Dr. Jean-Michel Turcotte

Dr. Jean-Michel Turcotte
Ehemaliger Lehrbeauftragter an der Professur Militärgeschichte / Kulturgeschichte der Gewalt
Leibniz-Institut für Europäische Geschichte (IEG)
Alte Universitätsstraße 19
D-55116, Mainz
nach Vereinbarung
- seit 2020: Leibniz-Institut für Europäische Geschichte (IEG) Mainz, Postdoctoral Research Fellow
- Seit 2019: Chair of War Studies, University of Potsdam; Fonds de recherche du Québec - Société et Culture, Postdoctoral Fellow.
- 10/2018–03/2019: John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies, Berlin; Teaching. M.A. Seminar 32 411: Canadian 20th Century International History.
- 09/2018: Université Laval; Research assistant, Prof. Talbot Imlay.
- 2018: Université Laval; PhD. History, sup. Prof. Dr. Talbot Imlay and Prof. Dr. Fabian Lemmes, Ruhr-Universität in Bochum.
- 02–06/2017: Kursleiter, Volkshochschule der Hansestadt, Rostock, Germany; Teaching French Language, Level A1.
- 04–09/2014: Conference’s Proceeding, 14e colloque de l’Association des étudiants en histoire de l’Université Laval; Publishing and Editing Committee.
- 03/2013–08/2014: Université Laval, Centre interuniversitaire études québécoises (CIEQ); Research assistant, Prof. Dr. Brigitte Caulier.
- 03/2013: Université Laval, HST-2251 Histoire de la politique internationale, Course assistant, Prof. Dr. Talbot Imlay; Lecture, 03/2013: “Les Ostrogoths motorisés du 20e siècle (1933–1941): La diplomatie des années 1930 et les origines de la Deuxième Guerre mondiale en Europe et en Asie”.
- 2013: Université Laval; M.A. History, sup. Prof. Dr. Talbot Imlay.
- 05–08/2012: University of Saarland, Saarbrucken, Germany. Project manager assistant under Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Lüsebrink and Junior-Prof. Dr Christoph Vatter; Arbeitsstelle für interkulturelle Québec-Studien und nordamerkanische Frankophonie, Lehrstuhl für Romanische Kulturwissenschaft und Interkulturelle Kommunikation.
- 2010: Université du Québec à Chicoutimi; B.A. History.
- 08/2009–05/2010: Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, CIEQ; Research assistant, Prof. Dr. François Guérard.
- 05/2009: Université du Québec à Chicoutimi and State University of Moscow. Prof. Dr. Michel Roche; Internship in Russia.
- 2007: Cégep de Jonquière; D.E.C. Electrical engineering, Electrodynamics; D.E.C. Instrumentation, Automation.
Stipendien und Auszeichnungen
- 01/2018–03/2019: John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies, Freie Universität, Berlin. Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et Culture; Postdoctoral Fellow.
- 09/2018: Harry S. Truman Presidential Library; Research Grant.
- 05/2018: Canadian Historical Association; Travel Grant.
- 09/2017: 4th Writing Concours Revue Cap-Au-Diamants; Third Price, 3/21.
- 04–11/2017: Choquette Family Foundation, Québec; Fellowship, Citoyen du Monde, (10 000 CAN$).
- 04–10/2017: Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Research School, DAAD; Doctoral Fellowship, PhD Exchange.
- 05/2014–04/2017: Fonds de recherche du Québec - Société et Culture; Doctoral research grant.
- 07–09/2015: Doctoral Fellowship, German Historical Institute, Washington; Doctoral research grant for American National Archives and Records and Presidential Libraries.
- 12–05/2015: Fonds d’enseignement et de recherche (FER), Université Laval; Doctoral research grant for European Archives, Germany, Switzerland and Great-Britain.
- 12–05/2015: Stage hors Québec, Bureau international, Université Laval; Doctoral research scholarship for European Archives, Germany, Switzerland and Great-Britain.
- 07–08/2014: Fonds général pour les études supérieures (FGES), SSHRC; Doctoral research grant for Russian Archives, Moscow.
- 06–08/2013: Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD), Intensive Language Courses, 8 weeks at interDaf e.V am Herder-Institut der Universität Leipzig, Germany; German Class, Level B1.
