Prof. Dr. Manuel Brunner, LL.M.
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Prof Dr Manuel Brunner, LL.M.
Lecturer at the Chair of Military History
consulting hours
by appointment
Manuel Brunner is a Professor at the Police Academy of Lower Saxony since October 2021, where he teaches Public Law. Before he was a practicing lawyer with a mid-sized law firm in the Ruhr Area of Germany specializing also in Public Law. Manuel got his PhD from Leibniz University Hannover, his Master of Laws from Maastricht University (Netherlands), and his first law degree from Westfälische-Wilhelms-University Münster. He has published numeorus articles and book chapters inter alia about General Public International Law, the Use of Force in International Relations, the Law of Disarmament and Arms Control, as well as German and Comparative Constitutional Law. His PhD-Thesis on International Commissions of Inquiry was published in 2022.