Completed PhDs and habilitations
Congratulations to our graduates!
On the following page you will find the completed doctorates and habilitations in chronological order. We wish all graduates all the best for their future.
Completed PhDs since 2018
Completed PhDs - Year 2025
name | titel | subject | date of defense |
Sophie Petzolt | "Promoting digital innovation: promotor roles in SME´s digital transformation" | Business Administration | 27th Februrary 2025 |
Annika Schröder | "A Taxonomy of User Innovators An Empirical Classification based on Insights about People with Rare Diseases" (monograph) | Business Administration | 11th February 2025 |
Camilla Wanckel | "The effect of information and communication technologies (ICT) on the policy-making process in governments" (cumulative dissertation) | Political Science | 30th January 2025 |
Completed PhDs - Year 2024
name | titel | subject | date of defense |
Abdul Hadi Jalali | "The World Bank`s Approach To Civil Service Reforma And Administrative Capacity Building In Afghanistan: Achievements And Failures - A Critical Study of the World Bank`s CSR and Administrative Capacity Building in Post-Conflict States" (monograph) | Political Science | 19 December 2024 |
Thomas Effert | "Der interaktive Effekt von Empowering und Transactional Leadership auf die Leistung der Geführten" (monograph) | Business Administration | 12 December 2024 |
Jacqueline Sube | "Negotiations in a Technologically Transformed World – A Multidimensional Study" (cumulative dissertation) | Business Administration | 12 December 2024 |
Bianka Knoblach | "Consulting Impact: Soziale Anerkennung als Handlungsimperativ in der Managementberatung Theoretische Grundlagen – empirische Befunde" (monograph) | Business Administration | 4 December 2024 |
Michael Rimmel | "Organisierte Israelsolidarität in Deutschland? Zur Rolle und Wirkung (pro)israelischer und (pro)jüdischer Organisationen in Deutschland" (monograph) | Political Science | 15 November 2024 |
Barbara Rosemarie Rita Steffen | "Alignment-Driven AdaptationProcess & Tool (ADAPT): Towards Continuous and HolisticAdaptation of Organizations" (cumulative dissertation) | Business Administration | 13 November 2024 |
Malte Rolf Teichmann | "Zum Erkenntnisgegenstand des stillschweigenden Wissens - Erarbeitung eines lerntheoretischen Wissensmodells und dessen Instanziierung im virtuellen Raum" (monograph) | Business Administration | 30 October 2024 |
Pauline Boos | "Reform und Politik. Zum Scheitern postbürokratischer Reformen in Ministerien" (monograph) | Sociology | 25 October 2024 |
Tomás Agustín Vellani | "Pioneers or laggards? Digitalization of smaller medium-sized municipalities in Germany: drivers, governance, online service provision" (monograph) | Administrative Science | 23 September 2024 |
Catrina John | "Geschlechtsspezifische Bildungsungleichheit in Massive Open Online Courses - Eine empirische Analyse am Beispiel der MOOCs des Hasso-Plattner-Instituts für Digital Engineering" (monograph) | Sociology | 23 September 2024 |
Ann-Kathrin Rothermel | "Between Queen and Pawn Gender and the United Nations’ Governance of Terrorism and Violent Extremism" (cumulative dissertation) | Political Science | 4 September 2024 |
Riffat Noureen | "The dark side of empowering leadership" (monograph) | Business Administration | 29 August 2024 |
Alexander Karsten Wolf | „Pfadbrechende und pfadbestätigende Dienstleistungspotenziale in der deutschen Gesundheitswirtschaft durch Quantified-Self-Applikationen – Eine Delphi-Studie” (monograph) | Business Administration | 24 July 2024 |
Leo Wamwanduka | "Examining the Translation of Gender Norms in Southern Africa. The Case of Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) Translation by Zimbabwe`s Public Sector to Address Violence Against Women (VAW)“ (monograph) | Sociology | 15 July 2024 |
Jan Paul Adam | „Top-Management-Support und die Digitalisierung von Verwaltungsleistungen - Analyse zu den Effekten begrenzter Rationalität auf die Umsetzung von OZG-Leistungen und die Rolle des Verwaltungsmanagements” (monograph) | Business Administration | 9 July 2024 |
Margarita Gladkaya | "Essays on the Digitization of the Individual: Affordances, Use Patterns, Outcomes" (cumulative dissertation) | Business Administration | 8 July 2024 |
