Potsdam Research Seminar
in Economics
In winter term 2012/2013 initiated, the Potsdam Research Seminar in Economics (PRSE) covers a broad range of topics in the field of Economics. PhD candidates and invited guests have the opportunity to present and discuss their actual research projects or new ideas.
The seminar takes place on Tuesdays 2.15-3.30 pm room 2.31 in House 1. Please sign up here or get in touch with the CEPA team if you want to receive invitations.
Download: Program [PDF]
Program Summer Term 2025
April 15 - Gregor Singer | London School of Economics
"Complementary Inputs and Industrial Development: Can Lower Electricity Prices Improve Energy Efficiency?"
April 22 - Dinand Webbink | Erasmus University Rotterdam
"Evidence from monitoring and inspections of schools"
April 29 - Aiko Schmeißer | University of Potsdam
"The Value of Coworkers: Peer Preferences in a Job Choice Experiment"
May 6 - Barbara Boelmann | University of Cologne
"Missing Men and Women’s Fight for the Vote (joint with Carola Stapper"
May 13 - Johannes Rincke | FAU Nürnberg
"Preferences in Social Network Formation"
May 20 - Yue Huang | Institute for Labour Law and Industrial Relations in the European Union
"Industrial Relations and Working from Home in Germany during the COVID-19 Pandemic"
May 27 - Steffen Künn | Maastricht University
"Indoor environment, student satisfaction, and performance: Evidence from a large-scale field experiment in university classrooms"
June 3 - Andre Diegmann | Halle Institute for Economic Research
"The Effects of Innovations on Firms and Workers: Evidence from Quasi-Random Patent Allocation"
June 24 - Agata Galkiewicz | University of Potsdam
"The Effects of Air Pollution on Children’s Cognitive Performance: Evidence from School-Leaving Examination in Poland"
Shushanik Margaryan (PhD)
Campus Griebnitzsee
August-Bebel-Str. 89 | 14482 Potsdam
House 1, room 3.05a
Winter 2024
Kamila Cygan-Rehm | Dresden University of Technology
"The Untold Story of Internal Migration in Germany: Life-cycle Patterns, Developments, and the Role of Education"
Almuth Scholl | University of Konstanz
"The Political Economy of Domestic and External Debt"
Astrid Kunze | Norwegian School of Economics
"Parental Leave from the Firm’s Perspective"
Simone Ferro | University of Milan
"Riders in the Smog: the Impact of Air Pollution on the Health, Safety, and Productivity of Food Delivery Workers"
Arianna Ornaghi | Hertie School
"The Returns to Viral Media: The Case of US Campaign Contributions"
Lisa Spantig | RWTH Aachen
"The effects of information sharing on moral hazard in credit markets: Evidence from a randomized evaluation in the Philippines"
Efthymia Kyriakopolou | Athens University of Economics and Business
"High-rise housing and urban sustainability"
Karen E. Hauge | Frisch Centre for Economic Research
"Offering scholarships to adult skilled workers: Evidence from a field experiment"
Adriana Di Liberto | University of Cagliari
"Managerial Practices and Student Performance: Evidence from Changes in School Principals"
Summer 2024
- Jan-Erik Thie | University of Potsdam
"Caught between "Shockflation" and "Carbonflation"? Systemically Significant Prices, Carbon Prices and Sectoral Policy Targeting in an Input-Output Framework for Germany" - Hannah Schwank | University of Bonn
"Hiring and the Dynamics of the Gender Gap" - Jonas Radbuch | Humboldt University
"Feedback, Overconfidence and Job Search Behavior" - Martin Lange | ZEW
"High-Profile Crime and Perceived Public Safety: Evidence from Cologne’s New Year’s Eve in 2015" - Anna Becker | Stockholm University
"Transactional Preferences, Public Polices, and the Minimum Wage" - Felix Rösel | TU Braunschweig
"Socialist Geography meets a Market Economy: Evidence from East Germany" - Marion Leroutier | IFS
"The Cost of Air Pollution for Workers and Firms" - Maximilian Amberg | University of Potsdam
"Managing an Energy Crises: Large-Scale Evidence of Residential Natural Gas Savings Through Financial Rewards"
Winter 2023
- Marina Schröder | University of Hannover
Breaking the Bias: The Effect of Self-Promotion on Gender Equality in the Workplace - Hans-Theo Normann | University of Düsseldorf
Breaking the Bias: The Effect of Self-Promotion on Gender Equality in the Workplace - Britta Gehrke | FU Berlin
Minimum wages, wage dispersion and financial constraints in firms - Pierre Picard | University of Luxembourg
Customary Land Conversion in African Cities - Frauke Peter | DZHW Hannover
To grant or not to grant? Lessons in Social Mobility from German Student Finance - Ariel Stern | Harvard & University of Potsdam
Regulatory Incentives for Innovation: The FDA’s Breakthrough Therapy Designation - Laia Navarro-Sola | Stockholm University
Broadcasting Education at Scale: The Long-Term Labor Market Effects of Television-Based Schools
Summer 2023
Sebastian Fehrler | University of Bremen
"Similarity and Consistency in Algorithm-Guided Exploration"
Moritz Drupp | University of Hamburg
"Structural modelling choices and the Social Cost of Carbon"
Manfred Stede | University of Potsdam
"Computing “Framing”: Many approaches, one task?"
