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Doing your PhD

The doctorate serves as proof of the ability to conduct in-depth scientific work. The title Dr. rer. pol. is awarded at the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences.

Doctoral and Habilitation Officer

Foto von Frau Florence Scholz

Florence Scholz

Phone: +49 331 977-3419, Building 1, room 1.28

The Doctoral and Habilitation Officer advises on questions concerning doctoral and habilitation studies and assists with all administrative steps from admission to the disputation. Furthermore, she prepares the content of the meetings of the doctoral committee, compiles statistics in the area of doctoral studies and Habilitation, and is involved in quality assurance and control.


Foto von Prof. Ulfert Gronewold

Prof. Dr. Ulfert Gronewold

Phone: +49 331 977- 3803

The ombudsperson is available as an independent, confidential and neutral contact person for all those seeking advice. The ombudsperson advises, supports and mediates in conflicts during the doctoral studies as well as in questions of suspected scientific misconduct. The ombudsperson is required to maintain confidentiality.


You can find more information about the doctoral committee here.

The doctoral procedure

Step 1: Interest in a doctorate

Step 2: Admission as a doctoral candidate

Step 3: Enrollment as doctoral student (mandatory)

Step 4: Submission of the dissertation

Step 5: Review of the dissertation

Step 6: Interpretation of the dissertation

Step 7: Disputation - the oral examination

Step 8: Publication of the dissertation


Cotutelle de thèse