Alexander Pörschke | "Koalitionsbildung und Gesetzgebung im Semi-Parlamentarismus" (monograph) | Political Science | 17 April 2024 |
Alkis Blanz | "Essays on the macroeconomics of climate change and policy" (cumulative dissertation) | Economics | 16 April 2024 |
Marcel Panzer | "Design of a hyper-heuristics based control framework for modular production systems" (cumulative dissertation) | Business Administration | 12 April 2024 |
Lene Baumgart | "Die Ambivalenz der Digitalisierung - Potenziale und Probleme digitaler Transformationen in Organisationen" (cumulative dissertation) | Sociology | 21 March 2024 |
Oliver Göldner | "Strategievergleich internationaler Großbanken - Eine empirische Analyse der Auswirkungen der internationalen Ausrichtung auf den finanziellen Erfolg von global systemrelevanten Banken" (monograph) | Business Administration | 20 March 2024 |
Wolfgang Köhler | "Challenges of Efficient and Compliant Data Processing: Assuring legal access to data" (cumulative dissertation) | Business Administration | 13 February 2024 |
Completed PhDs - Year 2023
name | title | subject | date of defense |
Maul, Valeska Joya | Addressing Current Changes of Ecosystems in Innovation and Entrepreneurship (cumulative dissertation) | Business Administration | 22 December 2023 |
Melliger, Marc André | EFFECTS OF EXPOSING RENEWABLES TO THE MARKET - Analysing the design of support policies and the coordination of their changes from investor, system, and policy perspectives in EU member states. (cumulative dissertation) | Political Science | 15 December 2023 |
Elsässer, Joshua Philipp | United Nations Beyond the State? Interactions of Intergovernmental Treaty Secretariats in Global Environmental Governance (cumulative dissertation) | Political Science | 24 November 2023 |
Kunkel, Stefanie | Green industry through industry 4.0? Expected and observed effects of digitalisation in industry for environmental sustainability (cumulative dissertation) | Sociology | 15 November 2023 |
Ellenbeck, Saskia | Zwischen Modellierung und Stakeholderbeteiligung - Wissensproduktion in der Energiewendeforschung (cumulative dissertation) | Political Science | 9 November 2023 |
Gohl-Greenaway, Niklas | ESSAYS IN PUBLIC ECONOMICS (cumulative dissertation) | Economics | 21 September 2023 |
Kasberger, Magdalena | Organizational Learning from Negotiations (cumulative dissertation) | Business Administration | 18 September 2023 |
Hoffmann, Nicole Christiane | Essays on Crisis and Change From a Management- Accounting Perspective (cumulative dissertation) | Business Administration | 7 July 2023 |
Kirchner, Jan-Robert | Negotiations in Audit Processes (cumulative dissertation) | Business Administration | 17 July 2023 |
Andres, Maximilian | Four Essaya on Communication, Cooperation, And Text Mining In Experimental Economics (cumulative dissertation) | Economics | 12 June 2023 |
Haase, Jennifer | Creative Intensive Processes. An approach to model creative work (monograph) | Business Administration | 24 May 2023 |
Schaumburg, Josephine | Men are not better negotiators after all! Clarification and critical analysis of existing theory on gender and negotiation performance (monograph) | Business Administration | 25 April 2023 |
Ziemann, Niklas | Four essays on the role of distance for economic decision-making (cumulative dissertation) | Economics | 25 April 2023 |
Teitscheid, Jana | Information and Communication Technologies - Usage and the Effects on the Human Mind (cumulative dissertation) | Economics | 30 March 2023 |
Schrauth, Philipp | Agglomerations, air quality and urban transformation (cumulative dissertation) | Economics | 29 March 2023 |
Campos de Andrade, André Luiz | Governing Climate Change in Brazil – A Governance Gap Analysis of Selected Cases (monograph) | Political Science | 14 March 2023 |
Berg, Carsten | Der Beitrag der Europäischen Bürgerinitiative zur Demokratisierung der EU (monograph) | Political Science | 13 March 2023 |
Baum, Katharina | Social Networking Sites: Implications For Individual Well-Being And Society (cumulative dissertation) | Business Administration | 12 February 2023 |
