Dr Christian E. Rieck
Contact details

Dr Christian E. Rieck
Lecturer (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter) at the Chair of War Studies
Internship coordinator for the MA War and Conflict Studies (WCS)
Campus Am Neuen Palais
Bld. 11, 1.Z04
consulting hours
during the lecture period: Thursday 16:00 - 18:00
- 2023: PhD dissertation on German science diplomacy: „Science and Civilian Power. The Foreign Science Policy of the Federal Republic of Germany, 1950-1990“.
- Since 01.10.2018: Research Fellow at the Chair of War Studies of the School of History at the University of Potsdam. Academic coordinator of the MA programs “International War Studies” and “War and Conflict Studies”.
- Since 2018: Lecturer in international relations, the history of foreign policy and comparative regionalism at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
- Since 2017: Lecturer in international relations, the history of foreign policy and comparative regionalism at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid.
- 2015–2017: Desk Officer for Foreign- and Development Policy at Konrad Adenauer Stiftung in Berlin. Member of the “Think Tank 20” engagement group of the G20.
- 2014–2015: Associate in the European Societal Foresight Project of Stiftung Neue Verantwortung in Berlin.
- 2013: Guest Researcher at Hebrew University in Jerusalem.
- 2013: Guest Researcher at the National Defence Academy in Vienna.
- Since 01.04.2012: Non-Resident Senior Analyst for Regional Powers and Regional Integration at the Global Governance Institute in Brussels.
- Since 01.04.2012: Country Tutor at the German Association for International Cooperation GIZ in Bad Honnef and Bonn.
- 2010–2012: Research Fellow at the Institute for Latin American Studies of the German Institute for Global and Area Studies GIGA in Hamburg.
- 2008–2009: postgraduate studies in Latin American Studies at the University of Oxford. Thesis on the Bolivarian factor in Latin American regional integration.
- 2005–2008: Project Assistant for the “Democracy Report”, a comparative democracy index of Konrad Adenauer Stiftung in Berlin.
- 2002–2006: graduate studies of law at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Thesis on European constitutional policy.
- 2002: Carlo Schmid Fellow at the United Nations’ Economic and Social Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean CEPAL in Mexico City.
- 2001-2002: study abroad at Universidad de Sevilla.
- 2001: Research Assistant at the Washington SyCip Policy Center in Manila.
- 1998-2001: undergraduate studies of law and economics at Universität Bayreuth.
- 1997–1998: military service, sergeant in the reserve forces.
Research interests
- Regional Powers and regional integration in the world regions
- Political systems and international relations of Latin America, especially the Southern Cone
- History of the German migration to Argentina
- German science diplomacy
- German foreign, security and development policy since 1945
- Contemporary history of international relations
Scholarships and awards
- 2018–2020: ERASMUS guest lectureships in Ireland (University College Dublin), Estonia (University of Tartu) and Greece (Panteion University Athens).
- 2017: Travel stipends from Konrad Adenauer Stiftung for guest lectures in Costa Rica (Universidad de Costa Rica, San José), Chile (Universidad de Chile, Santiago) and Uruguay (Universidad de Montevideo).
- 2014–2015: Training scholarship in the Leadership Program for the Public Good of LEAD Academy and Stiftung Mercator.
- 2012–2013: Research scholarship in the research program on “German Science Diplomacy” of the Institute for Foreign Relations ifa in Stuttgart.
- 2012: Award in the essay competition on British and German attitudes and ideas on Europe by the King Edward VII Foundation in London.
- 2007: First Prize in the essay competition by the Oppenheim Center for European Policy Studies of the German Council on Foreign Relations DGAP.
- 2002: Carlo Schmid Fellowship for internships in International Organizations by DAAD and the National Merit Foundation.
- 2000–2004: Scholarship for gifted students by Konrad Adenauer Stiftung.
- 1995–1997: Scholarship for outstanding pupils by the ministry of education of the State of Baden-Württemberg.
- German Atlantic Association DAG
- German Association for the United Nations DGVN
- Latin American Studies Association LASA
- International Studies Association ISA
Conferences and workshops
- 2023. Studienreise nach Litauen: Die deutsche Zeitenwende und Beiträge zur baltischen Sicherheit, organised by KAS Baltic States and the German Armed Forces in Vilnius and Rukla.
