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Dr. (phil.) Peter Kossack

Dr. Peter Kossack - akademischer Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl Schulentwicklung

Academic associate

Academic associate


Campus Golm
Building 24 - Room 2.75
Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 24 - 25
14476 Potsdam


consulting hours
after arrangement

Academic and occupational background:

since 04/2023

Staff Scientist/Lecturer at the professorship for school development, University of Potsdam


Staff Scientist/Lecturer at the Professorship of Inclusion and Organizational Development, University of Potsdam


Substitute professor for educational and socialization processes, University of Potsdam


Substitute Professor for applied research of teaching and learning, University of Potsdam


Substitute Professor for education with a focus on adult education/further education, TU Darmstadt


Researcher at the professorship for adult education, further education and media education, University of Potsdam


Researcher at the professorship for adult education, Helmut-Schmidt-University Hamburg


Doctoral degree in Philosophy at Freie Universität Berlin, "Learning and Guidance - A deconstructive analysis of the discourse of further education"


Research Assistant at the professorship for further education, Justus-Liebig-University Gießen


Research Assistant at the professorship for adult education, Freie Universität Berlin


Diploma in Education, PH Freiburg

Research Interests:

  • Deconstruction as an educational theoretical perspective
  • Theories of learning and pedagogical counseling
  • Inclusion

Selected publications:

  • Kossack, P. (2021). On the critique of the political economy of adult education. Reading Dirk Axmacher's “Adult Education in Capitalism”. In K. Büchter & T. Höhne (Eds.), Vocational and further training under pressure. Economization processes in work, occupation and qualification (pp. 197-227). Basel; Weinheim: Beltz Juventa.
  • Kossack, P. (2018). On the possibility of selftransformation of  subjects. Education, lifelong learning and competence (development). In C. Hof & H. Rosenberg (Eds.), Learning over the Life Course (pp. 163–179). Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag. doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-19953-1_9
  • Kossack, P. (2016). The pedagogical internal structure of the consultation. In W. Gieseke & D. Nittel (Eds.), Handbook of Educational Counseling over the Lifespan (pp. 122–130). Weinheim: Beltz.
  • Kossack, P. (2014). Appeals to a theory of pedagogical action. Pädagogische Rundschau, 3, 263-271.


Selected conference presentations:

Kossack, P. (2019, November 4-5). Competence and attitude: Can a care work workers attitude be taught and learned? [Keynote] Symposium of the Federal Working Group on Remedial Education, Potsdam, Germany.

Kossack, P. (2019, September 24-26). On the critique of the political economy of adult education. Annual conference of the DGfE adult education section, Halle, Germany.

Kossack, P. (2017, November, 9). Student-centered teaching - A practical report. Day of Teaching, University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany.

Kossack, P. (2015, November 25-26). Governing Lifelong Learning. The right to education, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal.

Kossack, P. (2015, November, 17). Discourse-analytical stakes on learning over the course of a life. Lecture series »Learning over the course of  life«, Goethe University Frankfurt, Frankfurt a.M., Germany.



Courses of the current semester can be found in the course catalog on PULS.