Junior Professor Dr Andreas Lutsch

Junior Professor Dr Andreas Lutsch
Lecturer at the Chair of Military History
Hochschule des Bundes für öffentliche Verwaltung
Postfach 40527
100063 Berlin
consulting hours
by appointment
Since 2019 Professor of Intelligence Analysis (W1, tenure track after W2) in the BND department of the Federal University of Applied Sciences for Public Administration, Berlin
Since 2021 Lectureship (winter semester) as visiting professor at the Institut d'études politiques de Paris (Sciences Po)
2014-2019 Research assistant to Prof Dr Peter Hoeres, Chair of Modern History, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
2015-2017 Nuclear Security Postdoctoral Fellow, Center for International Security and Cooperation, Stanford University
2015 Doctorate summa cum laude, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
2009-2014 Research assistant to Prof. Dr Andreas Rödder, Chair of Modern History, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
2004-2009 Studies of History, Political Science and Public Law, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz and University of Glasgow
Scholarships and fellowships:
Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes, DAAD, Stanton Foundation, MacArthur Foundation, Society of Historians for American Foreign Relations.
Research interests
- Problems, concepts and methods of intelligence analysis in the past and present (focus on strategic foreign intelligence)
- History and current problems of the nuclear world order
- Westbindung oder Gleichgewicht? Die nukleare Sicherheitspolitik der Bundesrepublik Deutschland zwischen Atomwaffensperrvertrag und NATO-Doppelbeschluss. Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2020 (Sicherheitspolitik und Streitkräfte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland Bd. 14).
Anthology (in preparation)
- Mit Jörg Echternkamp, Dominik Geppert und Holger Löttel (Hg.), The German Nuclear Question. An International History, 1955-1963.
Articles in
- Historische Zeitschrift
- International Journal of Intelligence and CounterIntelligence
- Journal of Cold War Studies
- Journal of Strategic Studies
- Militärgeschichtliche Zeitschrift
- Rivista italiana di storia internazionale
- SIRIUS – Zeitschrift für strategische Studien
Contributions to several anthologies, including:
- Mit Ulrich Schlie, „’We Never Plan for the Worst Case’ – Considering the Case of Germany,” in: Christoph Meyer, Michael S. Goodman, Aviva Guttmann, Nikki Ikani und Eva Michaels (Hg.), Estimative Intelligence in European Foreign Policymaking. Learning Lessons from an Era of Surprise (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2022), 190-219.
- „Exploring the Knowledge of U.S. Strategic Intelligence During the Cold War,” in: Rüdiger Bergien, Deborah Gerstenberger und Constantin Goschler (Hg.), Intelligence Agencies, Technology and Knowledge Production: Data Processing and Information Transfer in Secret Services during the Cold War (London: Routledge, 2022), 65-84.
- „From Bonn to Valhalla? West German Nuclear Ambitions, France, and U.S. Nuclear Assistance, 1960-1963,” in: Frédéric Gloriant und Nicholas Badalassi (Hg.), The Franco-German Duo and Nuclear Deterrence. Quarrels and Convergences during the Cold War and Beyond (Oxford; New York: Berghahn Books, 2022), 61-89.