Dr. Javier Francisco

Dr. Javier Francisco
Ehemaliger Lehrbeauftragter an der Professur Allgemeine Geschichte der Frühen Neuzeit
Freie Universität Berlin
Boltzmannstr. 4, 14195 Berlin
- Since 02/2017: Postdoctoral researcher of imperial history, Department of History at the Institute for Latin American Studies, Freie Universität Berlin.
- 2014: Visiting scholar, ILAS, Columbia University (NYC).
- 2013–2016: Ph.D., History, FU Berlin (awarded magna cum laude).
- 2012: qualifying Ph.D., History, University of Tübingen.
- 2011: Teacher for university preparatory courses, Nürtingen.
- 2010: Staatsexamen (equivalent of B.A. and M.A.), History, Spanish and English, University of Tübingen, (awarded magna cum laude).
Forschungsschwerpunkte und Interessengebiete
- Imperial and global history
- Historical methodology and its applications
- Political history of balance of power and security
- The Jesuit order as a global player (17th–18th centuries)
- Exploration of space in science (e.g. exobiology, colonization projects) and fiction (z.B. Asimov, Star Trek)
- Inventing board games
Stipendien und Auszeichnungen
- Fall 2017: Fund grant for the workshop Reconfiguring Imperial Spaces: Intra- and Inter-Imperial Entanglements, University of Göttingen, Berlin.
- Spring 2016: Follow-up funding award for the completion of the PhD, Graduate School ‘Between Spaces’, Berlin.
- 2013–2015: PhD fellowship, German Research Association (DFG), Berlin.
- Spring 2015: Fund grant for the workshop Liminality as an Interdisciplinary Interface?, DFG, Trier.
- Spring 2014: Award for visiting scholar at Columbia University, Graduate School ‘Between Spaces’, New York City.
- Fall 2013 and 2014: Research travel grant, DFG, Seville, Vatican City, Córdoba (Arg.) and Buenos Aires.
- Fall 2013: Grant for research stay at the Colegio de México, DFG, Mexico City.
- 2012: Qualifying PhD fellowship, Historical Association for History of Overseas (GÜSG).
- Fall 2007: Scholarship for research stay at University of Brisbane, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
Konferenzen und Workshops
- Anticipated fall 2018: Workshop on global history, Decolonization as Driver of Political Integration, Oxford [with: Carlos Pérez Ricart, Oxford].
- 12th–14th October 2017: Workshop on imperial history, Reconfiguring Imperial Spaces: Intra- and Inter-Imperial Entanglements, Berlin [with: Jens Scheiner, Göttingen].
- 10th–12th June 2015: PhD network conference, Liminality as an Interdisciplinary Interface?, Trier [with: Graduate School ‘Diversity’, Sophie Schramm et al., Trier].
- May 2017: Conference on the suppression of the Jesuit order, 250 Jahre nach Aufhebung der Jesuitenmissionen in Spanisch Amerika (1767), University of Fribourg (Switzerland).
- January 2017: Conference on the Spanish siglo de oro of Gernot Kamecke and Ingrid Simson, Netzwerk Siglo de Oro, FU Berlin and Humboldt University.
- June 2016: Public lecture (Ringvorlesung) of Jürgen Elvert on European Overseas History, Akteure, Pläne und deren Nebenwirkungen in der europäischen Geschichte, University of Cologne.
- March 2015: Conference on Jesuit universities, Jesuitenuniversitäten als Medienzentren, Jesuitica association, Paderborn.
- December 2014: Doctoral colloquium of prof. Matthias Asche, University of Tübingen.
- November 2014: Conference on social dynamics of the Early Modern Era, Movement & Arrest in Early Modern Culture, Nordic Network for Renaissance Studies, Stockholm.
- March 2014: Conference of MACLAS (Middle Atlantic Council of Latin American Studies), Rethinking Social Justice in Latin America: From the Vatican to the Street, Rutgers University, New Brunswick.
- May 2013: Conference of young-ADLAF (Latin American research foundation) for promising PhD topics on Latin America, Cologne.
- June 2012: Conference of GÜSG (historical association for history of overseas), Vienna.