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#CHB24 - Connected Health Brandenburg on 28 February 2024

 How digital will the healthcare system in Brandenburg become?

The state conference on digitalisation in the healthcare sector is returning in a new format as "Connected Health Brandenburg 2024" (#CHB24): We look forward to a lively and exciting event with you on 28 February 2024, 09:45 - 18:30 at the Griebnitzsee University Campus! The event is free of charge.

The focus will be on topics such as outpatient digitalisation, digital laws for better care and research in the healthcare sector, AI in medicine, ensuring care in rural areas and much more. Workshops with creative methods such as Lego® Serious Play® and speed matching will make it easy to network and exchange practical ideas at the symposium.

The #CHB24 symposium brings together stakeholders from Brandenburg's healthcare sector, including start-ups, dentists/doctors, local authorities, research institutions, hospitals, pharmacies, companies in and for the healthcare industry, politicians and social partners in the field of digital health. Various formats offer a platform for the exchange of experience and knowledge as well as opportunities to initiate digital projects.

The #CHB24 is jointly organised by the @DigitalAgentur Brandenburg (DABB), Wirtschaftsförderung Brandenburg (WFBB), the Brandenburg Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KVBB) and the @University of Potsdam

Registration at  #CHB24 – Connected Health Brandenburg



Dr. Ute Rzeha
Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 24-25
14476 Potsdam

Phone +49 331 977-6176

Online editorial

Josephine Stolte