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Welcome to the homepage of ZIM

The ZIM - Center for Information Technology and Media Management - provides the University of Potsdam with IT infrastructures, technical equipment, and media and IT services. Our portfolio includes services in the areas of data networks, communication, Internet and multimedia production. We offer a wide range of consulting services for teaching, research and studies. On our website you can inform yourself about the entire range of services offered by ZIM.

Focus on:
Potsdam Student Network (PSN) | Internet in the student halls of residence

Everything about internet in the dormitories of the Studentenwerk Potsdam can be found on our page PSN

Focus on:
Safety information

Information and advice from the ZIM regarding daily work

Foto Bildbeschreibung

Learning and working

The ZIM offers courses, tutorials and certifications on various topics.

Logo Zoom

Web conferencing at the UP

Find information about the web conferencing offer including Zoom.UP

Fotoausschnitt eines Regieraumbediengeräts

Event technology

You would like to hold an event? Here you will find our offer.

Foto eines Studenten am Drucker


Find information here (in German only)

Studenten sitzen an IT-Arbeitsplätzen

IT Workstations

IT Workstations can be used on all campus sites

Moodle-Logo der Universität Potsdam


The Zentrum für Qualitätsentwicklung in Lehre und Studium (ZfQ) and the ZIM operate e-learning platforms of Moodle