- 2023. The German Zeitenwende and Contributions to the African Peace and Security Architecture, organised by the Faculty of Military Sciences of the University of Stellenbosch in Saldanha, South Africa.
- 2023. Helmut Kohl und der erweiterte Mittelmeerraum, organised by the Historical Archives of the European Union and the KAS Italy in Florence.
- 2023. 36th Asia-Pacific Roundtable: An Age of Strategic Uncertainty, organized by ISIS Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur.
- 2023. Pahlaviforschung und Militärgeschichte, organized by the National Defence Academy in Vienna.
- 2022. Sixth Global International Studies Conference, organized by the World International Studies Committee WISC, Universidad Católica Argentina, Universidad San Andrés and FLACSO in Buenos Aires. Section Chair: “The Foreign Policy of Small States”.
- 2019. Tutor at theCentral Americanischen Youth Parliament, organized by Parlatino, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung and the International Republican Institute in Panama City.
- 2018. Spuren und Einflüsse von Migration aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum [Traces and Influences of Migration from German-speaking Countries], organized by the Austria Library and Babeş-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca.
- 2017.Potsdam Summer School on Advanced Sustainability Studies: Human Environments in a Changing World, organized by the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies IASS, the German Research Centre for Geosciences, the Alfred Wegener Institute, the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research PIK and the University of Potsdam.
- 2017.Venice Academy on Human Rights: Economic, Social and Cultural Rights as an Answer to Growing Inequalities, organized by the European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratization in Venice.
- 2017.ACHEI Congreso Internacional: La Alianza del Pacífico [ACHEI International Conference: The Pacific Alliance], organized by Konrad Adenauer Stiftung and the Chilean Council for Foreign Relations ACHEI in Santiago de Chile.
- 2016.Hadrianus Lecture: Microstate and Superpower – the Vatican in International Relations, organized by the Catholic Association of the Netherlands in Utrecht.
- 2016.Migration and Public Safety – Global, Regional and Local Challenges, organized by Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, the International Republican Institute and the University of Panama in Panama City.
- 2015–2016. Political consultancy project on “Global Commons” for the CDU/CSU parliamentary group, Office of Andreas Nick, MP, Berlin.
- 2015.Stresemann Workshop: Discontent over Cold War Security Architecture in Europe, organized by the Woodrow Wilson Center and Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz.
- 2015. Elections and Ethics, organized by Konrad Adenauer Stiftung in Naypyitaw, Myanmar.
- 2014–2015.LEAD Training for Leadership and Advocacy, organized by the Mercator Capacity Building Center in Berlin.
- 2014.The State of Peace Conference, organized by the Austrian Study Center for Peace and Conflict Resolution in Schlaining.
- 2014.Cours d’Automne [Autumn Academy] of the German Historical Institute Paris.
- 2013.ISA Annual Convention 2013: The Politics of International Diffusion, organized by the International Studies Association in San Francisco.
- 2012.Young Königswinter Alumni Conference: A New Vision of Europe, organized by the German-British Association in Wilton Park, UK.
- 2012.NOLAN Conference on Latin America: Latin America in Movement, organized by the University of Stockholm.
- 2012.IIR Summer Seminar on History and Philosophy of International Relations, organized by Panteion University Athens in Tinos, Greece.
- 2012.Europe Seminar for Security Policy, organized by the Federal Ministry of Defence in Bonn, Berlin und Brüssel.
- 2011.Migration, Mobility and Movement in Modern German History, organized byDAAD and the University of Cambridge.
- 2010–2011.Quantitative and qualitative methods training and theories of international relations by the Hamburg International Graduate School for the Study of Regional Powers HIGS.
- 2010–2011. Political consultancy project on “Foreign Policy 2020” the CDU/CSU parliamentary group, Office of Andreas Schockenhoff, MP, Berlin.
- 2010.NOLAN Conference on Latin America: New Political Tendencies, organized by the University of Copenhagen and the Copenhagen Business School.
- 2009.Manfred Wörner Seminar for Security Policy, organized by the Federal Ministry of Defence and the German Marshall Fund in Bonn, Berlin and Brussels.
- 2008.Young Königswinter Conference of the German-British Association in Berlin.