Amrita Kulka | University of Warwick
"Agglomeration over the Long Run: Evidence from County Seat Wars"
Sara Amoroso | DIW
"The good, the bad, and the ugly role of regulation and regional government quality for high growth firms"
Nesma Ali | DICE
"Horizontal Mergers and Market Power in India"
Tobias Werner | Max Planck Institute
"Algorithmic Cooperation"
Nicole Schneeweis | JKU Linz
"Birth order and risky behavior"
Nikolaj Moretti | University of Potsdam and MCC
"Navigating the Trade-Offs: The Impact of Redistribution on Public Support for Climate Policy"
Jason Sockin | US Treasury and IZA
"The Political Polarization of American Workplace"
Winter 2022
Gerhard Toews | New Economic School
“Enemies of the People”
Jasper Tjaden | University of Potsdam
"Experimental evidence on COVID-19 outreach among migrant communities on social media"
Daniel Goller | University of Bern
"Active labour market policies for the long-term unemployed: Evidence from causal machine learning"
Mario Larch | University of Bayreuth
"Do what you know and leave the rest to the experts: Quantifying the gains from efficient trading"
Agata Galkiewicz | University of Potsdam
“A Difficult or Easy Start? The Effects of Question Ordering on Test’s Performance”
Eva Markowsky | University of Hamburg
“Migration, ancestry culture, and female labour force participation: A meta-analysis of the epidemiological approach”
Alkis Blanz | University of Potsdam & MCC
“Fiscal Policy and the Distributional Effects of Energy Price Shocks”
Felix Degenhardt | University of Potsdam
“Stepping stones for refugees? Availability of the Gig Economy and labor market integration of refugees in Austria”
Daphne Skandalis | University of Copenhagen
"Motherhood and the Cost of Job Search”
Aiko Schmeißer | University of Potsdam
"Do Unions Shape Political Ideologies At Work?”
Daniel Rodríguez | University of Potsdam
"Heterogeneous effects of child care on female self-employment?”
Thomas Douenne | University of Amsterdam
“Optimal Fiscal Policy in a Climate-Economy Model with Heterogeneous Households”
Bernhard Herz | University of Bayreuth
“A Taylor rule for the ECB’s unconventional monetary policy - a critical link perspective”
Summer 2022
Diego Känzig | London Business School
"The unequal economic consequences of carbon pricing"
Feodora Teti | LMU & ifo
"30 Years of Trade Policy: Evidence from 5.7 Billion Tariffs"
Oliver Holtemöller | University of Halle-Wittenberg
"Optimal Monetary Policy in a Two-Sector Environmental DSGE Model"
Andreas Orland | University of Potsdam
"Sharing rules in Bertrand duopolies with increasing returns"
Alexander Ahammer | JKU Linz
"Effects of Unemployment Insurance Duration on Mental and Physical Health"
Pablo Warnes | Aalto University
"Transport Infrastructure Improvements and Spatial Sorting: Evidence from Buenos Aires"
Kalle Kappner | Humboldt University
"Sanitation, Externalities and the Urban Mortality Transition"
Deborah Cobb-Clark | University of Sydney
"Sophistication about Self-Control"
Niklas Gohl | University of Potsdam
"Working Horizon and Unemployment Behaviour: Causal Evidence from Pension Reform"
Ann-Kathrin Koessler | University of Osnabrück
"Perspective-taking: An effective mean to promote pro-social behavior in the environmental context"
Maximilian Andres | University of Potsdam
"Communication and Strategic Risk in the In(de-)finitely Repeated Prisoner's Dilemma"
Jörg Breitung | University of Cologne
"An endogeneity correction based on a nonparametric control function approach"
Niklas Ziemann | University of Potsdam
"Are individuals less fair in a foreign language?"
