications of Post-Modern Social Categories”. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
2005-2007 Master of Arts in Social Sciences with a specialization in Israeli Society and Politics from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Degree awarded in 2008.
2001-2003 Master of Arts in Educational Leadership at the University of Illinois (Online). Degree awarded in 2003.
1996-2000 Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy, International Studies Minor, Study abroad conducted in Antwerp, Belgium. Degree awarded in 2000.
Publications in journals
Yair, G., Goldstein, K., Rotem, N., & Olejniczak, A. J. (2022). “The three cultures in American science: publication productivity in physics, history and economics”. Scientometrics, 127(6), 2967-2980.
Yair, G. and Goldstein, K. (2020) “The Annus Mirabilis paper: years of peak productivity in scientific careers”. Scientometrics, 124(1): 887-902.
Goldstein, K., Seri, N., Viale, G., Grazioli, C., Pirovano, L., and Ofrath, N. (2019) “Opening Advanced Laboratories to School Students: Our Model for Structuring Round‐Trip Activities from School to University and Back”. Israel Journal of Chemistry, 59(6-7): 524-535.
Goldstein, K. and Shem-Tov, O. (2018) “Party People and Party Identification: A Theory of Youth Independence and Political Opinions”. Young, 26(3): 290-312.
Goldstein, K., Vatalaro, A., and Yair, G. (2017) “"Parent-Based Early Childhood Interventions Do Make a Difference!: A Rebuttal to See and Gorard 2015a". Journal of Children’s Services, 12(4): 224-238.
Ito, T.. and Goldstein, K. (2015) “Tohoku stories: Identifying happy themes of disaster relief” Journal of International Society of Life Information Science, 33(1): 70-75.
Kotik-Friedgut, B., Schleifer, M., Golan-Cook, P., and Goldstein, K. (2014) “A Lurian systemic-dynamic approach to teaching a new language with literacy to illiterate adults” Psychology & Neuroscience, 7(4): 493-501
Publications and monographs
Goldstein, K. and Golan-Cook, P. (2022) “Exploratory Research About Youth Subcultures: Utilizing Social Media, Population Databases, and Other Online Sources of Information” Sage Research Methods, Case Studies.
Cohen-Sayag, E., Goldstein, K., Mahol, B., Bar, A., and Sanaa, V.S. (2022) "לימוד הקריאה "נקרא יחד בערבית" בכיתות א במגזר הבדואי" [The Study of Reading “Called Together in Arabic” 1st Grade Classes from the Bedouin Communities]. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Goldstein, K., Golan-Cook, P., and Olshtain, E. (2018) “Modeling Migrants: A Step-by-Step Guide to Path Analysis for the Study of Identity and Language Acculturation” Sage Research Methods, Case Studies.
Goldstein, K. and Golan-Cook, P. (2016) “The Dilemma of Deviant Subcultures for Immigrant Youth Integration: An Analysis of Popularity Attainment in Israeli Schools” in ed. by Theobald, M. “Friendship and peer culture in multilingual settings” Sociological Studies of Youth and Culture, Vol. 21. Emerald Books Publishing.
Goldstein, K., Daniel-Shrem, D., Geuta, K., Gophen, A., Cohen, O., and Yair, G. (2016) “Developing and Implementing Socially Engaged Curriculum: Models and Reflections” European Commission Tempus ESPRIT.
Terada, M. and Goldstein, K. (2015) “The 3/11 Disaster In Miyagi, Japan: True Stories of Japanese and Americans From the Earthquake and Tsunami". 131 pages.
Golan-Cook, P., Goldstein, K., and Olshtain, E. (2015) “Ethnic Identity in the Shadow of Perceptions of Social Discrimination: The Case of Immigrants from Ethiopia in Israel” in ed. by Warner, A.: “Ethnic and Cultural Identity: Perceptions, Discrimination and Social Challenges” Nova Science Publishers.
Goldstein, K., Gofen, A., Yair, G. (2014) “University social responsibility (USR): Review of missions and current practices in studies of corporate social responsibility”. Tempus Esprit Lit. Rev. 1 (23).
Golan-Cook, P., Olshtain, E., and Goldstein, K. (2014) “Migration and Acculturation: Identity and Bilingual Orientations of Immigrant Students from the Former Soviet Union and Ethiopia in Israel” in ed. by Merton, J. “Acculturation: Psychology, Processes and Global Perspectives” Nova Science Publishers.
Yair, G., Goldstein, K., and Rotem, N. (2013) “Israel - Trends, Perspectives And Challenges In Strengthening Vocational Education For Social Inclusion And Social Cohesion” ETF and LSE Enterprise, Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union
Goldstein, K. (2012) “Drinking, Adolescent, and Education” in ed. by Ainsworth, J. “SAGE Sociology of Education: An A-to-Z Guide”. SAGE Publications
Goldstein, K. (2012) “Israel and Education” in ed. by Ainsworth, J. “SAGE Sociology of Education: An A-to-Z Guide.” SAGE Publications
Yair, G., Freiberg, A., and Goldstein, K. "We set up a ladder, but found snakes down the road: Ofanim graduates about a decade and a half after program completion". [הצבנו סולם, אבל מצאנו נחשים בהמשך הדרך:בוגרי אופנים כעשור וחצי לאחר הפעילות בעמותה]. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.
Yair, G., Goldstein, K., and Serouk, E. (2023). "Israelis in the Diaspora During Operation Iron Swords". Report for the The Department of Irgun and Connection with Israelis Abroad, World Zionist Organization. Department of Sociology and Anthropology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.
Yair, G., Serouk, E., Goldstein, K., and Kronzon, G. (2023). “Israelis in the Diaspora” The Department of Irgun and Connection with Israelis Abroad, World Zionist Organization, and The Fox School of Education at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.
