Publikationen Humanbiologie
Mumm R, Groth D, Hermanussen M (2024). Coherence: A new approach for analyzing interrelated serial data, Human Biology and Public Health 2.
Delor C, Scheffler C, Hermanussen M (2024). Dissociated development of growth and skeletal robustness, and motor skills of preschoolchildren, Human Biology and Public Health 2.
Baran K, Özer B, Hermanussen M, Groth D, Scheffler C. (2024). Transcending borders: anthropometric insights and body image among Turkish immigrants i nGermany and the Netherlands, Human Biology and Public Health2.
Hermanussen M, Scheffler C (2024) Größenwahn, Erste Auflage. Springer Berlin, Heidelberg.
Novina N, Dorjee B, Hermanussen M, Scheffler C, Bogin B, et al. Maternal Education is a Major Factor in Growth Regulation in Twins and Singletons. J Compr Ped. 2024;15(2):e145017.
Hermanussen M & Scheffler C (2024). Stop stunting—A misguided campaign by well-meaning nutritionists. American Journal of Human Biology, e24068.
Hermanussen M, Dammhahn M, Scheffler, C, Groth,D (2023) Winner-loser effects improve social network efficiency between competitors with equal resource holding power. Sci Rep13, 14439.
Gasparatos N, Scheffler C, Hermanussen M (2023). Assessing the applicability of changepointanalysis to analyse short-term growth, Human Biology and Public Health 1.
Rösler A, Scheffler C, Hermanussen M (2023). No evidence of growth impairment after forced migration in Polish school children after World War II, Human Biology and Public Health 1.
Groth D, Scheffler C, Hermanussen M (2023). Human growth data analysis and statistics – the 5th Gülpe International Student Summer School, Human Biology and Public Health 1.
Hermanussen M, Scheffler C, Pulungan A, Bandyopadhyay AR, Ghosh JR, Özdemir A, Özer BK, Musalek M, Lebedeva L, Godina E, Bogin B, Tutkuviene J, Budryte M, Gervickaite S, Limony Y, Kirchengast S, Buston P, Groth D, Rösler A, Gasparatos N, Erofeev S, Novine M, Navazo B, Dahinten S, Gomuła A, Nowak- Szczepańska N, Kozieł S (2023) Environment, social behavior, and growth – Proceedings of the 30th Aschauer Soiree, held at Krobielowice, Poland, June 18th 2022. Human Biology and Public Health 1.
Gresky J, Bietak M, Petiti E,Scheffler C, Schultz M (2023). First osteological evidence of severed hands in Ancient Egypt. Sci Rep13, 5239 (2023).
Hermanussen M & Scheffler C (2023). Nutrition, size, and tempo. Human Biology and Public Health, 3.
Scheffler C & Hermanussen M (2023). What does stunting tell us? Human Biology and Public Health 3.
Hermanussen M & Scheffler C (2022) Working against forgetting – infants’ feeding and weight gain at the time of Juhan Aul.- Papers on Anthropology XXXI/2,2022, pp.18-28
Rösler A, Gasparatos N, Hermanussen M, Scheffler C (2022) Practicability and user-friendliness of height measurements by proof of concept APP using Augmented Reality, in 22 healthy children. Human Biology and Public Health 2.
Hermanussen M, Scheffler C (2022) Evidence of chronic undernutrition in the late 19th century German infants of all social classes. Human Biology and Public Health 2.
Hermanussen M, Scheffler C, Wilke L, Böker S, Groth D, Kirchengast S, Hagmann D, Lebedeva L, Godina E, Gomula A, Konarski JM, Basaran AÖ; Özer BK, Tutkuviene J, Kersnauskaite D, Bandyopadhyay AR, Koziel S (2022) Growth and Public Health Concerns. Human Biology and Public Health 1.
Dorjee B, Sen J, Das M, Bose K, Scheffler C, Kshatriya GK (2022) No association between body height and metabolic risk factors in short Asian Indian tribal people. Human Biology and Public Health 1.