Huhndorf, Dominik | Visionäre Führung und Teamleistung: Was erklärt diesen Zusammenhang und unterwelchen Bedingungen ist er besonders hoch? (monograph) | Business Administration | 9 February 2023 |
Stork, Carsten | Organizational Negotiation Management Implementation and Impact (cumulative dissertation) | Business Administration | 9 February 2023 |
Gülsen, Ali | Empowering Leadership, Follower Reflection, and Leader Well-Being: The Benefits of Empowering Leadership for Followers and Leaders (monograph) | Business Administration | 25 January 2023 |
Dannenmann, Barbara | Können technologiegestützte Verhandlungstrainings unter Einsatz von Künstlicher Intelligenz und Virtueller Realität das Vertriebstraining verbessern? Entwicklung und Evaluation eines automatisierten Verhandlungstrainings. (monograph) | Business Administration | 23 January 2023 |
Ombed, Kambasu | ATTRACTIVENESS OF GOVERNMENT AS AN EMPLOYER: The paradox of industrial action and public service attractiveness. (monograph) | Political Science | 20 January 2023 |
Completed PhDs - Year 2022
name | titel | subject | date of defense |
Molinengo, Giulia | THE MICROPOLITICS OF COLLABORATIVE GOVERNANCE - A power-sensitive and process-oriented perspective (monograph) | Political Science | 19 December 2022 |
Otto, Magdalena | Der Beteiligungsimperativ - Dispositivanalytische Untersuchung der Aktivierung von Bürger*innen in der Quartiersentwicklung (monograph) | Sociology | 6 December 2022 |
Gandhi, Nilima | Visionary Leadership and Job Satisfaction: An Empirical Investigation (monograph) | Business Administration | 23 November 2022 |
Krause, Hannes-Vincent | Social Networking Site Use and Well-Being – A Nuanced Understanding of a Complex Relationship (cumulative dissertation) | Business Administration | 9 November 2022 |
Heuberger, Moritz | Coordinating Digital Government. Explaining coordination challenges regarding the digital transformation of public administration in a federal context (cumulative dissertation) | Political Science | 12 October 2022 |
Mstoiani, Khatuna | „Diese Worte sollst du deinen Kindern einschärfen“ Biographische Perspektiven und Erfahrungen auf dem Bildungsweg junger russischsprachiger Jüdinnen und Juden in Deutschland (monograph) | Sociology | 11 October 2022 |
Obst, Cosima | Essays in Labor Economics (cumulative dissertation) | Economics | 11 October 2022 |
Brinkmann, Maik | Towards a joint public service delivery? The effects of blockchain on the relationship of public administrations with external stakeholders (cumulative dissertation) | Business Administration | 21 September 2022 |
Kutter, Denny | Three Essays on Misconduct and Reporting Outcomes (cumulative dissertation) | Business Administration | 23 August 2022 |
Teetz, Tim | Work design and leadership in lean production (monograph) | Business Administration | 6 July 2022 |
Oehlschläger, Patricia | Future Perspectives on Business Negotiations (cumulative dissertation) | Business Administration | 6 July 2022 |
Wittbrodt, Linda | Minimum Wage Effects in Germany and Europe - Four Essays (cumulative dissertation) | Economics | 5 July 2022 |
Schumacher, Jochen | Entwicklung eines Industrie 4.0 Reifegradindex für produzierende Unternehmen (monograph) | Business Administration | 29 June 2022 |
Brenner, Andri Caspar | Sustainable Urban Growth: Technology Supply and Agglomeration Economies in the City (monograph) | Economics | 14 June 2022 |
Dehnert, Maik | Studies on the Digital Transformation of Incumbent Organizations: Causes, Effects and Solutions for Banking (cumulative dissertation) | Business Administration | 16 May 2022 |
Rothbart (geb. Höfig), Chariklia | Mode- und Antwortskala-Effekte in Interviewer-administrierten Befragungen zu politischen Einstellungen (monograph) | Sociology | 5 May 2022 |
Taheri, Mana | The Impact of the Socio-Cultural Context on Design Thinking Education (monograph) | Business Administration | 25 April 2022 |
Gleiß, Alexander | Case Studies on Digital Transformation: Research on the Impact of Digital Technologies and Digital Platforms on the Economy (cumulative dissertation) | Business Administration | 24 March 2022 |
Burkert, Rebecca | Struggle for Existence: Acts of Subjecthood as Contentious Claim-Making in the West Bank (monograph) | Sociology | 4 March 2022 |