- 05–08/2012: Association internationale d’études québécoises (AIEQ); Stage at University of Saarland, Germany.
- 05–06/2010: Explore program scholarship, Intensive language courses, 5 weeks at University of British Columbia; English class.
- 2010: 13th Writing Concours, TCA Québec – Fonds de solidarité FTQ; First Price, University Award; Raymond Labonté Award.
Konferenzen und Workshops
Jahr | Veranstaltung |
2018 | “Securing and Understanding Prisoners of War, 1940–1953: US Policy and the Surveillance of Enemy Captives from World War II to the Korean War,” Ringvorlesung: Surveillance and Social Order. Visibility, Invisibility and the Blurring of Boundaries, John F. Kennedy Institute, Berlin, December 12, 2018. |
“Militaries versus Humanitarians? The Contribution of High Military Commands to the Shaping of the Geneva Conventions and the International Humanitarian Laws,” Workshop: Comparing Militaries in the Long 19th Century, University of Bielefeld, November 29–30, 2018. | |
“War Captivity, Humanitarianism and Diplomacy: The cases of German Prisoners of War, 1940–1946 and North Korean and Chinese POWs, 1950–1953,” Third Conference of the New Diplomatic History Network, Roosevelt Institute, Middelburg, October 24–26, 2018. | |
“Prisoners of War and Transnational History,” HIST 3813A Problems in Global and Transnational Histories, Carleton University, September 28, 2018. | |
Yvon Larose, “Dans l’axe Londres-Washington,” Journal Le fil, Volume 54, no 3, 14 (2018), 1 p. | |
“The Great Commonwealth Family, a Disorted Harmony: Britain-Dominions’ Coordination and the Issue of German Prisoners of War, 1940-1945”, Research Colloquium North American History „Harmony and History“, John F. Kennedy Institute, Berlin, July 2, 2018. | |
“A Truly Ambivalent Collaboration: Canadian-British Wartime Relation and German Prisoners of War, 1940–1945,” Canadian Historical Association, University of Regina, May 29, 2018. | |
2017 | “Sharing the Burden of the Hitler’s Soldiers. Western Powers and German POWs during the Second World War,” New Research in Military History. The Many Faces of War – Changing Perspectives on Armed Conflict, British Commission for Military History, St-John’s College, Cambridge University, UK, November 17–18, 2017. |
“Prisoners of War as a Transnational Object in the North Atlantic Triangle. A New Perspective on the Detention of German POWs during the Second World War,” Kolloqium zur Geschichte Europas und des Mittelmeeraums, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany, October 30, 2017. | |
“We must change the Mind of these Hitler’s Soldiers! A New Interpretation of the Denazification of Germans POWs in Western Hands, 1944–1946,” Reeducation Revisited: Strategies, Actors, Institutions in Transnational and Comparative Perspective, Deutsche-Amerikanische Institute, Nuremberg, GHI Washington D.C., September 29–30, 2017. | |
“How to treat Hitler’s Soldiers? German Prisoners of War in Canada, the United States and Great-Britain during the Second World War,” Transatlantic Summer Workshops, the Graduate Center of the City University of New York and Ruhr-University, Bochum, Germany, July 31–August 4, 2017. | |
“The War Captivity as an International Issue: The case of the North Korean and Chinese Prisoners during the Korean War, 1950–1953,” Global Humanitarianism Research Academy (GHRA) Leibniz Institute of European History Mainz, ICRC Archives, Geneva July 9–21, 2017. | |
“How to handle Hitler’s soldiers? German prisoners of war in Canada, United States and Great-Britain during the Second World War,” Kolloquium für Zeitgeschichte, Ruhr-Universität, Bochum, May 3, 2017. | |
2016 | “Was wollen Sie wissen? The Western Allied Collaboration and Exchanges of Intelligence Information on German POWs during the Second World War,”Workshop, Restricting Knowledge: Channeling Security Information in Recent History, German Historical Institute and Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington D.C. December 8–9, 2016. |