- 2008.GARNET Conference: The EU in International Affairs, organized by the United Nations University Programme for Comparative Regional Integration Studies UNU-CRIS in Brussels.
- 2005.Conversations with Russia – Moscow Conversation: living with economic change by the British Council Brussels and Sciences-Po Paris in Moscow.
- 2005.Third International Federalism Conference, organized by the Belgian National Government, the Regions and the Communities in Brussels.
- 2005.XVIth Summer Session on the Law of the European Union of the Academy for European Law at the European University Institute in Florence.
- 2004.Université d’Été sur Fédéralisme, Décentralisation et Diversité [Summer University on Federalism, Decentralization and Diversity] of the Institut du Fédéralisme at the University of Fribourg.
- 2004.International Summer School on European Foreign and Security Policy of the German Council on Foreign Relations DGAP in Berlin.
- 2004–2013.Harvard Project for Asian and International Relations in Shanghai, Beijing, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur, Seoul, Singapore, Dubai. organized by Harvard University with local partners such as the University of Tokyo, Tsinghua University or the American University of Dubai.
- 2003.Global Dialogue on Federalism: Distribution of Powers and Responsibilities by the Forum of Federations and the International Association of Centers for Federal Studies IACFS in Ottawa.
- 2003–2020. International conference cycle of the Working Group on Foreign Policy of Konrad Adenauer Stiftung and partners such as IFRI Paris, the Diplomatic Academy in Baku or the Salzburg Seminar. Lectures in Rome, Cadenabbia, Moscow, Istanbul, Ankara, Paris, Casablanca, Rabat, Salzburg, Riga, Baku, Cotonou, Belgrade, Novi Sad, Vienna.
- 2002.Negociaciones Multilaterales, Comercio International y Desarollo Sostenible [Multilateral Organizations, International Trade and Sustainable Development], organized by CEPAL and the World Bank in Mexico City.
- 2002. Second International Federalism Conference, organized by the Swiss Federal Government and the Cantons in St. Gallen.
A bibliography is maintained at academia.edu.
- 2024 Wissenschaft und Zivilmacht. Die Außenwissenschaftspolitik der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 1950-1990, Berlin, 636 S., i.E.
Edited Volumes
- 2024 The Potsdam Handbook of War and Conflict Studies,
co-editor with Sönke Neitzel
as: THE POTSDAM HANDBOOK OF WAR AND CONFLICT STUDIES, Berlin, i.B. - 2016 Flucht und Migration als Herausforderung für Europa, Internationale und nationale Perspektiven aus der Arbeit der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung,
co-editor with Stefan Friedrich
as: Konrad Adenauer Foundation (ed.), FLUCHT UND MIGRATION ALS HERAUSFORDERUNG FÜR EUROPA, Berlin, 104 p. - 2008 Media and Democracy, Vol. II – The KAS Democracy Report 2008,
co-editor with Karsten Grabow
as: Konrad Adenauer Foundation (ed.), MEDIA AND DEMOCRACY, VOL. II – THE KAS DEMOCRACY REPORT 2008, Berlin, 230 p. - 2007 Parties and Democracy – The KAS Democracy Report 2007,
co-editor with Karsten Grabow
as: Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (ed.), PARTIES AND DEMOCRACY – THE KAS DEMOCRACY REPORT 2007, Bonn, 402 p. - 2006 Rule of Law – The KAF Democracy Report 2006,
co-editor with Karsten Grabow, Andreas Jacobs and Helmut Reifeld
as: Konrad Adenauer Foundation (ed.), RULE OF LAW – THE KAF DEMOCRACY REPORT 2006, Bonn, 398 p. - 2006 Media and Democracy – The KAF Democracy Report 2005,
co-editor with Anton Bösl, Andreas Jacobs and Helmut Reifeld
as: Konrad Adenauer Foundation (ed.), MEDIA AND DEMOCRACY – THE KAF DEMOCRACY REPORT 2005, Bonn, 326 p.