Analisa Packham | Vanderbildt University
"Syringe Exchange Programs and Harm Reduction: New Evidence in the Wake of the Opioid Epidemic"
Winter 2021
Anne Gielen | Erasmus University Rotterdam
"Beat the ban migrants and their off-spring: Self-selection and economic assimilation of migrants over multiple generations"
Teresa Freitas-Monteiro | IAB
"Barriers to humanitarian migration, victimization and integration outcomes: Evidence from Germany"
Catherine Roux | University of Basel
"Multigame contact and cooperation"
CEPA Mini Workshops
Frédéric Moisan | EM Lyon Business School
Alexandra de Gendre | University of Sydney
"Class Rank and Sibling Spillover Effects"
Amit Loewenthal | University of Potsdam
"Aid and Radicalization: The Case of Hamas in the West Bank and Gaza"
Tadashi Morita | Kinday University
"Market size, competition, and R&D investment by oligopolistic and monopolistically competitive firms"
Holger Rau | University of Göttingen
"Gender and Collusion"
Philipp Schrauth | University of Potsdam
"The Effect of Cycling Infrastructure on Traffic and Accidents: Evidence from Pop-up Bike Lanes in Berlin"
Karen Helene Ulltveit-Moe | University of Oslo
"Trade from Space: Shipping Networks and The Global Implications of Local Shocks"
Erwin Winkler | FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
"High-Pressure, High-Paying Jobs"
Ines Helm | LMU Münich
"Firm Expansion in Imperfect Labor Markets"
Summer 2021
Yuta Watabe | Pennsylvania State University
Triangulating Multinationals and Trade
Sönke H. Matthewes | University of Potsdam and WZB Berlin
Labour Market Returns to Vocational Education: the Role of Counterfactual Choices
Peter Kjær Kruse-Andersen | University of Copenhagen
Carbon Leakage in a Small Open Economy: The Importance of International Climate Policies
Sevrin Waights | DIW Berlin
Parental leave benefits and the gender pay gap
Jan Sauermann | IFAU - Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education Policy
Assessing Selection Bias in Non-experimental Estimates of the Returns to Workplace Training
Arne Uhlendorff | CREST/ENSAE
Mandatory Integration Agreements for Unemployed Job Seekers: A Randomized Controlled Field Experiment in Germany
Maximilian Späth | University of Potsdam
It's me again... Ask Avoidance and the Dynamics of Charitable Giving.
Andreas Mense | University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
The Impact of New Housing Supply on the Distribution of Rents
Barbara Boggiano | University of Potsdam
Fertility tailored to job demands: Skilled seasonal jobs’ impact on females’ fertility decisions
Rainer Michael Rilke | WHU-Otto Beisheim School of Management
On the motivational effects of input-based relative performance feedback
Winter 2020
Jan Nimczik | ESMT Berlin
Internal Labor Markets: A Worker Flow Approach
Marica Valente | DIW Berlin & HU Berlin
Heterogeneous effects of waste pricing policies
Alkis Blanz | MCC Berlin
Climate Change and Inequality in General Equilibrium: A quantitative analysis of rising food prices in the developing world
Teresa Backhaus | WZB Berlin
Training in late careers - A structural approach
Andreas Orland | University of Potsdam
A Network Analysis of the Market for Academic Economists in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland
Nicolas Koch | MCC Berlin
Machine Learning from Big GPS Data about the Costs of Congestion
Joachim Weimann | Otto von Guerricke Universität Magdeburg
Strategically distorted majority voting: The role of information and communication
Emanuel Gasteiger | TU Wien
Price setting frequency and the Phillips curve
Barbara Annicchiarico | Tor Vergata University of Rome
Climate Actions and Stranded Assets: The Role of Financial Regulation and Monetary Policy
Linda Wittbrodt | University of Potsdam
The German Minimum Wage and the Gender Wage Gap
Summer 2020
Prof. Maximilian Kasy, PhD. (Oxford University)
What do we want? And when do we want it? Alternative objectives and their implications for experimental design.