Hermanussen M, Novine M, Scheffler C, Groth D (2022) The arithmetic dilemma when defining thinness, overweight and obesity in stunted populations. Human Biology and Public Health 1.
Hermanussen M, Erofeev S & Scheffler C (2022) The socio-endocrine regulation of human growth. Acta Paediatr. 00: 1– 5.
Böker S, Hermanussen M, Scheffler C (2022) Detal age is an independent marker of Biological age. Human Biology and Public Health,
Hermanussen M, Groth D, Scheffler C (2022) Human Growth data analyses and statistics.- the 4th Gülpe International Student Summer School. Human Biology and Public Health,
Mumm R, Hermanussen (2022) The dilemma of misclassifying weight in short and historic population. Human Biology and Public Health,
Wilke L, Böker S, Mumm R, Groth D (2022) Social status influences human growth- a summary and analysis of historical data from Gemany school girls in 1914 with comparision to modern references. Human Biology and Public Health,
Bogin B, Hermanussen M, Scheffler C (2022) Bergmann’s rule is a “just-so” story of human body size. Journal of Physiological Anthropology (2022) 41:15,
Scheffler C, Hermanussen M (2022) Reply to the letter titled "Pathologizing normal height or identifying chronic malnutrition: Public health concerns of calling stunting normal" by Faizi, Zubair and Tasleem (2022). Am J Hum Biol. 2022 Feb 26:e23741.
Mumm R, Scheffler C, Hermanussen M (2022) Locally structured correlation (LSC) plots describe inhomogeneity in normally distributed correlated bivariate variables. Archives of Public Health (2022) 80:30,
Azcorra H, Dickinson F, Mendez-Dominguez N, Mumm R, Valentín G (2022) Development of birthweight and length for gestational age and sex references in Yucatan, Mexico. American Journal of Human Biology 34(6):e23732.
Mumm, R & Hermanussen, M (2021). A short note on the BMI and on secular changes in BMI. Human Biology and Public Health, 2.
Scheffler C, Rogol A D, Iancu M, Hanc T, Moelyo A G, Suchomlinov A, Lebedeva L, Limony Y, Musalek M, Veldre G, Godina E, Kirchengast S, Mumm R, Groth D, Tutkuviene J, Böker S, Ozer B K, Navazo B, Spake, L., Koziel, S., & Hermanussen, M. (2021). Growth during times of fear and emotional stress: Proceedings of the 28th Aschauer Soiree, held at Potsdam, Germany, and online, November 14th 2020. Human Biology and Public Health, 2.
Scheffler C , & Hermanussen M (2021). Stunting does not impair physical fitness in Indonesian school children. Human Biology and Public Health, 2.
Scheffler C, Nguyen T H , & Hermanussen M (2021). Vietnamese migrants are as tall as they want to be. Human Biology and Public Health, 2.
Scheffler C & Hermanussen M (2021) Stunting is natural condition of human height. American Journal of Human Biology.
Mumm R, Reimann A & Scheffler C (2021). Estimation of percentage of body fat in field studies – a method based on relative elbow breadth (Frame Index) and BMI . Human Biology and Public Health, 1.
Boeker S , Hermanussen M, & Scheffler C. (2021). Westernization of self-perception in modern affluent Indonesian school children. Human Biology and Public Health, 1.
Hermanussen M, Scheffler C, Martin L, Groth D, Waxmonsky J G, Swanson J, Nowak-Szczepanska N, Gomula A, Apanasewicz A, Konarski J M, Malina R M, Lebedeva L, Suchomlinov A, Konstantinov V, Blum W, Limony Y, Chakraborty R, Kirchengast S, Tutkuviene J, Jakimaviciene E M, Cepuliene R, Franken D, Navazo B, Moelyo A G, Satake T & Koziel S. (2021). Growth, Nutrition and Economy: Proceedings of the 27th Aschauer Soiree, held at Krobielowice, Poland, November 16th 2019. Human Biology and Public Health, 1.