Book Chapters
- 2024 Auf verlorenem Posten? Deutsche und europäische Entwicklungspolitik im Nahen Osten und Nordafrika
in: Bastian Matteo Scianna / Stefan Lukas (eds.), DER NAHE OSTEN IN EINER GLOBALISIERTEN WELT: ENTWICKLUNGSLINIEN, GEGENSÄTZE, HERAUSFORDERUNGEN, Freiburg, i.E. - 2024 Treibsand. Die Vereinigten Staaten im Nahen und Mittleren Osten
in: Bastian Matteo Scianna / Stefan Lukas (eds.), DER NAHE OSTEN IN EINER GLOBALISIERTEN WELT: ENTWICKLUNGSLINIEN, GEGENSÄTZE, HERAUSFORDERUNGEN, Freiburg, i.E. - 2023 Region ohne Richtung. Lateinamerikanische Sicherheitspolitik in der Großmächtekonkurrenz
in: Günther Maihold / Hartmut Sangmeister (eds.), ZWISCHEN MOSKAU, PEKING UND WASHINGTON: LATEINAMERIKA IN DER GROSSMACHTKONKURRENZ, Berlin, 121-130. - 2021 La identidad política en América Latina
in: Alexander Görlach (ed.), DIVERSAMENTE OCCIDENTALES. ENTREVISTAS SOBRE IDENTIDAD Y POLÍTICA EN AMÉRICA LATINA, Montevideo, 58-64. - 2015 Was the War won in Delhi? Globalizing Peripheries in the Great War
with Angela Abmeier
in: Katja Seidel / Susanne Reitmair-Juárez / Maximilian Lakitsch (eds.), BELLICOSE ENTANGLEMENTS 1914: THE GREAT WAR AS A GLOBAL WAR, Wien, 123-156. - 2014 Gedenken an den Ersten Weltkrieg with Angela Abmeier
in: Markus Meckel / Olav Teichert (eds.), DER ERSTE WELTKRIEG - ZWISCHEN NATIONALGESCHICHTLICHEM PARADIGMA, POPULÄRER ERINNERUNGSKULTUR UND EUROPÄISCHER INTEGRATION, München, 12-24. - 2014 We can work it out: Germans and Britons have what it takes to collaborate in the Brussels engine room
with Dustin Dehéz
in: Peter Littger / John F. Jungclaussen (eds.), COMMON DESTINY VS. MARRIAGE OF CONVENIENCE: WHAT DO BRITONS AND GERMANS WANT FROM EUROPE?, London / Hamburg, 66-79. - 2006 Sicherheitspolitische Veränderungen in Lateinamerika im Spannungsfeld der Interessen der EU, der USA und Chinas
with Anke Marei Ludwig, Maik Zarandi and Stefan Haid
in: Franz Kernic / Walter Feichtinger (eds.), TRANSATLANTISCHE BEZIEHUNGEN IM WANDEL: SICHERHEITSPOLITISCHE ASPEKTE DER BEZIEHUNGEN ZWISCHEN DER EUROPÄISCHEN UNION UND LATEINAMERIKA, Baden-Baden, 9-31. - 2004 American and European Political Culture and how to renew the Transatlantic Relationship
with Franz Danner, Julia Sievers, et.al.
in: René Gradwohl / Christoph Pohlmann (eds.), A RENAISSANCE OF TRANSATLANTIC RELATIONS – PERSPECTIVES OF A NEW PARTNERSHIP, Berlin, 25-37. - 2004 Liberating and Taming the Beast – Recommendations for the Global Economy
with Jan Rothkamm, Judith Mohrmann and Vera Assenova
in: René Gradwohl / Christoph Pohlmann (eds.), A RENAISSANCE OF TRANSATLANTIC RELATIONS – PERSPECTIVES OF A NEW PARTNERSHIP, Berlin, 97-106. - 2004 Leitkultur vs. Parallelgesellschaft – Germany and its Turkish Minority
in: Institute of Federalism Summer University / Forum of Federations Summer Session, COMPILATION OF STUDENTS’ PAPERS 2004, Fribourg, 590-602.
in: POLITIKWISSEN.DE - 2003 International and Regional Action with regard to Conflicts in Multicultural Societies
with Miodrag Jovanovic, Serap Bindebir and Mia Handshin
in: Ursula Aberhalden / Raoul Blindenbacher (eds.), FUTURE CHALLENGES FOR FEDERALISM IN A CHANGING WORLD, St. Gallen, 180-202.