Theuer, Hanna Katharina | Beherrschung komplexer Produktionsprozesse durch Autonomie (monograph) | Business Administration | 7 February 2022 |
Ziesemer, Florence | Essays on Anti-Consumption: A Multi-Actor Approach to Sustainability (cumulative dissertation) | Business Administration | 21 January 2022 |
Completed PhDs - Year 2021
name | titel | subject | date of defense |
Rhaouat, Mohamed Kamal | The Impact of Motivational Factors on Employees’ Turnover Intentions (monograph) | Business Administration | 16 December 2021 |
Häßler, Marcel | Die Polizei aus Sicht afghanischer Polizisten – Ein Perspektivwechsel (monograph) | Sociology | 8 December 2021 |
Heinzel, Mirko Noa | World Bank staff and project implementation. The importance of country-specific knowledge (cumulative dissertation) | Political Science | 8 December 2021 |
Ssembatya, Anthony | Dual Citizenship: A Comparative Study of Kenya and Uganda (monograph) | Sociology | 6 December 2021 |
Tattarini, Giulia | A job is good,but is a good job healthier? Longitudinal analyses on the health consequences of unemployment and precarious employment in Europe. (cumulative dissertation) | Sociology | 26 November 2021 |
Buss, Martin | The dark side of visionary leadership (monograph) | Business Administration | 19 November 2021 |
Malmedie, Lydia | Translating and Organizing a Wicked Problem. Making sense of the EU promoting human rights for LGBTI persons in Sub-Saharan Africa (monograph) | Sociology | 22 October 2021 |
Wolf, Anne-Christine | Duales Lernen. Eine Lernform zur Berufsorientierung durch Verknüpfen von schulischem Lernen und Lernen am Praxisort. Entwicklung, Erprobung und Ergebnisse einer Evaluation an Berliner Integrierten Sekundarschulen im 7. Jahrgang (monograph) | Economics - Work - Technology (WAT) | 4 October 2021 |
Schmidt, Robert | Gründungsförderung an Hochschulen. Eine empirische Untersuchung fördermittelfinanzierter Gründungsberatungen an Brandenburger Hochschulen (monograph) | Business Administration | 6 September 2021 |
Niroomand, Kian | Wandlungsfähige Verwaltungen: Können öffentliche Verwaltungen im Angesicht unerwarteter Umweltveränderungen schnell, effizient und selbst agieren? (monograph) | Business Administration | 24 August 2021 |
Siebert, Ernestine | New Strategic Approaches for Multi-issue Negotiations (cumulative dissertation) | Business Administration | 16 August 2021 |
Sedová, Barbora | Heterogeneous Effects of Weather and Climate Change on Human Migration (cumulative dissertation) | Economics | 14 July 2021 |
Hefen, Veronika | Karrierewege in der Wirtschaftsprüfung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der relativen Repräsentation von Frauen (monograph) | Business Administration | 13 July 2021 |
Schumacher, Juliane | Die Regierung des Waldes Klimawandel, Kohlenstoffmärkte und neoliberale Naturen in Marokko (monograph) | Sociology | 9. July 2021 |
Sonat, Duygu | Institutional change in the Turkish social assistance system: national reforms, street-level practices (monograph) | Political Science | 6 July 2021 |
Dreßen, Sebastian | Open innovation for manufacturing technologies – The operational technology management level perspective – (cumulative dissertation) | Business Administration | 29 June 2021 |
Graeber, Daniel | Four Essays on the Socio-Economic Causes and Consequences of Individual Health as well as Public Health Crises (cumulative dissertation) | Economics | 28 June 2021 |
Eydam, Ulrich | Essays on Macroeconomics (cumulative dissertation) | Economics | 28 June 2021 |
Bunnenberg, Philipp | Aktiv versus Passiv Eine kritische Analyse hinsichtlich Closet Indexing aktiv gemanagter Investmentfonds und Risiken passiv gemanagter ETFs (monograph) | Business Administration | 21 June 2021 |
Dai, Kuang | Gründungen durch Akademikerinnen und Akademiker mit Migrationshintergrund (monograph) | Business Administration | 21 June 2021 |
Wild, Andreas | Strategic supplier cooperation in the automotive industry (cumulative dissertation) | Business Administration | 11 June 2021 |
Abujarour, Safa'a | Digital Inclusion: The Role of Information and Communication Technology in Alleviating Social Disruptions (cumulative dissertation) | Business Administration | 3 June 2021 |
