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New Partnership with Sweden

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In June 2024 the Chair of War Studies has started a partnership with the Military History Section at the Swedish Defence University (SEDU) in Stockholm, the most important military staff college in Scandinavia. The Memorandum of Understanding was signed by SEDU’s Vice-Chancellor as well as by the Dean of the Faculty of Arts at the University of Potsdam. It will foster the exchange of students and lecturers and will include cooperations in teaching and research as well.

The first exchange student from the MA War and Conflict Studies at the University of Potsdam will travel to Stockholm already this fall, while invitations have gone out to Prof. Dr. Sönke Neitzel to give a talk at SEDU at the end of September and to Prof. Dr. Steve Murdoch to come to Potsdam during the winter semester 24/25.

Also, a formal exchange agreement under the umbrella of Erasmus+ is being negotiated with the International Office at UP to broaden the student exchange beyond the MA programs managed by the Chair of War Studies.