Scheffler C, Hermanussen M, Soegianto S D P, Homalessy A V , Touw S Y , Angi S I , Ariyani Q S , Suryanto T, Matulessy G K I, Fransiskus T, Safira A V C, Puteri M N, Rahmani R, Ndaparoka D N, Payong M K E, Indrajati Y D, Purba, R K H, Manubulu R M, Julia M, Pulungan A B. Stunting as a Synonym of Social Disadvantage and Poor Parental Education. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health2021, 18, 1350.
Scheffler C, Bogin B, Hermanussen M. Catch-up growth is a better indicator of undernutrition than thresholds for stunting. Public Health Nutr. 2021 Jan;24(1):52-61. doi: 10.1017/S1368980020003067 .
Gomula A, Nowak-Szczepanska N, Hermanussen M, Scheffler Ch, Koziel S Trends in growth and developmental tempo in boys aged 7 to 18 years between 1966 and 2012 in Poland.- Am. J. Humanbiology DOI: 10.1002/ajhb.23548
Hermanussen M, Scheffler Ch Secular trends in gestational weight gain and parity on birthweight: An editorial l Birth weight editorial.- Acta Paediatrica DOI: 10.1111/apa.15678
Apanasewicz A, Groth D, Scheffler Ch, Hermanussen M, Piosek M, Wychowaniec P, Babiszewska M, Barbarska O, and Ziomkiewicz A 2020, Traumatized women’s infants are bigger than children of
mothers without traumas.- Anthropol. Anz. DOI: 10.1127/anthranz/2020/1285
Hermanussen M, Groth D, and Scheffler Ch 2020, Statistical Approaches to Developmental and Growth Data of Children and Adolescents – an editorial to student research conducted during the 3rd International Student Summer School, July 2019, Potsdam and Gülpe, Germany.- Anthropol. Anz. DOI: 10.1127/anthranz/2020/1302
Novina N, Hermanussen M, Scheffler Ch, Pulungan AB, Ismiarto YD, Andriyana Y, Biben V, Setiabudiawan B (2020) Indonesian National Growth Reference Charts better reflect height and weight of Children in West Java Indonesia than WHO Growth Charts Standards.- J Clin Res Pediatr Endocrinol. 2020 Aug 10.doi: 10.4274/jcrpe.galenos.2020.2020.0044
Scheffler Ch , Hermanussen M , Rogol A (2020) Stunting: historical lessons that catch-up growth tells us for mapping growth restoration.- Arch Dis Child. 2020 Jul 30; archdischild-2020-319240.doi: 10.1136/archdischild-2020-319240
Hasibuan SN, Pulungan A, Scheffler C, Groth D, Hermanussen M (2020) Environmental stimulation on height: The story from Indonesia.- Anthroplogischer Anzeiger DOI: 10.1127/anthranz/2020/1209
Navazo B, Oyhenart E, Dahinten S, Mumm R, Scheffler C (2020) Decrease of external skeletal robustness (Frame Index) between two cohorts of school children living in Puerto Madryn Argentina at the beginning of the 21st century.- Anthroplogischer Anzeiger DOI: 10.1127/anthranz/2020/1182
Niere O, Spannemann L, Stenzel P, Bogin B, Hermanussen M, Scheffler C (2020) Plasticity of human growth – a systematic review on psychosocial factors influencing growth.- Anthroplogischer Anzeiger DOI: 10.1127/anthranz/2020/1223
Maqsood A, Naumenko DJ., Hermanussen M, Scheffler C, Groth D (2020) No correlation between short term weight gain and lower leg length gain in healthy German children.- Anthroplogischer Anzeiger DOI: 10.1127/anthranz/2020/1237
Dorjee B, Bogin B, Scheffler C, Groth G, Sen J, Hermanussen M 2020 Association of anthropometric indices of nutritional status with growth in height among Limboo children of Sikkim, India.- Anthropologischer Anzeiger DOI: 10.1127/anthranz/2020/1174
Martin L, Dorjee B, Groth D, Scheffler C 2020 Positive influence of parental education on growth of children – statistical analysis of correlation between social and nutritional factors on children’s height using the St. Nicolas House Analysis.-Anthropologischer Anzeiger DOI: 10.1127/anthranz/2020/1177