Goldstein, K. and Gilley, T. (2022) “Learning and Development Outcomes from a Parent-Based Intervention During the First Year of Schooling: A Comparison of The Home Interaction Program for Parents and Youngsters (HIPPY) with a Matched Comparison Sample from the Australian Early Development Census (AEDC)”. Victoria, Australia: Brotherhood of St. Laurence.
Goldstein, K. and Manny-Ikan, E. (2022) “The ADVA Hi-Tech Training Program for Haredi Women”. Jerusalem, Israel: Szold Institute, Startup Nation Central.
Shahaf, A., Goldstein, K., Sklare, A., Piro, R., and Siman-Tov, Y. (2020-22, annual reports) “The Masa Project: The Israeli Experience”. Jerusalem, Israel: The Jewish Agency for Israel.
Goldstein, K. (2021) “Changing children’s trajectories: Results of the HIPPY Longitudinal Study (HLS), HLS Technical Paper No. 1, Measuring Parenting Styles in the HIPPY Longitudinal Study and the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children: Waves 1 to 3. Victoria, Australia: Brotherhood of St. Laurence
Goldstein, K. and Manny-Ikan, E. (2021) “Assessment of the Training Program Excellenteam”. Jerusalem, Israel: Szold Institute, Startup Nation Central.
Goldstein, K., Silverman, S., Berger Tikochinski, T., and Manny-Ikan, E. (2021) “Improvements in Math Cognition and Attitudes Based on Classroom-Guided Use of Matific: Analysis of an Online Pilot Program for 3rd and 4th graders in Estonia”. Jerusalem, Israel: Szold Institute, Matific.
Shahaf, A., Goldstein, K., Golan-Cook, P., Carmeli, Y., and Siman-Tov, Y. (2020) “Evaluation of the Morasha Program”. Jerusalem, Israel: Szold Institute, The Jewish Agency.
Shahaf, A., Sagi-Drori, M., Goldstein, K., Rosen, D., and Manny-Ikan, E. (2020) “Evaluation of the Bishvili+ Program”. Jerusalem, Israel: Szold Institute.
Cohen, E., Goldstein, K., and Mahol, B. (2020) [מחוז דרום במשרד החינוך ,דוח מחקר לתוכנית "נקרא יחד בערבית] "Called Together in Arabic". Jerusalem: Southern District of the Ministry of Education.
Brosh, T., Shpitzer, H., and Goldstein, K. (2019) “Analysis of Age Groups in Taglit-Birthright Israel” Jerusalem: Szold.
Goldstein, K., Shahaf, A., Golan-Cook, P., Rotem, N., Carmeli, Y. (2019) “Israeli Summer Camps: Jewish identity and pluralism in programs for youth, grades 7-12” UJA Federation of NY. 76 pages.
Goldstein, K. “Psychometric information on the entry and selection exams of 2019” (in Hebrew). Ministry of Education, Gifted and Excelled Students Division. Jerusalem: Szold Institute.
Goldstein, K. (2017) “Five Decades of HIPPY Research: A Preliminary Global Meta-Analysis and Review of Significant Outcomes” Jerusalem, Israel: RIFIE.
Goldstein, K., Shahaf, A., Golan-Cook, P., Rotem, N., and Carmeli, Y. (2019) “Israeli Summer Camp Market Research: Jewish Identity and Pluralism in Programs for Youth, Grades 7-12”. Jerusalem, Israel: Szold Institute and UJA Federation of NY.
Goldstein, K., Shem Tov, O., Maechler, P., Prazeres, D., and Lamon, B. (2019). “Affordable housing and social protection systems for all to address homelessness”. UN NGO Statement for the 58th Session of the Commission for Social Development.
Goldstein, K., Lamon, B., Koubek, L., and Shem-Tov, O. (2019) “Education, training, life-long learning and capacity-building”. Substantive Input for the 10th Session of the Open-ended Working Group on Ageing.
Goldstein, K., Bar Siman Tov, O. (2019) “Addressing inequalities and challenges to social inclusion through fiscal, wage and social protection policies”. World Summit for Social Development and the twenty-fourth special session of the General Assembly. UN CSOcD47.
Goldstein, K., Shem Tov, O., and Prazeres, D. (2018) “The Right to Privacy in the Digital Age”. Report for the High Commissioner on the Right to Privacy. Geneva, Switzerland: UN OHCHR
Goldstein, K. (2018) “Olami: Survey of July-August 2018 Israel Trips”. Jerusalem, Israel: Szold Institute.
Goldstein, K. (2017) "Substance Use and Subcultures among 10th and 11th Grade Israeli Students". Jerusalem, Israel: IADA.
Goldstein, K. (2016) “HIPPY International Literature Review- Stage One Results”, Brothers of St. Lawrence, HIPPY International, and The NCJW Research Institute for Innovation in Education, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Goldstein, K. (2016) “Results of the EU Tempus Survey of Social Responsibility: The College of Management Compared to Other Israeli Institutions” The College of Management, The NCJW Research Institute for Innovation in Education, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Goldstein, K. and Karasik, S. (2016) “Support for Parents with Preschool Children: Effects of Program Participation on Education and Involvement”, The NCJW Research Institute for Innovation in Education, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Goldstein, K. (2015) “Tohoku Stories: A Year in Review of the Japan Storytelling Project” Washington DC, USA: GlobalGiving
Goldstein, K. (2015) “Results from the E.U. Tempus Survey of Social Responsibility at Israeli Institutes of Higher Education” Tempus, Tel Hai College, The Hebrew University, Bezalel, Ben Gurion University, The National Student Union, The Authority for Community and Youth.