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Information for professors and employees of the WiSo Faculty

Dear university teachers, dear employees,

on these pages you will find useful information (including faculty-specific documents) on the following topics after successful registration:

  •     Research & third-party funding
  •     Budget & Finances
  •     Procurement & inventories
  •     Business trips
  •     Personnel (e.g. advertising positions, hiring academic staff and student employees, onboarding employees, recording working hours, vacation entitlement, etc.)
  •     Studies & teaching
  •     Academic self-administration (e.g. committee plan, rules of procedure of the Dean's Office, etc.)
  •     Other & information (e.g. applying for an e-mail account, UP IT services at a glance, dean's office substitution plan, etc.)

You will receive the login data from the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences. The prerequisite is that you are employed at the Wiso Faculty as a university lecturer or employee.

If you feel that important information is still missing on the website, please let us know.

Your dean's office team