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FromLab2Net: Zebrafish research meets innovation

Sieben Personen stehend in Gesprächen verwickelt vor beleuchteter Messewand
Photo : Josephine Stolte

Together with scientists from various working groups at the University of Potsdam, Potsdam Transfer has investigated how wastewater from zebrafish research can be utilised sensibly as part of the FromLab2Net series of events. In order to regulate the water quality in the tanks, there is a constant exchange with fresh water. However, the huge quantities of wastewater produced should not simply be lost.

Laboratory visits and inspiring presentations gave the participants fascinating insights into various areas of research, which led to exciting overlaps. The discussions led to innovative solutions: nitrogen-rich wastewater could, for example, be used to irrigate the geneticists' model plants, while salty wastewater could be used in the development of materials for salt filters. They could also be used in the zebrafish facility itself. The integration of laser-based sensor technology to quickly analyse the ingredients offers additional possibilities. The future prospects are promising and Potsdam Transfer will continue to monitor and report on developments.

Do you also have a challenge that you would like to tackle directly on campus? Then don't hesitate to get in touch with us - we will put you in touch with the right experts.

With the ‘FromLab2Net’ series of events, Potsdam Transfer aims to strengthen the internal networking of early career researchers at the University of Potsdam. The aim is to gain insights into the research of other working groups, to express needs and to raise questions that lead to innovative solutions via new perspectives. The event is also the ideal platform for initiating interdisciplinary collaborations that lead to research and development (R&D) projects with business partners.



Dr. Ferenc Liebig
Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 24-25 Haus 29
14476 Potsdam

Phone +49 331 977 203144

Online editorial

Josephine Stolte