Dr. Sylvi Rzepka (University of Potsdam)
Increasing Personal Data Contributions: Field Experimental Evidence from an Online Education Platform
Dr. Johannes Paha (University of Potsdam)
Competition and Collusion in List Prices
Prof. Dr. Matthias Wrede (FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg)
Voting on urban land development
Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Boshoff (Stellenbosch University)
South African competition policy on excessive pricing and its relation to price gouging during the Covid-19 disaster period.
Dr. Jana Friedrichsen (HU Berlin and WZB)
Information avoidance with respect to intentions
Winter 2019
Robert Stüber (Berlin Social Science Center)
Motivated Motive Selection in the Lying-Dictator Game
Dr. Katharina Wrohlich (DIW)
Long-Term Effects of the German Parental Leave Reform on Mothers' Earnings
Prof. Dr. Robert Mahlstedt (University of Copenhagen)
Complexity and the Effectiveness of Public Policy
Prof. Dr. Benjamin Elsner (University College Dublin)
Poor Voters, Taxation, and the Size of the Welfare State
Philipp Schrauth (University of Potsdam)
Agglomerations and pollution from a global perspective
Dr. Christin Hoffmann (BTU Cottbus)
Using Loss Aversion to Incentivize Energy Efficiency in a Principal Agent Context – Evidence from a Field Experiment
Dr. Andreas Orland (University of Potsdam)
Liquidity constraints and buffer stock savings: Theory and experimental evidence
Dr. Kristina Sargent (Middlebury College)
When do Workers Prefer Open Borders?
Dr. Sylvi Rzepka (University of Potsdam)
Goal-setting in a blended learning environment
Daniel Graeber (DIW and University of Potsdam)
Intergenerational Health Mobility in Germany
Prof. Dr. Kai Konrad (MPI for Tax Law and Public Finance)
Preemption contests between groups
Prof. Dr. Peter Mohr (FU Berlin)
When Happy People Make Society Unhappy: Incidental Emotions Affect Compliance Behavior
Niklas Ziemann (University of Potsdam)
Spatial Discounting
Tania Fernández-Navia (University of Barcelona School of Economics)
Unemployment Isurance and Geographical Mobility: Evidence from a Quasi-Natural Experiment
Summer 2019
Cosima Obst (Universität Potsdam)
Human capital investments and locus of control: An experimental investigation
Prof. Dr. Oliver Falck (ifo-Institut München)
Returns to ICT Skills
Florian Wozny (Universität Potsdam, IZA Bonn)
Hospital Resources: Reallocation under Price Changes
Prof. Jörg Oechssler, Ph.D. (Universität Heidelberg)
The conditional contribution mechanism for repeated public goods - the general case
Prof. Ferdinand Rauch, PhD (University of Oxford)
Economic Geography Aspects of the Panama Canal
Prof. Dr. Christian Traxler (Hertie School of Governance)
Learning from Law Enforcement
Maximilian Andres (Universität Potsdam)
Experiments on the role of leniency rule with open communication
Prof. Dr. Yves Breitmoser (Universität Bielefeld)
God does not play dice, but do we?