Journal Articles
- 2023 Vorbereitet auf die Zeitenwende? Die Einsatzbereitschaft der Bundeswehr offenbart große Defizite
in: SIRIUS 1/2023, 51-71. - 2022 Strange New Worlds: The European Union’s Search for Like-Minded Partners in the Indo-Pacific
in: PANORAMA 1/2021, 39-54. - 2016 Eins plus Vier: Der BRICS-Verbund zwischen geopolitischem Reformehrgeiz und chinesischer Dominanz
various authors
in: KAS-AUSLANDSINFORMATIONEN 3/2016, 8-35. - 2015 Entwicklungspolitisches Schlüsseljahr: Globale Weichenstellungen – globale Werteordnung
in: DIE POLITISCHE MEINUNG 6/2015, 116-119. - 2014 Ein Gegenmodell zum Westen?
Ambitionen und Potentiale von BRICS als eines Verbunds aufstrebender Regionalmächte
in: SICHERHEITSPOLITISCHER READER 12/14. - 2014 Kleinstaaten und Regionale Kooperation – Was ist von Benins Ratspräsidentschaft der Afrikanischen Union geblieben?
with Dustin Dehéz and Alessandro Scheffler
in: KAS-AUSLANDSINFORMATIONEN 3/14, 98-118. - 2013 Universitätsreform in Lateinamerika: Eine Bilanz
in: AD HOC INTERNATIONAL 1/2013, 4-5. - 2011 Lernwelt Internet
in: GESELLSCHAFT – WIRTSCHAFT - POLITIK 1/11, S. 85-95. - 2008 Santo Hugo – the Messiah from the Orinoco
in: AMERICAN FOREIGN POLICY INTERESTS 1/2008, 30-39. - 2008 Der Westen und Mercosur
in: GESELLSCHAFT – WIRTSCHAFT - POLITIK 3/08, S. 345-356. - 2008 Die „Schurkenstaaten“ – der Iran und Venezuela
with Dustin Dehéz
in: WELTTRENDS 1/2008, 59-71. - 2008 Reaktoren für die Revolution
in: BLÄTTER FÜR DEUTSCHE UND INTERNATIONALE POLITIK 1/2008, 27-29. - 2007 Europas Utopia ?
in: INTERNATIONALE POLITIK 6/2007, 158-165. - 2007 Der Messias vom Orinoko
in: LATEINAMERIKA ANALYSEN 2/2007, 199-213. - 2007 Quid est Europa ? – mito, finalidad, utopía y sueño europeo
in: DIALOGO POLITICO 1/2007, 11-30. - 2007 Die Europäische Marine – Eine Vision für die europäische Verteidigungsintegration
with Dustin Dehéz
in: ÖSTERREICHISCHE MILITÄRISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT 1/2007, 43-46. - 2006 Eine Frage der Souveränität – Nicht nur im Energiebereich geht Südamerika eigene Wege
in: INTERNATIONALE POLITIK 9/2006, 110-117. - 2006 Quid est Europa ? – Mythos, Finalität, Utopie und Europäischer Traum
in: KAS-AUSLANDSINFORMATIONEN 12/06, 30-48. - 2005 Deutsche Interessen in Lateinamerika – Wirtschaftspartnerschaft und Wertegemeinschaft
with Anke Marei Ludwig, Maik Zarandi and Stefan Haid
in: KAS-AUSLANDSINFORMATIONEN 8/05, 22-37. - 2004 Gesellschaftliche Leistungspluralität als Herausforderung und Chance – Anregungen für einen effektiven Elitenbildungsprozess in Deutschland
with Daniel Esser and Michael Tegethoff
in: GESELLSCHAFT – WIRTSCHAFT – POLITIK 3/04, 291-300. - 2004 Das Völkerrecht nach der Irakintervention und die Zukunft der Transatlantischen Beziehungen
in: KAS.DE - 2000 Eine Grundrechtscharta für Europa? Grundrechtsschutz und Verfasstheit der Europäischen Union
in: POLITIKWISSEN.DE - 1998 Nachweis und Extraktion von Formaldehyd in Baustoffen
with Daniel Fischer
Stand Alone Publications
- 2018 Brüssels neue Telefonnummer? Wie ein Europäischer Sicherheitsrat die EU-Außenpolitik stärken könnte
with Olaf Wientzek
Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Berlin
KAS ANALYSEN UND ARGUMENTE: 311/2018, 9 p. - 2016 Von Hangzhou nach Hamburg: Umrisse einer überjährigen Agenda für die G20
with Gunter Rieck Moncayo / Lilian Meyer
Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Berlin
KAS ANALYSEN UND ARGUMENTE: 213/2016, 15 p. - 2016 Reformpartnerschaft mit Nordafrika: Wirtschaftliche Integration als erster Schritt für eine umfassende EU-Afrika-Kooperation
with Gunter Rieck Moncayo / Olaf Wientzek
Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Berlin