Schindler, Eva | “What we have done is just to put the people in form of a structure” The myth of participation and the organisation of civil society (monograph) | Sociology | 11 May 2021 |
Collignon, Martin | Performance Management und Performance - Informationen in der öffentlichen Verwaltung – eine neuroökonomisch inspirierte Perspektive. Eine empirische Untersuchung zur Erklärung des Informationsnutzungsverhalten von Public Managern am Beispiel polizeilicher Führungskräfte in Deutschland (monograph) | Business Administration | 10 May 2021 |
Teichert, Conrad | Bildungssteuerung im System der Fahranfängervorbereitung – Steuerungstheoretische Grundlagen, empirische Befunde und steuerungspraktische Empfehlungen (monograph) | Economics - Work - Technology (WAT) | 25 March 2021 |
Sikkens, Reinier | An analysis of Cultural Entrepreneurship: A balance between culture and business within media art (monograph) | Business Administration | 22 March 2021 |
Heger, Tobias | Foresight in Networks – A Relational View on Corporate Foresight – (cumulative dissertation) | Business Administration | 19 March 2021 |
Stemmer, Robert | Strategic Business Model Innovation. A holistic analysis of strategic business model innovation endeavors within corporate entrepreneurial environments (monograph) | Business Administration | 19 March 2021 |
Schmid, Sylvia | Zwischen Kooperation und Wettbewerb – Zur Zusammenarbeit in naturwissenschaftlichen Forschungsteams in außeruniversitären Forschungseinrichtungen (monograph) | Business Administration | 18 March 2021 |
Schweiger, Stefan | Erzählungen der Energiewende – Sozialwissenschaftliche Erzählforschung als Methodik nachhaltigkeitsorientierter Politikwissenschaft (monograph) | Political Science | 10 March 2021 |
Hebisch, Benjamin | Power in supply chain negotiations: a two-stage approach (cumulative dissertation) | Business Administration | 21 January 2021 |
Completed PhDs - Year 2020
name | titel | subject | date of defense |
Bombart, Diane | The geometry of a complex institution unpacking the meaning structure of results-based management inside the french development agency (monograph) | Sociology | 18 December 2020 |
Bender, Benedict | Platform Coring on Digital Software Platforms (cumulative dissertation) | Business Administration | 11 December 2020 |
Muster, Judith | Grenzen des Organisierbaren. Studien zur Praxisrelevanz der Organisationssoziologie (cumulative dissertation) | Sociology | 6 November 2020 |
Kietzmann, Uwe | Change leadership – Effekte auf veränderungsbezogene Selbstwirksamkeit, Veränderungsängste und emotionale Erschöpfung im Kontext von Veränderungen am Arbeitsplatz (monograph) | Business Administration | 6 November 2020 |
Diab, Sarah | Der Einfluss von nachhaltigem Konsumbewusstsein auf Luxuskonsum unter Berücksichtigung verschiedener Moderatoren (monograph) | Business Administration | 30 October 2020 |
Tübbicke, Stefan | Essays on Start-Up Subsidies for the Unemployed and Methods for Causal Inference (cumulative dissertation) | Economics | 21 September 2020 |
Kirschbaum, Martin | Die Ökonomie der Konventionen und der Aufbau Ost. Ein qualitativempirischer Vergleich des ost- und westdeutschen Maschinen- und Anlagenbaus (monograph) | Political Science | 19 August 2020 |
Fischer, Caroline | Knowledge Sharing in the Public Sector: How and why public employees share their knowledge at the workplace and how to foster that behavior? (monograph) | Business Administration | 17 August 2020 |
Scholz, Florian | Leadership and Prosocial Behavior: Effects of Servant Leadership on Followers and Leaders (monograph) | Business Administration | 12 August 2020 |
Benter, Christine Regina | Wert und Nutzenstiftung in der Medizin - Patientenzentrierte Outcome-Messung in der Hals-Nasen-Ohrenheilkunde (monograph) | Business Administration | 14 July 2020 |
Schill, Denisa | Employer Branding in der Gesundheitswirtschaft. Strategien, Geschäftsmodelle, Handlungsimperative (monograph) | Business Administration | 14 July 2020 |
Feil, Hauke | Good, bad, or ugly: Does it really matter? Understanding the linkage between the performance of development projects and the recipient country’s policy and institutional environment (cumulative dissertation) | Political Science | 4 June 2020 |