Dr. Robert Gold (Institut für Weltwirtschaft)
To Russia with Love: How Sanctions Impact on Elections
Prof. Dr. Nadja Dwenger (Universität Hohenheim)
Shaming for Tax Enforcement. Evidence from a New Policy
Niklas Gohl (Universität Potsdam)
Pension reforms and human capital investment
Dr. Ulaş Şener (Universität Potsdam)
The Populist Boomerang Effect of Neoliberalism: Political Economic Reflections of a Contentious Relationship
Winter 2018
Marianne Stephanides (WU Wien)
Text analysis in economic research: An experimental investigation of the effect of communication on helping behaviour
Andri Brenner (Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change)
Density and the Environment: Relating Environmental Policies To Urban Structures
Prof. Panu Poutvaara Ph.D. (ifo-Institut München)
Preferences for Redistribution and International Migration
Cortnie Shupe (DIW Berlin)
Affordability of the Affordable Care Act: Implications for Household and Public Finances
Prof. Benjamin Elsner Ph.D. (University College Dublin und IZA Bonn)
Immigrant Voters, Taxation and the Size of the Welfare State
Juliane Hennecke (Universität Potsdam)
The Independent Woman - Locus of Control and Female Labor Force Participation
Prof. Bruce McGough Ph.D. (University of Oregon)
Agent-level learning in general equilibrium
Barbora Sedova (Mercator Research Institut on Global Commons and Climate Change)
Does Climate Change Induce Migration? Evidence from a Meta-Regression Analysis
Marvin Deversi (LMU München)
Cooperatiuon in a company: A large-scale experiment
Prof. Haomin Wang Ph.D. (Universität Konstanz)
Labor Market Responses to Payroll Tax Reductions
Lea Heursen (HU Berlin)
Are Woman Less Effective Leaders than Men? Evidence from Experiments Using Coordination Games
Summer 2018
Prof. Dr. Emanuel Gasteiger (FU Berlin)
Endogenously (Non-)Ricardian Beliefs
Prof. Dr. Gesine Stephan (IAB)
The effects of additional information on wage and training subsidies - findings from two field experiments
Sascha Drahs (Universität Potsdam)
The Effect of Parental Leave Policies in Labor Markets with Search Friction
Prof. Dr. Martina Kirchberger (Trinity College Dublin)
In Search of a Spatial Equilibrium in the Developing World
Florian Stolley (Universität Potsdam)
Gender Differences in the Response to Decision Power and Responsibility - Framing Effects in a Dictator Game
Prof. Dr. Frank M. Fossen (University of Nevada, Reno)
How do Entrepreneurial Portfolios Respond to Income Taxation?
Anna Bindler, PhD. (University of Gothenburg)
Scaring or scarring? Labour market effects of criminal victimisation
Relika Stoppel (Universität Potsdam)
The Effectiveness of Restricting Hours of Alcohol Sales on Alcohol-Attributable Mortality
Winter 2017
Dr. Felix Weinhardt (DIW)
ICT and Education: Evidence from Student Home Addresses
Daniel Graeber (DIW und Universität Potsdam)
Parental Education and the Offspring's Mental Health
Prof. Dr. Bernd Fitzenberger (HU Berlin)
End-of-Year Spending and the Long-Run Employment Effects of Training Programs for the Unemployed
Prof. Dr. David Jäger (City University of New York)
Did Reality TV Really Cause a Decline In Teenage Childbearing? A Cautionary Tale of Evaluating Identifying Assumptions.
Prof. Dr. Martin Fochmann (Universität Köln)
Less Cheating? The Effects of Prefilled Tax Returns on Compliance Behavior of Taxpayers
Philipp Schrauth (Universität Potsdam)
The denser the dirtier? Pollution patterns in German municipalities
Prof. Dr. Johanna Mollerstrom (DIW)
No Gender Difference in Willingness to Compete When Competing against Self
Florian Wozny (IZA Bonn und Universität Potsdam)
Long-term effects of radiation on cognitive functioning
Prof. Dr. Anders Levermann (Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung und Universität Potsdam)
Towards understanding the global economic response to weather extremes: the example of river floods
Prof. Dr. Volker Wieland (Mitglied des Sachverständigenrates zur Begutachtung der gesamtwirtschaftlichen Entwicklung, Stiftungsprofessor für Monetäre Ökonomie, geschäftsführender Direktor des Institute for Monetary and Financial Stability (IMFS))
Für eine zukunftsorientierte Wirtschaftspolitik - Jahresgutachten 2017/2018
Dr. Jana Vyrastekova (Radboud Universiteit)
Moral incentives and economic decision-making
Dr. Andreas Orland (Universität Potsdam)