KAS ANALYSEN UND ARGUMENTE: 208/2016, 19 p. - 2015 Der deutsche OSZE-Vorsitz 2016: Dringender Reformbedarf unter Bedingungen russischer Blockademacht
with Dustin Dehéz
Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Berlin
KAS ANALYSEN UND ARGUMENTE: 171/2015, 9 p. - 2015 Die deutsche G7-Präsidentschaft und der Gipfel von Elmau
with Dustin Dehéz
Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Berlin
KAS ANALYSEN UND ARGUMENTE: 177/2015, 6 p. - 2015 Eine Vision für die Soziale Dimension in der EU 2030: Was Europäische Bürger wollen
various authors
stiftung neue verantwortung, Berlin
SNV IMPULSE: Januar 2015, 14 p. - 2014 A Vision for the Social Dimension in the EU in 2030: What European Citizens Want
various authors
stiftung neue verantwortung, Berlin
SNV IMPULSE: November 2014, 14 p. - 2013 Deutsche Außenwissenschaftspolitik: Erfolge der Internationalisierungsstrategie und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten
Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen, Stuttgart, 20 p. 2012
Outlook 2020: Recommendations for an Active German Foreign Policy
various authors
Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Berlin, 111 p. - 2011 Perspektive 2020: Empfehlungen für eine aktive deutsche Außenpolitik
various authors
Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Berlin, 111 p. - 2011 Desk Study on the Land Dispute in Honduras’ Bajo Aguán Region
with Peter Peetz
KfW DEG, Köln, 15 p. - 2011 Fukushima zum Trotz: Lateinamerika hält an seinen Nuklearprogrammen fest
with Mariana Carpes
GIGA German Institute for Global and Area Studies, Hamburg
GIGA FOCUS LATEINAMERIKA: 4/2011, 8 p. - 2009 Impulse 2020: Akzente zukünftiger deutscher Außenpolitik
various authors
Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Berlin, 83 p. - 2005 Sovereignty and Minority Ownership – ideas on how a federal constitution for a post-conflict society could look like
with Loranne Mérillat, Ajay Kumar Singh et.al.
in: FEDERALISM.CH - 2005 Zonas Francas en la República del Uruguay
German-Uruguayan Chamber of Commerce, Headquarters for MERCOSUR issues, Montevideo, 25 p. - 2003 Condiciones de competencia en el contexto internacional: cemento, azúcar y fertilizantes en Centroamérica
United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean,
Regional Office for Central America, Mexico City - background research, contributing and editing as Carlo Schmid Fellow
in: Claudia Schatán / Marcos Avalos, SERIES CEPAL MÉXICO: ESTUDIOS Y PERSPECTIVAS NO. 13, México DF, 71 p. - 2002 Global Perspectives on Federalism
Washington SyCip Policy Center at the Asian Institute of Management, Manila
Opinion Pieces, Commentary
- 2022 Europas nuklearer Moment ist: Jetzt
in: WELT.DE - 2022 Eine Zeitenwende braucht es auch in Brüssel
in: ZEIT.DE - 2022 Für ein Ministerium für Globale Strukturpolitik
in: VEREINTE NATIONEN 2/2022, 70. - 2015 Argentina
in: D.S. Lewis / Wendy Slater (eds.), THE ANNUAL REGISTER: WORLD EVENTS 2014, London, 151-153. - 2014 Argentina, Chile
in: D.S. Lewis / Wendy Slater (eds.), THE ANNUAL REGISTER: WORLD EVENTS 2013, London, 148-154. - 2014 Unsere Nachbarn brauchen uns. Warum wir eine neue EU-Ostpolitik brauchen
in: THEEUROPEAN.EU - 2014 Zwischen Welten
in: ATLANTISCHE-INITIATIVE.ORG - 2014 Konferenzbericht – Zwischen Rhetorik und Realpolitik. Deutschlands auswärtige Politik in der arabischen Welt
in: WELTTRENDS 1/2014, 134-135. - 2013 Mexico , Central America, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay
in: D.S. Lewis / Wendy Slater (eds.), THE ANNUAL REGISTER: WORLD EVENTS 2012, London, 130-155. - 2013 Venezuela after Chávez: Can Revolution go on?
