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03/2024 - Martín Cevallos Ramírez

Age: 29  |  Nationality: Argentinian-Italian

Your favorite spots in Potsdam/ Berlin / surroundings?
Park Sanssouci is one the most beautiful parks I have ever seen!

The most surprising thing about Germany?
The quality of life and the opportunities that you can have.

Please tell us a bit more about your studies. What are your favourite courses, and why would you recommend your study program?

The Master in International War Studies.

Although the entire approach of the master across the Syllabus of the programme is very appealing to me, my favourite courses are the ones regarding foreign policy and the ones about Europe's history. 

The International War Studies master's program, offered jointly with University College Dublin, explores the causes, dynamics, and impacts of violent conflicts, both nationally and internationally, including their origins, progression, and outcomes. The program provides students with analytical skills for examining historical and present conflicts, broadens their subject-specific knowledge in military sociology, violence history, and military history, refines their critical thinking abilities, and teaches effective presentation techniques.

I would recommend this program to every student that intends to understand the past of Europe. Also, this program is suitable for any student that hopes to contribute to the further development of a peaceful Europe, whether in the area of Security or by just producing analyses of the current challenges that Europe faces.

Is there anything special you miss from back home?
Mostly, my family and friends.

What would you recommend students planning to come to study at UP before coming here?
The main tool you are going to need is English and German language skills. Although it can be learnt here, having a basic knowledge of German beforehand comes in handy.

Spring is just around the corner! Tell us how you experience Potsdam / Berlin in
winter and what you are looking forward to in spring!

My experience in Potsdam/Berlin during winter was very interesting: On the one hand, I had never seen the snow before coming to Germany, so it was a unique experience and a beautiful memory I will cherish forever. However, getting used to the gray days and the short duration of the sunlight was a challenge. But, all in all, it was a very nice season to experience in Germany!

Tell us how you experienced Potsdam / Berlin so far
I consider Potsdam as the optimal choice to study and live for students like me who have a strong motivation and passion to study in libraries and who are strongly inspired by nature. So far, I have been to Leipzig, Dresden, and Berlin. I think that more exposure to nature and less to urban environment and city noise as well as a warm and supportive community are the most important factors to focus on during the study, all of which are are ideal in Potsdam. I consider the supportive environment at the UP can influence immensely on the behavior of students like me. I would say that the feeling  of being supported decreases the level of stress and depression in a noticeable level and it motivates me to be independent.

Your future plans:
I hope to get a Scholarship to do the full double-degree of International War Studies and then start working in my field. In addition, I want to improve my level of German.
