Startup Week
Startup Week X Campus Golm
Our Startup Week will take place at TIP Golm from 17 June to 25 June.
During the week there will be many exciting opportunities to immerse yourself in the world of start-ups. Here you get an overview of the upcoming events and the possibility to register.
Tuesday 18.06.
Short Inputs
Listen to short input sessions from our team on exciting topics:
10:00 am -10:10 am Start-up role models
11:50 am -12:00 am Offers from the Startup Service
12:00 am - 12:10 am Future location Potsdam
1:50 pm - 2 pm Why self-employment
2 pm - 2:10 pm From the idea to the business model
4 pm - 4:10 pm From the idea to the business model
We look forward to seeing you!
Wednesday May 7th
Venture Capital Q&A
In the morning, we invite you to an open Q&A session where experienced investors will be on hand to answer questions and provide valuable insights. This offer is particularly aimed at people who are already in the startup advisory process or have even already founded a company.
Guests tba
Where: TIP (House 10), Campus Golm
When: Wednesday, 07/05 11 am-12 pm
Registration: Register here!
Cash & Coffee (one-to-one counselling)
Receive personalised advice on financing and funding from Eike Herbst (Potsdam Economic Development Agency) and Dietmar Kokse (Investitionsbank des Landes Brandenburg). Book a 60-minute slot to get in-depth information about financing and funding opportunities in Potsdam and the state of Brandenburg.
Available slots:
- 12:30 am - 1:30 pm
- 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm
- 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm
- 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
- Eike Herbst (Potsdam Economic Development Agency)
- Dietmar Kokse (Investment Bank of Brandenburg)
Registration by e-mail to:
Donnerstag 20.06.
Startup Story Night
Our flagship event, the Startup Story Night, will take place on the Thursday of Startup Week on the topic of "TeamUP". Take a look at the applications on our Matching Wall in the TIP in advance and register for Startup Story Night!
Once again this year, we will open the event with a speed pitching session in which teams from our network will present their ideas. There will also be a matching wall where start-up teams will have the chance to look for new members.
As a special highlight, participants can look forward to an inspiring keynote speech by Martin Rohler, founder of Team-Mate GmbH. He will provide insights into how to analyse different personalities in teams in order to optimise the teamwork of current and future team members.
Finally, we invite all guests to open networking.
21.06 & 24.06
IP@UP 21.06
Join us online at our next event in the IP@UP series on 21 June 2024 at 10 am!
Why do I need a registered "trade mark"? What is it anyway? Does it have anything to do with an invention, a patent? And why should I deal with it early on?
Get to know the basics of trade mark protection and find out why this instrument could also be important for scientists and founders. Ms Heike Schubert (Patent Attorney, European Patent, Trademark & Design Attorney) from the law firm BRAEUNING & SCHUBERT Patentanwälte in Teltow will support us as a speaker.
The online seminar will be held in German.
Participation in the event is free of charge. Please register by 19 June 2024 using the form below. You will receive the access data for ZOOM the day before the event.
What: IP@UP - Trade mark protection for all
When: 21 June 2024 at 10 a.m.
Where: online via ZOOM
Please register by 19.06.2024
Open consultation session
Do you have an idea but don't know how to get started? Take part in one of our non-binding consultation hours! Simply come to the start-up counselling service of the Startup Service and the City of Potsdam. Our experts are ready to support you with your first steps and give you valuable tips. No matter how advanced your idea is - take the opportunity to ask your questions and receive important information for your start-up process. We look forward to getting to know you and supporting you in your endeavours!