Schütze, Franziska | Finance for a sustainable economy. Implications for policy and practice (cumulative dissertation) | Economics | 28 May 2020 |
Schurig, Antonia | Bessere Rechtsetzung im europäischen Vergleich: Arbeitsweise und Institutionalisierung der Normenkontrollräte in Deutschland, den Niederlanden und dem Vereinigten Königreich (monograph) | Political Science | 25 May 2020 |
von den Driesch, Ellen | Unter Verschluss. Zur Geschichte des Suizids in der DDR 1952–1990(monograph) | Sociology | 14 May 2020 |
Wozny, Florian | Three Empirical Essays in Health Economics (cumulative dissertation) | Economics | 11 May 2020 |
Menning, Axel | Kohärenz und Kreativität - Untersuchung von Themenwechseln in Designgesprächen (monograph) | Business Administration | 8 May 2020 |
Radtke, Ina | Organizing immigration – German ministerial bureaucracies in a dynamic policy field (cumulative dissertation) | Political Science | 20 February 2020 |
Herold, Jana | International Bureaucracies as Governance Actors. An Assessment of National Stakeholders’ Perspectives (cumulative dissertation) | Political Science | 29 January 2020 |
Leue-Bensch, Carina | Supporting the Expression of Entrepreneurial Potential (monograph) | Business Administration | 28 January 2020 |
Completed PhDs - Year 2019
Name | Titel der Dissertation | Fach | Datum der Disputation |
Henike, Tassilo | Cognition and entrepreneurial business modelling. The impacts of cognitive dispositions, search activities and visual framing (cumulative dissertation) | Business Administration | 17 December 2019 |
Schmeiss, Jessica | Designing Value Architectures for Emerging Technologies. Empirical Insights on the Role of the Firm in System-wide Innovation (cumulative dissertation) | Business Administration | 17 December 2019 |
Schmidt, Max Oliver | Umkämpftes Asyl. Seenotrettung und Kirchenasyl als organisationale Strategien zur Usurpation des EU-Grenzregimes und zwischengesellschaftlicher Schließungssysteme (monograph) | Sociology | 16 December 2019 |
Bieri, Pascal | Topmanager im Kreuzfeuer ihrer Dilemmata. Ursachen, Bewältigungsstrategien und Resultate von emp-fundenen Dilemmata im Habitat der Topmanager sowie das Kontinuum derer Typen in Bezug auf Dilemmata-Arten (monograph) | Business Administration | 16 December 2019 |
Döring, Matthias | The Public Encounter - Dynamics of Citizen-State Interactions (monograph) | Business Administration | 3 December 2019 |
Nasery, Mustafa | The success and failure of civil service reforms in Afghanistan. A critical study of the post-taliban civil service and public administrative reforms (monograph) | Political Science | 2 December 2019 |
Hanschmann, Raffael | Stalling the engine? EU climate politics after the ‘Great Recession’ Investigating the impact of economic shocks on EU climate policy-making in three case studies (monograph) | Administrative Science | 28 November 2019 |
Ortmann, Maximilian | Goal Setting Strategies in Business Negotiations (cumulative dissertation) | Business Administration | 22 October 2019 |
Rose, Robert | Leading for team-level creativity and innovation – A bibliometric and field-based analysis (monograph) | Business Administration | 11 October 2019 |
Brase, Alexa Kristin | Spiele um Studium und Lehre? Zur mikropolitischen Nutzung von Qualitätsmanagementsystemen an Hochschulen in Deutschland (monograph) | Political Science | 18 September 2019 |
Arf, Shelan Ali | Women´s Everyday Reality of Social Insecurity: The Case of Divorced Women in Iraqi Kurdistan (monograph) | Sociology | 4 September 2019 |
Mörl, Susann | Entwicklung und Erprobung konzeptioneller Grundlagen zur lernförderlichen Gestaltung von Kompetenzrückmeldungen bei der Praktischen Fahrerlaubnisprüfung (monograph) | Sociology | 4 September 2019 |
Rhode, Alexander | Public Procurement in the European Union: How Contracting Authorities Can Improve Their Performance in Tenders (monograph) | Business Administration | 20 August 2019 |
Fawaz, Emadeldin | The interactive effect of visionary leadership and leader prototypicality on team outcomes (monograph) | Business Administration | 20 August 2019 |
