Buddy Experience and Events
International Buddy Christmas Celebration
5 December 2024
The annual International Buddy Christmas Celebration was a great success once again – and enjoyed by all who attended. There was plenty of Gluhwein and german Christmas cookies. The Nil Kellar is a fabulous venue with a great atmosphere. We had a draw to give away Advents calenders – for some of our international winners it was their first time to experience this fun tradition. Check out the pictures of this festive event.
Buddy International Welcome Picnic
Wintersemester 2024
Once again we had a fabulous welcome for our International and Potsdam Buddies to Winter Semester 2024/25. The picnic was a great success and enjoyed by everyone who attended. The various games provided from Zentrum für Hochschulsport was a real hit – and a great way for people to interact. Thanks for joining us and we look forward to seeing you all at our Christmas Event.
Buddy International Welcome Picnic
Summer Semester 2024
Was held on 26th April on the grass area in front of the Kolonnaden at Am Neuen Palais Campus. It was a relaxed afternoon where International and Potsdam Buddies had the opportunity to chat, meet new friends, share some food and have some laughs. It was a great way to welcome the Buddies for our Summer Semester.
A must read! - February 2024
"Wie aus Buddies Freunde werden"
Alexandra and Hannah are interviewed about their Buddy experience. A true reflection of how the Buddy program helps build intercultural relationships. Article published by the UP Press and Public Relations Department.
Study Stream #12, January 2024
In this English Study Stream Broadcast you can listen to Alexandra & Hannah talk about their experiences as a Buddy Pair. They give you a real life view of their experiences – the support involved, expectations and movitation. A great insight into what it means to be a Buddy – both International or a potsdamer.
Buddy Interview – Link to you tube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCRTCoST0UM&list=PLI5fPE8N5j5xhGRjrN4Zv6hX7D9Q21b5M&index=2 (Start at 27min)
Christmas Celebration 2023
Our International Buddy Christmas Celebration with Glühwein & Plätzchen was held on 30.11.2023 at the Nil StudentenKeller. A fun evening with everyone getting into the Christmas spirit and meeting up with friends and buddies alike. Two lucky buddies received a Buddy Advents Calender with goodies from all around the world. We are looking forward to this becoming an annual event.
Buddy Picnic 2023
We welcomed our New International and Potsdam Buddies with an International Picnic Event held on 13.10.2023. It was held on the grass area in front of the Kolonnaden at Am Neuen Palais Campus. It was a casual affair where everyone had the opportunity to chat, meet new friends, share a variety of picnic food and of course have some laughs. It was a great way to kick off the Buddies participation in the Wintersemester 2023/2024.
Buddy UP-ESN-Party WiSe 2018/19
In the winter semester the Buddy Party took place on 21.11.2018 in cooperation with the ESN Potsdam in the Pub a la Pub. DJ TnO also took part and created a great atmosphere with his music. There was a lot of laughing, dancing and partying and we would like to thank everyone who was there!
International Day 2018
On 15.11.2018 the International Day of the University of Potsdam took place. The Buddy Program was also represented there with a booth and had the opportunity to talk to many students, report on new events and exchange information. In addition, the flag knowledge could be tested again and there was also something to eat. Thanks to all who came to our booth.
Buddy BBQ
The end of the summer semester was celebrated with a summer barbecue at campus Neues Palais, organized by the Buddy program in corporation with the ESN. In brilliant weather, barbecued veggies, meat, sausages and cheese were served to suit every taste. Afterwards, the night continued at the Nil Party. Thanks so much for coming and for your participation during the whole semester!
Campus Festival 2018
In the summer semester the Campus festival took place at Neues Palais. At our stand you could test your knowledge about flags and win a cool goodie bag, you could get our new flyers, or just have a chat with us. Thanks to everyone who visitied our stand and showed interest in the Buddy Program!