“What to do with Hitler’s Soldiers? Prisoners of War as a Transnational Object. The detention of German POWs during the Second World War,” Workshop, European History across Bundaries, Leipniz Institut, Mainz, Germany, October 12–14, 2016. | |
“Il faut dénazifier les soldats d’Hitler ! La rééducation des prisonniers de guerre allemands au camp de Sorel au Québec 1945–1946. Transferts et transmission d’expertise interalliée,” 69e Colloque de l’Institut d’histoire de l’Amérique française : Transferts & transmission, Saguenay, Qc, Canada, October 6–8, 2016. | |
“The captivity of war as an object of mobility. The Western inter-allied relations on German POWs during the Second World War,” GSNAS Conference 2016: Flows and Undercurrents: Dimensions of (Im)mobility in North America, JFK Institute, FU, Berlin, June 2–4, 2016. | |
2015 | “How to treat Hitler’s Soldiers in North America? The Canada-U.S. Relationship and the German Prisoners of War, 1942-1945,” Kolloqium zur Geschichte Europas und des Mittelmeeraums, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany, November 17, 2015. |
“How to treat Hitler’s soldiers? German prisoners of war in Canada, the United States and Great-Britain during the Second World War,” Doctoral Seminar, German Historical Institute, Washington D.C. September 13, 2015. | |
“The Hitler’s soldiers in Allied hands. A masculine History? The Place of Women in the History of German Prisoners of War during the Second World War,” Symposium: Gender in War Captivity: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Institute of Historical Research, UCL, London and Warwick Institute of Advanced Study, May 8, 2015. | |
2014 | “How to treat Hitler’s soldiers? German prisoners of war in Canada, the United States and Great-Britain during the Second World War,” Kolloqium zur Geschichte Europas und des Mittelmeeraums, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany, 1st Décembre 2014 |
“What to do with Hitler’s soldiers? The relation between Canada and Britain about the detention of German POW in Canada, 1939–1945,” International Conference: Prisoners of War in the Twentieth Century – Actors, Concepts and Changes, Instituto de Historia Contemporanea, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbonne, Portugal, November 24–25, 2014. | |
“Les prisonniers de guerre allemands pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale,” Projekt EDEFFA, Arbeitstreffen Saarbrücken – Evakuierungen im deutsch-französischen Grenzraum während des Zweiten Weltkrieges, Universität des Saarlandes, November 21–22, 2014. | |
Yvon Larose, Déluge de Feu » Journal Le fil, Volume 50, numéro 5 (2014). | |
“Was wird mit uns passieren? Quoi faire des Boches ? La détention des prisonniers de guerre allemands (1914–1945),” XXIe colloque AEDDHUM, Université de Montréal March 2014. | |
“Was wird mit uns passieren? Quoi faire des Boches? La détention des prisonniers de guerre allemands (1914–1945),” VIIe colloque étudiant, Université de Sherbrooke, February 2014. | |
2013 | “Bombardons l’Allemagne! Le bombardement de l’Allemagne vu par le London Times, le Daily Herald et le Manchester Guardian,” 81e colloque of ACFAS, Université Laval May 6–10, 2013. |
“Il faut bombarder l’Allemagne! Les bombardements stratégiques sur l’Allemagne vus par le London Times, le Daily Herald et le Manchester Guardian,” 13e Colloque Association ARTEFACT, Université Laval, February 13, 2013. | |
2012 | “La campagne de bombardements stratégiques sur l’Allemagne (1939-1945). Énoncé d’un projet,” 12e Colloque Association ARTEFACT, Université Laval, February 14, 2012. |
2010 | “Le développement des syndicats nationaux à Saint-Joseph d’Alma et la grève de 1943,” Historical society of Lac-St-Jean, Alma, Dinner-Conference, July 20, 2010. |
In Arbeit
- “Bombing the City: Civilian Accounts of the Air War in Britain and Japan, 1939–1945 (Book Review)” by Aaron William Moore, Canadian Military History. [Accepted]
- “Life and Death in Captivity: The Abuse of Prisoners during War (Book Review)” by Geoffrey P. R. Wallace, Canadian Military History, vol. 38, Issue 1 (2019).
