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08/2024 - Francisco Peña-Camargo

Foto von Francisco Peña Camargo
Photo: Francisco Peña Camargo

Age: 33  |  Nationality: Colombian

Your favorite spots in Potsdam/ Berlin / surroundings?
In general, the places that belong to Preußische Schlösser und Gärten Berlin-Brandenburg, like Sanssouci, Babelsberg and surroundings. In Berlin also places like Admiralbrücke, Monbijoupark and Haus Schwarzenberg. I really like a place called Kaffee Kontor Werder

The most surprising thing about Germany?
Small-talk does not exist! At the very beginning it felt alien to me, but now I am used to.

Tell us shortly in 3 sentences about your degree program. How did you get interested in your field of study?
I finished my master in Colombia in the same field, so my PhD was, to some extend a follow-up of the work I had been doing there. It is about the fabrication and characterisation of solar cells made of a sort of photovoltaics materials called perovskites, that have demonstrated potential to be used in solar cells. Their commercialisation has not yet been possible due to stability issues. Therefore, we investigate the physics behind the electrical transport properties to contribute to the development of the field

Is there anything special you miss from back home?
Sometimes my family and former friends, sometimes places in my hometown and Bogotá and sometimes Colombian cuisine.

How do you keep a good work-life balance? Any advice for your fellow students
In Germany is very easy to plan everything in advance, so, bear in mind that slow and fast have sometimes contradictory meanings. They say, immer mit der Ruhe! It is also possible to enroll in after-work activities like sports, grilling (in summer), or general leisure activities that make you feel that you are not only your job.

What would you recommend students planning to come to study at UP before coming here?
Commit to do your work exceptionally, and ... learn (at least) some of the rudiments of the German language.

What makes you feel home here in Potsdam (or Berlin) and what makes you feel to be part a community? 

In Colombia, I used to do sports in my free time. In Potsdam there are many possibilities for me to continue and diversify this tradition. Sports in Potsdam (and in general in Germany) are encouraged by a lot of available facilities and sport associations (Vereine) so it has been a good way to know people, to practice German language and to feel part of a community with the same hobbies. 

How do you enjoy the summer season in Potsdam? 

To enjoy the summer in Potsdam, I try to follow the event calendar of the University's student-bodies (Fachschaftsräte) and Potsdam city administration. I join activities like Feel Good Campus' events, Fête de la Musique, Sommerfest parties and barbecues, and sport outdoors. 

Your future plans:
Continue the research I have been doing so far in Academia or Industry.