in: DW.DE - 2013 Was bleibt von Chávez‘ Revolution?
in: ZEIT.DE - 2012 Mexico, Central America, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay
in: D.S. Lewis / Wendy Slater (eds.), THE ANNUAL REGISTER: WORLD EVENTS 2011, London, 139-166.
University of Potsdam (since 2017):
- No Cold War. The Cold War in the Third World
- A History of Violence. War and Conflict in Postcolonial Latin America, 1810-2010
- Westostweltpolitik. Geschichte der Außenbeziehungen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
- Themes and Skills in War and Conflict Studies. Historical, PolSci and IR Approaches
- Science for Peace? Historical Legacies and New Beginnings in German Science Diplomacy, 1950-2020
- Semper Fi? An Introduction to European Defence
- Doing Good? German Development Policy between Self-Restraint and Assertiveness
Humboldt-University of Berlin (since 2007):
- No Cold War. Locating Divided Berlin in the Global History of the Cold War
- Rise of an Iron Kingdom? History and Legacy of Prussia in Berlin and Potsdam
- Global Governance. Power, Structure And Agency
- Varieties of Hegemony. Regional Orders and the Mechanics of Power
- Whose World Order? Competing Visions of Global Order
- Germany and the New World Order
- Das andere Amerika – Zur deutschen Auswanderung nach Argentinien
- Recht und Afrika – Afrika als Objekt von Recht und spezifische regionale Rechtsformen
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid (since 2018):
- Varieties of Hegemony. Regional Powers, Regional Integration, Regional Orders
- Whose World Order? Modern Diplomacy, Multilateralism and Multipolarity
University of Leipzig (2011):
- Regional Powers. Fundamentals, strategies, theories
George C. Marshall Center, Garmisch (2013):
- The Comparative Method and the Use of Case Studies
Guest lectures:
- Universidad de Buenos Aires, Facultad de Filosofía (2024)
- University of Belgrade, Law Faculty (2022)
- Panteion University Athens, Institute of International Relations (2019)
- University College Dublin, School of History (2019)
- University of Tartu, Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies (2019)
- Universidad de Costa Rica, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales (2017)
- Universidad Católica de Chile, Centro de Estudios Internacionales (2017)
- Universidad de Montevideo, Graduate Center (2017)
- University of Kent, Brussels (2017)
Deutsche SchülerAkademie, BMBF (since 2009):
- 1848. Eine Europäische Freiheitsrevolution?
- Kein Kalter Krieg. Eine globale Krisen- und Konfliktgeschichte, 1945-1990
- Auferstanden aus Ruinen? Die Deutsche Wochenschau 1940-1963
- Mikrostaat und Supermacht. Der Heilige Stuhl in den Internationalen Beziehungen
- Freedom Rings? Eine Geschichte der Rassenbeziehungen in den USA
- Krieg und Peripherie. Der Erste Weltkrieg in den Kolonien
- „Niemand hat die Absicht eine Mauer zu errichten.“ Mauerbau und Mauerfall als Wendepunkte deutsch-deutscher Geschichte
- Einheit und Freiheit. Deutschland und die Deutsche Frage im Spiegel politischer Reden seit dem 19. Jahrhundert
- Guerillas und Generäle. Militärdiktaturen in Spanien, Portugal und Lateinamerika im 20. Jahrhundert
- Denkmal und Gesellschaft. 1000 Jahre europäische Architekturgeschichte im Spiegel des Weltkulturerbes
- Berlin-Buenos Aires. Schlaglichter auf argentinisch-deutsche Selbst- und Fremdbilder
Akademie für Internationale Zusammenarbeit, BMZ (since 2012):
- Landesanalysen Argentinien
- Landesanalysen Uruguay
- Landesanalysen Paraguay
- Landesanalyse Venezuela