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Press and media

Fensterbeklebung halb offenes Doppelfenster mit Aufschrift Potsdam Transfer
Photo: Wiebke Heiss

Would you like to report on Potsdam Transfer or current scientific topics? We can provide you with information and images and arrange suitable contacts for interviews.

Portraitfoto von Dr. Ute Rzeha

Contact Transferservice

Dr. Ute Rzeha
Phone: +49 331 977-6176

Portraitfoto von Ella Fischer

Contact Startup Service

Ella Fischer
Phone: +49 331 977-3612


Material for your reporting


Current news from the Transfer Service and Startup Service

Data & Facts

Key figures and insight into the history of Potsdam Transfer


In-depth insights into transfer and start-up projects


Current dates for our workshops & events

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