Wernert, Yann | Internationale Kooperationen in der Rohstoffpolitik: Potenziale und Grenzen am Beispiel von Deutschland und Frankreich (monograph) | Political Science | 9 July 2019 |
Reiher, Martin | Parlamentarier als Beruf: Rekrutierungswege und politische Karrieren am Beispiel des Deutschen Bundestages (monograph) | Political Science | 9 July 2019 |
Schettler, Leon Valentin | Socializing Development. Transnational Social Movement Advocacy and the Human Rights Accountability of Multilateral Development Banks (monograph) | Political Science | 21 May 2019 |
Bachsleitner, Anna | Bildungsverläufe und soziale Ungleichheit vom Abitur bis zur Promotion (cumulative dissertation) | Sociology | 20 May 2019 |
Hüttel, Alexandra | The Role of Human Values in Sustainable Consumption (cumulative dissertation) | Business Administration | 16 May 2019 |
von Kaphengst, Dragana | Project’s Management Quality in Development Cooperation (monograph) | Political Science | 8 May 2019 |
Wulff, Alexander | Essays in Macroeconomics and Financial Market Imperfections (cumulative dissertation) | Economics | 16 April 2019 |
Trifonov, Stefan | Driving into the Activities and Goals in the Entrepreneurial Process if Internet-enabled Startups. An Activitybased Perspective in the Context of Accelerator Programs (monograph) | Business Administration | 12 April 2019 |
Renard, Léa | Socio-histoire de l’observation statistique de l’altérité : Principes de classification colonial, national et migratoire en France et en Allemagne (1880-2010) (monograph) | Sociology | 4 April 2019 |
Stolley, Florian | Four Essays on Altruism and Compliance (cumulative dissertation) | Economics | 13 March 2019 |
Biewener, Ann-Kathrin | Säkularisierung im heiligen Land? Judentum zwischen Nation und Religion - Israels Entwicklungen im säularisierten Zeitalter (monograph) | Political Science | 11 February 2019 |
Heucher, Angela | Through IOs’ Eyes. International Organizations in the Field of Food Security Governance and their Positions, Perceptions, and Responses (monograph) | Political Science | 21 January 2019 |
Completed PhDs - Year 2018
Name | Titel der Dissertation | Fach | Datum der Disputation |
Weber, Marie-Christin | Performance Enhancing Strategies in Different Negotiation Phases (cumulative dissertation) | Business Administration | 19 December 2018 |
Eskelson, Daniela | The Market of Sustainable and Responsible Investment (monograph) | Economics | 19 November 2018 |
Vorholt, Dominik | Konkurrenzausschluss bei deutschen Wirtschaftsverbänden. Eine populationszentrierte Untersuchung (monograph) | Political Science | 2 November 2018 |
Schukraft, Stefan | Legislativer Konflikt in den deutschen Ländern. Eine empirische Studie zur Bildung von Gesetzgebungsmehrheiten zwischen Programmatik, Wettbewerb und Mehrebenensystem (monograph) | Political Science | 29 October 2018 |
Hill, Lukasz | Soziale Integration und politische Partizipation in Demokratien. Weshalb sind einige Gesellschaften politisch aktiver als andere. (monograph) | Sociology | 23 October 2018 |
Lühe, Josefine | Das Zusammenspiel von Geschlecht und sozialer Herkunft im Bildungserfolg und in den beruflichen Aspirationen (cumulative dissertation) | Sociology | 17 October 2018 |
Rhinow, Holger | Design Thinking als Lernprozess in Organisationen. Neue Chancen und Dilemmata für die Projektarbeit (monograph) | Business Administration | 12 October 2018 |
Carstensen, Janet | Modellentwicklung für eine wirtschaftsorientierte Ausbildung vor dem Hintergrund des Generationenwandels am Beispiel Potsdam (monograph) | Business Administration | 8 October 2018 |
Konon, Alexander | Essays on career choice under risk and ambiguity (cumulative dissertation) | Economics | 28 August 2018 |
Lange, Anne | On a small scale: How micro relations facilitate cooperation in peacekeeoing interventions (monograph) | Political Science | 20 July 2018 |
Mielke, Jahel | Coordination on Green Investment. Implications of a Sustainability Transition in Europe (cumulative dissertation) | Economics | 19 July 2018 |
Aktan, Oktay | Türkische Fußballvereine in Berlin: Eine empirische Studie zur Konstitution von sozialer Positionierung und ethnischer Zugehörigkeit (monograph) | Sociology | 18 July 2018 |
