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We are the people behind Potsdam Transfer

Gruppenfoto vom Team von Potsdam Transfer im Foyer
Photo: Kevin Ryl

We are pleased to introduce our dedicated and competent team that is passionate about promoting knowledge and technology transfer between science, society and business. With our broad range of expertise and many years of experience, we are proud to be a key player in Potsdam's innovation landscape.

Our team consists of highly qualified experts who have extensive know-how in the areas of technology transfer, start-up support, patent management and project management. Each team member contributes their individual strengths and skills to provide you with the best possible support and turn innovative ideas into reality. Contact us!

Managing Director

Mann in hellblau kariertem Hemd

Sascha Thormann

Phone: +49 331 977-3867
E-mail: sascha.thormannuni-potsdamde
Campus Golm, House 29, Room 0.06

Head of Startup Service

Portraitfoto von Johannes Zier

Johannes Zier

Phone: +49 331 977-1720
E-mail: johannes.zieruni-potsdamde
Campus Griebnitzsee, House 7, Room 1.23

Investment Management

Portraitfoto von Ole Korn

Ole Korn

Telefon: +49 331 977-3292
E-Mail: ole.kornuni-potsdamde
Campus Golm, Haus 29, Raum 0.27

Entrepreneurship Education Management

Portraitfoto von Anita Knappe

Anita Knappe

Phone: +49 331 977-3865
E-mail: anita.knappeuni-potsdamde
Campus Griebnitzsee, House 7, Room 1.18

Transfer to society

Foto Susanne Schilling, Mitarbeiterin für Öffentlichkeitsarbeit & Transfermarketing

Susanne Schilling

Telefon: +49 331 977-256173
E-Mail: susanne.schilling.iiuni-potsdamde
Campus Golm, Haus 29, Raum 0.02

Startup advisors

Portraitfoto von Nicole Remus-Sticken

Nicole Remus-Sticken

Phone: +49 331 977-4552/4524
E-mail: nicole.remus-stickenuni-potsdamde
Campus Am Neuen Palais, House 9, Room 0.Z21

Frau Schmiedeskamp von Potsdam Transfer vor einem hellen Hintergrund

Amy Schmiedeskamp

Phone: +49 331 977-3698
E-mail: amy.schmiedeskamp.1uni-potsdamde
Campus Griebnitzsee, House 7, Room 1.20

Tommy Hammann vor einem hellen Hintergund

Tommy Hammann

Phone: +49 331 977-3517
E-mail: tommy.hammann.1uni-potsdamde
Campus Griebnitzsee, House 7, Room 1.19

Innovation Management

Portraitfoto von Claudia Jänichen

Claudia Jänichen

Phone: +49 331 977-6183
E-mail: claudia.jaenichenuni-potsdamde
Campus Golm, House 29, Room 0.04

Portraitfoto von Ferenc Liebig

Dr. Ferenc Liebig

Phone: +49 331 977-203144
E-mail: ferenc.liebig.1uni-potsdamde
Campus Golm, House 29, Room 0.03

Steffi Lütkecosmann vor einem hellen Hintergrund

Steffi Luetkecosmann

Phone: +49 331 977-1234
E-mail: steffi.luetkecosmannuni-potsdamde
Campus Golm, House 29, Room 0.03

Portraitfoto von Dr. Ute Rzeha

Dr. Ute Rzeha

Phone: +49 331 977-6176
E-mail: ute.rzehauni-potsdamde
Campus Golm, House 29, Room 0.02

Frau Stolte von Potsdam Transfer vor einem hellen Hintergrund

Josephine Stolte

Phone: +49 331 977-6180
E-mail: josephine.stolte.1uni-potsdamde
Campus Golm, House 29, Room 0.07

International Partnerships Management

Portaitfoto von Alisa Fluhrer

Alisa Fluhrer

Phone: +49 331 977-362045
E-mail: alisa.fluhreruni-potsdamde
Campus Griebnitzsee, House 7, Room 1.08

Public Relations/Marketing

Portraitfoto von Ella Fischer

Ella Selina Fischer

Phone: +49 331 977-3612
E-mail: ella.fischerpotsdam-transferde
Campus Griebnitzsee, House 7, Room 1.21

Isabelle Golz vor einem hellen Hintergrund

Isabelle Golz

Phone: +49 331 977-3823
E-mail: isabelle.golzuni-potsdamde
Campus Griebnitzsee, House 7, Room 1.21

Frau Stolte von Potsdam Transfer vor einem hellen Hintergrund

Josephine Stolte

Phone: +49 331 977-6180
E-mail: josephine.stolte.1uni-potsdamde
Campus Golm, House 29, Room 0.07

IP Management

Portraitfoto von Herrn Dr. Sascha Gohlke

Dr. Sascha Gohlke

Phone: +49 331 977-1362
E-mail: sascha.gohlkeuni-potsdamde
Campus Golm, House 29, Room 0.04

Project assistance

Portraitfoto von Nicole Frank

Nicole Frank

Phone: +49 331 977-6171
E-mail: nicole.frankuni-potsdamde
Campus Golm, House 29, Room 0.01

Portaitfoto von Annette Schöberle

Annette Schöberle

Phone:+49 331 977-4037
E-mail: annette.schoeberleuni-potsdamde
Campus Griebnitzsee, House 7, Room 1.22

Site Management Präsenzstelle O-H-V | Velten

Portraitfoto von Maria Korn-Götze

Maria Korn-Götze

Phone: +49 3304 565 896 4
E-mail: maria.korn-goetzeuni-potsdamde
Bahnstr. 7, 16727 Velten