Why labor supply is a substitute for saving and whether this explains precautionary behaviour
Summer 2017
Prof. Dr. Dave Donaldson (Stanford University)
The More We Die, The More We Sell? A Simple Test of the Home-Market Effect
Dr. Jana Friedrichsen (HU Berlin und DIW)
Welfare Stigma in the Lab: Evidence of Social Signaling
Alexander Konon (DIW)
Media and occupational choice
Amelie Schiprowski (IZA Bonn und Universität Potsdam)
The Role of Caseworkers in Unemployment Insurance: Evidence from Unexpected Absences
Prof. Dr. Tobias Seidel (Universität Duisburg-Essen)
Fiscal equalization in the spatial economy
Prof. Dr. Atanas Christev (Heriot-Watt University Edinburgh)
The Welfare Losses of Adaptive Learning Dynamics
Frederike Lannte (Universität Potsdam)
Evaluating the effect resulting from the use of supporting material on student performance in Microeconomics
Prof. Dr. John Ham (National University of Singapore)
Estimating (Easily Interpreted) Dynamic Training Effects from Experimental Data
Prof. Dr. Loukas Balafoutas (Universität Innsbruck)
Rehabilitation and social behaviour
Alexander Wulff (Universität Potsdam)
Financing of Government Spending in an Incomplete-Markets Model: The Role of Public Debt
Dr. Annemarie Künn-Nelen (Maastricht University)
Why low-educated workers train less? Evidence from a matched vignette study
Winter 2016
Prof. Dr. Björn Bartling (Universität Zürich)
Fairness in a Winner-Take-All Economy
Dr. Andreas Orland (Universität Potsdam)
Giving Advise about Complex Products: The Case of Financial Investments
Prof. Dr. Urs Fischbacher (Universität Konstanz)
Who runs? Honesty and self-selection into politics
Robert Mahlstedt (Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit Bonn und Universität Potsdam)
The Role of Expectations on the Effectiveness of Active Labor Market Policies
Dr. Russell Toth (University of Sydney)
The Return of the Sea Turtles: Empirical Evidence from China on the Industry Level Impacts of Return Skilled Migration
Andri Brenner (Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change)
Innovation and Adaption
Prof. Dr. Wieland Müller (Universität Wien)
Consistency and Stationarity of Individual Time Preferences
Barbora Sedova (Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change)
Temporary migration, risk sharing and welfare of children in rural India
Dr. Barbara Hofmann (Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung)
Do mandatory integration contracts improve job search outcomes of the unemployed? Evidence from a randomized controlled field experiment in Germany
Prof. Dr. Stefan Bauernschuster (Universität Passau)
Bismarck's Health Insurance and the Mortality Decline
Martin Weißenberger (Universität Potsdam)
Start-Up Subsidies and Regional Entrepreneurship - Evidence from Germany
Dr. Florian Artinger (Max-Planck-Institute for Human Development)
Heuristic Pricing In An Uncertain Market: Ecological And Constructivist Rationality
Ulrich Eydam (Universität Potsdam)
The Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive: End of the Sovereign-Bank Doom Loop in the European Union?
Dr. Markus Gehrsitz (University of Strathclyde)
Speeding, Punishment, and Recidivism – Evidence from a Regression Discontinuity Design
Summer 2016
Dr. Johannes Rieckmann (BIGS Potsdam)
Citizens, crime and the internet – surveying victimization, perception and loss
Peter Schmidt (Universität Potsdam)
Internal migration and EU regional policy transfer payments: a panel data analysis for 28 EU member countries
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Timo Baas (Universität Duisburg-Essen)
Macroeconomic Stability and the Single European Labor Market
Alexander Wulff (Universität Potsdam)
Incomplete Information, Financial Market Imperfections, and Aggregate Saving
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Marina Schröder (Universität Köln)
Remember Me? A field study on memory biases in academia
Prof. Dr. Georg Hirte (Technische Universität Dresden)
Why not (to) choose the most convenient labor supply model? Workdays, working hours and economic policy analysis.
Prof. Dr. Jan Marcus (Universität Hamburg)
Increased instruction hours and the widening gap in student performance
Stefan Tübbicke (Universität Potsdam)
Individual Effects of the New Start-Up Subsidy: What can we learn from Policy Reforms?
