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Internationalization at the Faculty

Internationalization is one of the core tasks in the faculty and a characteristic feature of research and teaching. The faculty prioritizes the development of an internationalization concept that is oriented towards the internationalization strategy of the University of Potsdam. In its internationalization strategy, the University of Potsdam pursues the general goal of increasing the quality and competitiveness of research, teaching, and studies at the University of Potsdam through appropriate internationalization measures, strengthening intercultural exchange and the welcoming culture at the University of Potsdam’s locations, and making the University more visible in the European and global context. The internationalization strategy of the University of Potsdam pursues five main goals and three strategic fields of action.

At the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, various advisory and other services are offered in the context of the internationalization of the faculty. The target groups are all status groups - students, academic staff, scientists and university teachers as well as non-scientific staff. The Internationalization unit therefore works closely with the relevant institutions of the university. The Internationalization Unit helps to initiate contacts and cooperative partnerships by providing targeted information and services.

Internationalization Officer

Prof. Dr. Fabian Schuppert

Campus Griebnitzsee, Building 1, Room 1.36
Phone.: +49 331 977-3340 | Foto: Tobias Hopfgarten

The Internationalization Officer has a prominent position within the faculty. He is supported in his work by the Internationalization Commissioner, who is an important contact point for scientists and students of the faculty as well as for institutions of the university. He accompanies and promotes the internationalization processes of the faculty by, for example, developing internationalization concepts and cultivating faculty partnerships, and is the interface to the International Affairs department in the University’s Presidential Board.

Departmental Erasmus+ Coordinator/ Adviser Internationalization Officer

Franziska Stimming (by proxy)

Campus Griebnitzsee, Building 1, Room 1.24
Phone: +49 331 977-3518

As Departmental Erasmus+ Coordinator, the Adviser of the Internationalization Officer selects the faculty’s Erasmus+ applications and is involved in the development of cooperation agreements.  She is the first contact person for students, lecturers and staff in the area of Erasmus+. She is also responsible for the preparation of reports, decision papers, data collection and conceptions.

Tutor for the international students of social sciences

Tom Busch

Office hours by appointment

Tutor for the international students of economics


Office hours by appointment

The tutors of the faculty are available to international students for questions about their studies as well as for the preparation of timetables, the work with PULS and for support in communicating with lecturers at the faculty. Furthermore, they are responsible for the organization and implementation of the Global Café. Requests for this can be sent to both tutors.