Sarnes-Nitu, Juliane | Mit der Schuldenbremse zu nachhaltigen Staatsfinanzen? Wirkungen der neuen Fiskalregel auf die deutschen Bundesländer (monograph) | Administrative Science | 16 July 2018 |
Weiß, Katharina | Three Essays on EFRAG (cumulative dissertation) | Business Administration | 12 July 2018 |
Becker, Stefanie Lyn | From regimes to grassroots innovations: a framework for understanding the causes of the barriers to community-based initiatives and their impacts on transitions (cumulative dissertation) | Political Science | 4 July 2018 |
Kraft, Frederik | Be Creative, Now! The Paradox of Freedom in Organizations (monograph) | Business Administration | 29 June 2018 |
Knöpfle, Timo Andreas | Methoden der Datenerhebung in der Verhandlungsforschung: Erkenntnisse und Trends einer literaturbasierten Analyse und Darlegung zukünftiger Perspektiven (monograph) | Business Administration | 19 June 2018 |
Wagner, Mario | Industrie 4.0 und demografische Entwicklung aus strukturationstheoretischer Sicht - Praxiserfahrungen und Handlungsempfehlungen (monograph) | Business Administration | 15 June 2018 |
Ullrich, André | Eigenschaften wandlungsfähiger Systeme - Erarbeitung eines Indikatorsystems (monograph) | Business Administration | 31 May 2018 |
Roes, Michel | Corporate Social Responsibility und finanzielle Performance von börsennotierten Unternehmen – Eine empirische Analyse des Zusammenhangs (monograph) | Business Administration | 30 May 2018 |
Gaus, Alexander | Politics at the international competition network. A new perspective on power, politics and a logic of compromise in meta-organizations (monograph) | Sociology | 22 May 2018 |
Kirchner, Moritz | Der neueste Geist des Kapitalismus (monograph) | Political and Administrative Science | 17 May 2018 |
Remuß, Nina-Louisa | Theorising Institutional Change: The Impact of the European Integration Process On the Development of Space Activities in Europe (monograph) | Political Science | 9 May 2018 |
Mülling, Eric | Big Data und der digitale Ungehorsam. Motivationen und Bedrohungen für den Netzprotest durch die Auswertung von Massendaten (monograph) | Political Science | 7 May 2018 |
Kesselmann, Manuela | Entwicklung eines Instrumentes zur Messung von Präsentismus und Handlungsempfehlungen zur Reduktion (monograph) | Business Administration | 16 April 2018 |
Schiprowski, Amelie | Four Empirical Essays on theEconomics of Job Search (cumulative dissertation) | Economics | 5 March 2018 |
Kilgus, Tobias | Der Integrationsprozess Kosovos in die Europäische Union. Eine Analyse der EU-Kosovo-Beziehungen und ihrer Zukunftsperspektiven (monograph) | PPolitical Science | 23 February 2018 |
Completed habilitations since 2003:
Completed habilitations since 2003
Year | Name | subject |
2025 | Dr. Guergana Vladova | Business Informatics and Business Administration |
2025 | Dr. Olga Abramova | Business Informatics and Business Administration |
2020 | Dr. Andrzej Marcin Suszycki | Political Science |
2020 | Dr. Krzysztof Węcel | Business Informatics |
2019 | Dr. Eddie Hartmann | Sociology |
2017 | Dr. Tanja Klenk | Political Science |
2016 | Dr. Maximilian Terhalle | Political Science |
2015 | Dr. Simon Koschut | Political Science |
2015 | Dr. Jörn Knobloch | Political Science |
2014 | Dr. Florian Becker-Ritterspach | Business Admnistration |
2014 | Dr. Gideon Botsch | Political Science |
2013 | Dr. Gregor Fitzi | Sociology |
2013 | Dr. Christine Weinbach | Sociology |
2010 | Dr. Stefan Bach | Economics |
2010 | Dr. Susanne Völker | Sociology |
2010 | Dr. Heidemarie Winkel | Sociology |
2009 | Dr. Tino Michalski | |
2008 | Dr. Victoria Kaina | Political Science |
2008 | Dr. Ireneusz Pawel Karolewski | Political Science |
2008 | Dr. Fritz Reusswig | Sociology |
2008 | Dr. Sandra Seubert | Political Science |
2008 | Dr. Eva-Maria Ziege | Sociology |
2008 | Dr. Irene Zierke (Umhabilitation) | Sociology |
2007 | Dr. Sabine Kuhlmann | Political and Administrative Science |
2006 | Dr. Michael Rohloff | Business Informatics |
2006 | Dr. Achim Seisreiner | Business Administration |
2006 | Dr. Ulrich Thießen | Economics |
2006 | Dr. Thomas von Winter (Umhabilitation) | Political Science |
2005 | Dr. Marian Döhler | Political and Administrative Science |
2003 | Dr. Uwe Jun | Political and Administrative Science |