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Menusch Khadjavi (Universität Kiel)
Social Capital and Large-Scale Agricultural Investments: An Experimental Investigation in Zambia
Fabian Sakowski (Prognos AG)
Flächennutzungskonkurrenzen und Raumüberwindungskosten in der New Economic Geography
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Moritz Kuhn (Universität Bonn)
Earnings losses and labor mobility over the lifecycle
Sandra Bedenk (Universität Potsdam)
Does it matter who is judging? Gender Differences in Competitiveness
Dr. Gabriel Ahlfeldt (London School of Economics and Political Science)
The Vertical City: The Price of Land and the Height of Buildings in Chicago 1870-2010
Claudia Stier (Universität Potsdam)
A Fresh Look at Opportunity and Necessity Entrepreneurs
Winter 2015
Dr. Hannah Schildberg-Hörisch (Universität Bonn)
Choosing the right challenge
Dr. Neil Ferguson (BIGS Potsdam)
Weighting the Obvious? Indexing Job Quality and the Effects of „Bad Jobs“ on Subjective Wellbeing in Kyrgyzstan
Christoph Schmierer
Technologietransfer und Spillovereffekte ausländischer Toch-terunternehmen in Entwicklungs- und Schwellenländern - mit dem Fokus auf ausländische Exportplattformen
Prof. Dr. Dr. Lydia Mechtenberg (Universität Hamburg)
Voter Motivation and the Quality of Democratic Choice
Marcel Henkel (Universität Duisburg-Essen)
The Role of Urbanization for Wage Inequality in Germany
Prof. Kristin Kleinjans (California State University)
Occupational Prestige and the Gender Wage Gap
Prof. Dr. Katja Görlitz (Freie Universität Berlin)
Do Training Vouchers Increase Adult Learning? Evidence from a Randomized Information Treatment
Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Wolf (Humboldt-Universität Berlin)
How Britain unified Germany. Geography and the Rise of Prussia after 1815
Thorsten Martin (Universität Potsdam)
You Shall Not Build (until tomorrow) - Electoral cycles and municipal housing policies in Germany
Juliane Hennecke (Universität Potsdam)
Blaming Yourself or Losing (Locus of) Control? An Economic Perspective on Psychological Reactions to Unemployment Shocks
Summer 2015
Thorsten Martin (Universität Potsdam)
A note on empirical tax competition
Dr. Simeon Schudy (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)
"You must not know about me“ – On the willingness to share personal data with unknown recipients
Ria Müller (Institut für Ökologische Wirtschaftsforschung)
Non-public bulk consumers as drivers of eco-innovations
Dr. Fabian Kindermann (Universität Bonn)
Bargaining over Babies: Theory, Evidence and Policy Implications
Reinhard Schumacher (Universität Potsdam)
Adam Smith and the ‘Rich Country – Poor Country’ Debate: 18th Century Views on Economic Progress and International Trade
Janine Hart und Marius Clemens (Universität Potsdam)
Migration, Unemployment and the Business Cycle – A Euro-Area perspective
Philip Maschke (Hochschule Merseburg)
Alternatives to GDP – Measuring the Impact of Natural Disasters using Panel Data
Clemens Hetschko (Freie Universität Berlin)
Income Support, Employment and Well-being
Prof. Dr. Kerstin Roeder (Universität Augsburg)
The political Sustainability of a Basic Income Scheme and Social Health Insurance
Max Franks (Potsdam Institut für Klimafolgenforschung)
Bequest heterogeneity in an overlapping generations economy for distributional analysis
Helke Seitz (Universität Potsdam)
Locus of Control and Investment in Training
Julian Baumann (Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung)
Movie Piracy and the Box Office - An Empirical Assessment
Juliane Hennecke (Universität Potsdam)
Unemployment Stocks and Personality Alteration
Winter 2014
Dr. Oscar Pavlov (Freie Universität Berlin)
Product Scope and Economic Fluctuations
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Philipp Engler (Freie Universität Berlin)
Progressive Taxation and Monetary Policy in a Currency Union
Miriam Wetter (University of Potsdam)
Effects of public sector employment on wage inequality: An analysis of the German private-public wage gap
Sabrina Artinger (Max-Planck-Institute for Human Development)
Entrepreneurial Failure: Psychological and Statistical Explanations
Hoda Siam
The effects of Value Added Tax (VAT) on consumption behavior and welfare in Iran
Prof. Dr. Carsten Schröder (German Institute for Economic Research)
Dr. Andreas Orland (University of Potsdam)
Economic Beliefs and Party Preference
Prof. Dr. Alexander Kemnitz (Technische Universität Dresden)
Return Migration and Illegal Immigration Control
Amelie Schiprowski (IZA - Institute for the Study of Labor and University of Potsdam)
The Intensive Margin Effects of Job Search Requirements
Dr. Corrado Giulietti (IZA - Institute for the Study of Labor)
The Economic Payoff of Name Americanization
Thorsten Martin (University of Potsdam)
Direct Democracy and Local Land use
Prof. Dr. Dieter Nautz (Freie Universität Berlin)
Are US inflation expectations re-anchored?
Summer 2014
Martin Weißenberger (University of Potsdam)
The Long-Term Effects of Start-Up Subsidies and the Role of Personality Traits
Gregor Schwerhoff (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research)
Efficiency and Equity Effects of Environmental Taxes under Capital Mobility
Janine Hart (University of Potsdam)
Migration and the Current Account: Do Skill Levels Make a Difference?
