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News from Potsdam Transfer

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Potsdamer Tag der Wissenschaft

Potsdam Science Day

Explore. Discover. Participate. At the Potsdam Science Day on 10th May 2025 from 1 to 7 pm at the Potsdam Science Park, visitors can expect an …
Johannes Gurke im Labor

New Materials for Brain Research, Neurosurgery or Drug Development via 3D Printing

Chemist Dr. Johannes Gurke conducts research at the University of Potsdam in the field of applied photochemistry and 3D bioelectronics. His major goal …
Logo des Brandenburger Innovationspreises

Start of applications: Brandenburg Innovation Award 2025 enters a new round

Ladies and Gentlemen, Under the motto ‘Future. Sustainable. Shape.’, the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour, Energy and Climate Protection of …
Prof. Taubert steht, mit einem Preis in der Hand, zusammen mit Sascha Thormann bei einer preisverleihung

Transfer Prize and Guido Reger Founder Prize 2025 awarded

At the New Year's Reception of the President of the University of Potsdam, Prof. Dr. Oliver Günther, Potsdam Transfer, together with UP Transfer GmbH, …
eine Person zeigt auf ein Plakat und erklärt

Water treatment through circulation processes

How Potsdam Transfer builds networks with companies

Drinking coffee and doing something for the environment at the same time - that sounds good, thought a research group from the field of chemistry and …
2 Personen unterhalten sich an einem Tisch

Getting started thanks to mentoring

Julia Brennecke supports start-up teams from Potsdam Transfer at the

University of Potsdam

Research and start-ups - do they go together? If you ask start-up consultant Ole Korn about the success rate of Potsdam Transfer's Startup Service, …
Eine Glühbirne auf der Erde mit einer kleinen Pflanze im Inneren

Impact Incubator at the University of Potsdam: Working together for sustainable start-up ideas

Media information 13-11-2024 / No. 106

Start-ups that tackle social and environmental challenges in a special way are now receiving targeted support from Potsdam Transfer, the centre for …