CEPA Internship Program
CEPA offers the opportunity for selected advanced undergraduate or graduate students at the University of Potsdam to take part in the CEPA Internship Program at one of our partner institutions. Students who have an excellent academic record and show a high interest in questions of economic policy and applied economic research can acquire hands-on knowledge interning at one of our partner institutions. Internships are offered on a competitive basis, typically last for one to three months and can be accredited in our Bachelor and Master programs (see the corresponding program regulations [VWL/PUW/EPQM] for details).
Applications can be sent directly to our coordinators at the corresponding institutions. General enquiries about the CEPA Internship Program can be send to info-cepauuni-potsdampde.
@DIW Berlin: Dr. Katharina Wrohlich, Email: kwrohlichudiwpde
@MCC/PIK: Prof. Dr. Matthias Kalkuhl, Email: kalkuhlumcc-berlinpnet