Hermanussen M, Scheffler C, Pulungan A, Batubara JR, Julia M, Bogin B 2020 Response to the correspondence referring to our article “Stunting is not a synonym of malnutrition” (2018EJCN0997RR) by Conny Tanjung, Titis Prawitasari, Damayanti Rusli Sjarif.- European Journal of Clinical Nutrition.-
Hermanussen M, Bogin B, Scheffler C 2020 The regulation of human growth includes an understanding of competitive growth strategies and community effects on height.- American Journal of Human Biology.-DOI: 10.1002/ajhb.23383
Hermanussen M, Mumm R, Rintisch A, Tutkuviene J, Suchomlinov A, Joubert K, Ferrandez Longas A, Scheffler C 2019 Height SDS Changes (ΔhSDS) in Healthy Children from Birth to 18 Years, with Correction Factors for Measurement Intervals of Less than One Year.- Pediatric Endocrinology Reviews 16 (4) 335-345
Scheffler C, Hermanussen M, Bogin B, Liana D S, et al 2019 Stunting is not a synonym of malnutrition European journal of clinical nutrition.- doi 10.1038/s41430-019-0439-4
Hermanussen M, Scheffler C (2019):Body height as a social signal. Papers on Anthropology XXVIII/1pp 47-60
Hermanussen M, Scheffler C, Groth D, Bogin B (2019) Student work on trends in infant and child growth – an editorial. Antropol. Anz. DOI: 10.1127/anthranz/2019/1052
HermanussenM, Bogin B, Scheffler C (2019) The impact of social indentity and social dominance on the regulation of human growth: A viewpoint Acta Paediatrica Doi: 10.1111/apa.14970
Hermanussen M, Scheffler C, Bogin B (2019) Genetik der Körperhöhe. Adipositas 13: 139-144
Koziel S, Zaręba M, Bielicki T, Scheffler C, Hermanussen M (2019): Social mobility of the father influences child growth: A three‐generation study. Am J Human Biol.
Mumm R, Scheffler C (2019): Lack of evidence of nutritional influence on height in four low and middle-income countries. Anthropol Anz. 2019 Jun 3. doi: 10.1127/anthranz/2019/0988
Scheffler C, Hermanussen M, Bogin B, Liana DS, Taolin F, Cempaka PMVP, Irawan M, Ibbibah LF, Mappapa NK, Payong MKE, Homalessy AV, Takalapeta A, Apriyanti S, Manoeroe MG, Dupe FR, Ratri RRK, Touw SY, K PV, Murtani BJ, Nunuhitu R, Puspitasari R, Riandra IK, Liwan AS, Amandari P, Permatasari AAI, Julia M, Batubara J, Pulungan A. (2019): Stunting is not a synonym of malnutrition. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2019 May 29. doi: 10.1038/s41430-019-0439-4
Friebel F, Hermanussen M, Scheffler C.(2019): Popular ideas and convictions about factors influencing the growth as well as the adult height of children: a German-French comparison. Anthropol Anz. 2019 Apr 17. doi: 10.1127/anthranz/2019/0972
Lebedeva L, Groth D, Hermanussen M, Scheffler C, Godina E. (2019): The network effects on conscripts' height in the central provinces of Russian empire in the middle of XIX century - at the beginning of XX century. Anthropol Anz. 2019 Apr 17. doi: 10.1127/anthranz/2019/0984
Groth D, Scheffler C, Hermanussen M.(2019): Body height in stunted Indonesian children depends directly on parental education and not via a nutrition mediated pathway - Evidence from tracing association chains by St. Nicolas House Analysis. Anthropol Anz. 2019 Apr 15. doi: 10.1127/anthranz/2019/1027
Parfenteva O, Groth D, Scheffler C, Zaharova MF. (2019) Influence of the A/T polymorphism of the FTO gene and sport specializations on the body composition of young Russian athletes. Anthropol Anz. doi: 10.1127/anthranz/2019/0943
