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Workshops & Events

Potsdam Transfer organises various formats for scientists, founders, students interested in founding a company, alumni and researchers at the University of Potsdam as well as interested parties from business and society. 

Coachings & Workshops

Zwei Männer und eine Frau stehend


Develop a start-up idea based on your research with an interdisciplinary team.

Mehrere Personen versammelt um einen Tisch mit Legosteinen darauf


Use your doctoral thesis as the basis for a business idea and apply design thinking to the development of your business model.

Mann auf der Bühne vor Comicbildern

Science Slam Coaching

Present your research in a captivating and memorable way.

Stoffbeutel, Post-its und Legosteine auf einem Tisch


Optimise your start-up idea and further develop your skills as a founder.


Startup Basics

Gain knowledge of best practices and skills needed to successfully start a business.

Time-Timer auf einem Tisch


Improve your skills as a facilitator, startup consultant or project manager.

Typo auf weißen Blatt

Communicating science!

Get to know the concepts and formats of good science communication and get to the heart of your topic in a targeted and understandable way!

Society transfer events

Landschaft aus Feldern und Wald aus der Vogelperspektive bei Sonnenschein

Heimspiel Wissenschaft

Discuss your research project in your home country and share your scientific findings with citizens.

Vortragender neben Leinwand in einem Café mit interessierten Zuhörern

Pint of Science

Discover exciting scientific topics over a beer. At Pint of Science, researchers bring their findings directly to you in a relaxed atmosphere.

Sieben Personen mit Mikros vor leuchtender Präsentationswand und Publikum

Science Slam

Experience science in an entertaining way. At the Science Slam, researchers present their topics in short, engaging talks - exciting and easy to understand.

Informational events

Mann im Anzug schützt mit seinen Händen eine Glühbirne


Find out how UP can help you protect your research results and safeguard intellectual property.

Laptoptastatur auf Tisch mit Block und einer Tasse Kaffee

Transfer breakfast

Find out about various funding opportunities for your research and innovation projects.

Networking events

Mehrere Personen bei Sonne auf Dachterrasse

Rooftop Pitch Potsdam

Present your innovative business idea and make contact with potential investors to explore funding opportunities.

Mehrere Personen sitzend

Startup Story Night

Get to know our founders and their innovative business ideas.

Stethoskop auf Tablet

Connected Health Brandenburg

Exchange ideas with stakeholders from the Brandenburg healthcare sector.

Mehrere Personen sitzen im Publikum und hören einem Mann und einer Frau, die auf der Bühne stehen, zu

Science Park Conference Potsdam

Discover the latest innovative projects from the Potsdam Science Park.