Enrico Rettore (University of Padova)
Procedures vs. incentives: the case of the university recruitment system in Italy
Marko Ringmann (University of Potsdam)
Monetary and Fiscal Polciy in a Financial Accelerator Model
Steven Stillmann (University of Otago)
The Effect of Social Networks on Economic Outcomes: Evidence from Māori Ties to their Rohe
Nadja Dwenger (Max-Planck-Institute for Tax Law and Public Finance)
Extrinsic vs. Intrinsic Motivations for Tax Compliance
Johannes Endler (University of Potsdam)
Timing of Retirement - an Estimation of Transition Rates for Women facing the "Pension at 67"
Giacomo Corneo (Freie Universität Berlin)
Bessere Welt: Hat der Kapitalismus ausgedient?
Ulas Sener (University of Potsdam)
Geldpolitik: Die Entpolitisierung der Geldpolitik am Beispiel der Türkei
Frank Heinemann (Freie Universität Berlin)
Central Bank Reputation, Transparency and Cheap Talk as Substitutes for Commitment: Experimental Evidence.
Miriam Wetter (University of Potsdam)
Effects of Public Sector Employment on Inequality: An Analysis of the German Private-Public Wage Gap
Winter 2013
Scott Adams (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
Seatbelt Use Following Stricter Drunk Driving Regulations
Ronny Freier (German Institute for Economic Research)
Population thresholds and RDD identification
Anton Parlow (University of Kaiserslautern)
Armed Conflict and Children’s Health: The Case of Kashmir
Prof. Jan van Ours (Tilburg University)
Distance to cannabis-shops and age of onset of cannabis use
Prof. Dr. Christoph M. Schmidt (RWI - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research)
Vorstellung des Jahresgutachtens 2013/2014 des Sachverständigenrates zur Begutachtung der gesamtwirtschaftlichen Entwicklung "Gegen eine rückwärtsgewandte Wirtschaftspolitik"
Summer 2013
Marco Runkel (TU Berlin)
Why Countries Compete in Ad Valorem Instead of Unit Capital Taxes
Andrew Clark (Paris School of Economics)
Poverty and Well-Being: Panel Evidence from Germany
Micaela Ponce (University of Potsdam)
Estimating Price Elasticities of Supply for the US Natural Gas Market
Hyok-Joo Rhee (Seoul National University of Technology)
Zoning in Cities with Traffic Congestion and Agglomeration Economies
Ricarda Schmidl (IZA - Institute for the Study of Labor)
Vacancy referrals and job search monitoring: Evidence from Germany
Gregor Schwerhoff (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research)
Low-Carbon Development through International Specialization
Deborah Cobb-Clark (University Melbourne)
Educational Achievement and the Allocation of School Resources
Marco Pedrotti (University of Potsdam)
Stakeholder vs. Shareholder Banken: Ein Modell für die Zinsmarge einer risikoneutralen Bank – Empirischer Ansatz zur Überprüfung der theoretischen Ergebnissen
Tymon Sloczynski (Warsaw School of Economics)
New Evidence on Linear Regression and Treatment Effect Heterogeneity
Winter 2012
Ricarda Schmidl (IZA - Institute for the Study of Labor)
Fighting Youth Unemployment: The Effects of Active Labor Market Policies
Marius Clemens (University of Potsdam)
Macroeconomic Stability and Oil Price Fluctuations
Prof. Dr. Peter Haan (German Institute for Economic Research)
The design of unemployment transfers: Evidence from a dynamic structural life-cycle model
Prof. Dr. Christoph M. Schmidt (RWI - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research)
„Jahresgutachten Sachverständigenrat 2012/13“
Ana Cardoso (Institut d'Anàlisi Econòmica Barcelona)
Interpreting Econometric Estimates of Firm Wage Effects: An Application to the Gender Wage Gap
Peter Schmidt (University Potsdam)
European Structural Funds – A theoretical and empirical analysis of economic impact
Jens Hogenacker (IZA - Institute for the Study of Labor)
Start-Up Subsidies for the Unemployed: A New Evaluation Approach
Prof. Dr. Marco Runkel (TU Berlin)
Kai Andree (University of Potsdam)
Thorsten Martin (University of Potsdam)
Municipality debts in Germany: A spatial econometric approach