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Appointment Procedure

The Appointment Procedure - from the call for tenders to the awarding of the position

Announcement of the professorship and call for applications

A professorship is advertised after approval by the university’s internal committees, by the president, and by the Ministry of Science, Research, and Culture. The professorship is usually advertised internationally and published in the job advertisements of the University of Potsdam. If you are interested in one of the advertised professorships, please send your complete application documents before the deadline to the email address given in the job advertisement.

Establishment of the Search Committee and the Hiring Procedure

The search committee (consisting of university professors, academic staff and students), which is appointed by the Faculty Council and whose members are nominated, prepares the decision on filling the professorship within the framework of an appointment procedure. After all applications have been reviewed, applicants are invited to give a presentation; this satisfies formal hiring requirements and substantiates professional criteria. As a rule, an invitation to give a presentation should be sent out approximately four weeks before the scheduled date. All information on the schedule and content will be sent out with the invitation. Following the candidate’s presentation, external reviews
will be obtained for the shortlisted applicants.
The search committee draws up an appointment list that is based on all the information gathered throughout the process. This is followed by a decision by all the committees involved. After the university’s internal committees approve the appointment list, it is sent to the Ministry of Science, Research and Culture with a request to issue an offer. Please note that it may take some time for the process to be completed and until the final call is issued.

Details can be found in the process description.

Officer for Appointment Management - Appointment Officer at the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences

Ms. Franziska Stimming

Phone: +49 331- 977-3518

Ongoing appointment procedures at the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences

W1 Professorships

W2 Professorships

Rechtliche Grundlagen

Legal basis

The legal basis for the hiring process can be found here.