- “Captives of War.British Prisoners of War in Europe in the Second World War (Book Review)” by Clare Makepeace, H-War Book Reviews. [Accepted]
- “A Truly Ambivalent Collaboration: Canadian-British Wartime Relation and German Prisoners of War, 1940–1945,” International History Review, 38 p. [Accepted]
- Comment traiter les « soldats d’Hitler » ? Les relations interalliées et la détention des prisonniers de guerre allemands au Canada, aux États-Unis et en Grande-Bretagne (1939-1945). Rennes : Presses universitaires de Rennes, 472 p. [Accepted]
- “British POWs and the Holocaust: Witnessing the Nazi Atrocities (Book Review)” by Russel Wallis, H-War, H-War Book Reviews, February 2019.
- “Bodies and Ruins. Imagining the Bombing of Germany 1945 to the Present (Book Review)” by David F. Crew, War in History, vol. 25, Issue 4 (2018), p. 145–147.
- “‘An Important Contribution to the Allied War Effort.’ Canada and North Atlantic Intelligence Exchange on German POWs, 1940–1945,” Intelligence and National Security, vol. 34, Issue 2 (2019) p. 289-306.
- “Collaborer avec le Commonwealth? Les relations canado-britanniques et la détention de guerre au Canada, 1940–1945,” Canadian Historical Review, vol. 99, Issue 3 (2018), p. 428–455.
- “To have a friendly co-operation between Canadians and Americans. Les prisonniers de guerres allemands en Amérique du Nord, 1940-1945. Objet d’une cooperation américo-canadienne,” Bulletin d’histoire Politique, vol. 26, Issue 3 (2018), p. 105–127.
- “La participation canadienne à la rééducation des prisonniers de guerre allemands : l’expérience du camp de Sorel au Québec, 1945–1946,” Revue Cap-Aux-Diamants, No 132 (2018), p. 12–14.
- “Bowmanville, October 1942: The ‘Shackling Crisis’ and the German Prisoners of War in Canada,” in Johannes Paulmann, Marc Palen, Andrew Tompson et Fabian Klose, Online Atlas on the History of Humanitarianism and Human Rights, 2018.
- “To have a friendly co-operation between Canadians and Americans: The Canada–U.S. Relationship Regarding German Prisoners of War, 1940–1945,” Diplomacy & Statecraft, vol. 28, Issue 3 (2017), p. 383–402.
- “The Little Third Reich on Lake Superior: A History of Canadian Internment Camp R (Book Review)” by Ernest Robert Zimmerman,” Canadian Military History, vol. 26, Issue 1, Article 10 (2017), p. 32–35.
- “Les Prisonniers de Guerre Allemands. France, 1944–1949 (Book Review)’ by Fabien Théofilakis,” Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, vol. 263. Issue 3 (2016), p. 147–149.
- “Les soldats d’Hitler détenus en terres canadiennes : l’importance du Canada dans la détention de guerre durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale,” Transcanadiana, Polish Journal of Canadian Studies. Poznan, vol. 7: Canadian Soft Power: Dimensions of Canada’s Influence on the Outside World (2015), p. 62–80.
- “Entre appui et condamnation, la presse britannique et la campagne de bombardements stratégiques sur l’Allemagne (1939–1945),” Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, vol. 258, Issue. 2 (2015), p. 105–124.
- BRIEN, Raphaëlle, Ariane GODBOUT, Damien HUNTZINGER et Jean-Michel TURCOTTE (dir.), Actes du 14e Colloque international étudiant du Département d’histoire de l’Université Laval, Québec, Artefact, 2015, 207 p. [Comité d’édition] [Edition Committee]
- “Il faut détruire l’Allemagne! Les bombardements stratégiques (1939-1945) vus par le London Times, le Daily Herald et le Manchester Guardian,” in Marylize RACINE, et al.,Actes du 13e Colloque international étudiant du Département d’histoire de l’Université Laval, Québec, Artefact, 2014, p. 215–231.
- “Des Nazies à Dolbeau, la présence des prisonniers de guerre allemands au Lac-Saint-Jean,” Bulletin Le Bâtisseur, vol. 97 (2014), p. 8–10.
- “Le développement des Syndicats nationaux à Saint-Joseph d’Alma et la grève de 1943,” Bulletin Le Bâtisseur, vol. 83 (2011), p. 7–10.