Reimann A, Beyer R, Mumm R, Scheffler C. (2019) Reference tables with centiles of limb to body height ratios of healthy human adults for assessing potential thalidomide embryopathy. Anthropol Anz. doi: 10.1127/anthranz/2019/0981
Hermanussen M, Pulungan AB, Scheffler C, Mumm R, Rogol AD, Pop R, Swanson JM, Sonuga-Barke E, Reimann A, Siniarska-Wolanska A, Musalek M, Bogin B, Boldsen JL, Tassenaar PGV, Groth D, Liu YC, Meigen C, Quanjer B, Thompson K, Özer BK, Bryl E, Mamrot P, Hanć T, Koziel S, Söderhäll J, Gomula A, Banik SD, Roelants M, Veldre G, Lieberman LS, Sievert LL. (2019) Meeting Report: The Role of Beliefs and Perception on Body Size. Proceedings of the 26th Aschauer Soiree, Held at Aschauhof, Altenhof, Germany, May 26th, 2018. Pediatr Endocrinol Rev. 16(3):383-400. doi: 10.17458/
Scheffler C, Bogin, B, Hermanussen M. (2018): Warum werden Menschen groß? - Körperhöhe und soziale Stellung.- Mitteilungen der Berliner Gesellschaft fpr Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte.- 39, 117-124.
Hermanussen M, Bilogub M, Lindl AC, Harper D, Mansukoski L, Scheffler C (2018) Weight and height growth of malnourished school-age children during re-feeding. Three historic studies published shortly after World War I. Europ J Clinic NutrDOI:10.1038/s41430-018-0274-z
Lehmann A, Eccard JA, Scheffler C, Kurvers RHJM, Dammhahn M (2018) Under pressure: human adolescents express a pace-of-life syndrome. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 72(3) DOI: 10.1007/s00265-018-2465-y
Bogin B, Varea C, Hermanussen M, Scheffler C (2018). Human life course biology: A centennial perspective of scholarship on the human pattern of physical growth and its place in human biocultural evolution.-Centennial Anniversary Issue of AJPA.- 165 (4).-834-854.
Scheffler C, Krützfeldt L-M, Dasgupta P, and Hermanussen M (2018). No association between fat tissue and height in 5019 children and adolescents, measured between 1982 and in 2011 in Kolkata/India. Anthropol. Anz. 74/5 Supplement (2018), 403–411
Hermanussen M, Bogin B, Scheffler C. (2018) Stunting, starvation, and refeeding - a review of forgotten 19th and early 20th century literature. Acta Paediatr. 2018 Mar 11. doi: 10.1111/apa.14311. [Epub ahead of print]
Hermanussen M, Scheffler C, Groth D, Bogin B. (2018) Editorial Perceiving stunting - Student research and the "Lieschen Müller effect" in nutrition science. Anthropol. Anz. 2018 Feb 20. doi: 10.1127/anthranz/2018/0858. [Epub ahead of print]
Mumm R, Godina E, Koziel S, Musalek M, Sedlak P, Wittwer-Backofen U, Hesse V, Dasgupta P, Henneberg M, Scheffler C. (2018) External skeletal robusticity of children and adolescents - European references from birth to adulthood and international comparisons. Anthropol. Anz. 2018 Feb 20. doi: 10.1127/anthranz/2018/0826. [Epub ahead of print]
Özer A & Scheffler C (2018) Affinity to host population stimulates physical growth in adult offspring of Turkish migrants in Germany. Anthropol. Anz. 74/5 Supplement, 357–362, DOI: 10.1127/anthranz/2018/0825
Bogin B, Hermanussen M & Scheffler C (2018) As tall as my peers – similarity in body height between migrants and hosts. Anthropol. Anz. 74/5 Supplement, 363–374, DOI: 10.1127/anthranz/2018/0828
Bogin B, Scheffler C, Hermanussen M (2017): Global effects of income and income inequality on adult height and sexual dimorphism in height.-Am J Hum Biol. 2017 Mar;29(2). doi: 10.1002/ajhb.22980.
Hermanussen M, Weick S, Scheffler C (2017) : Severe postwar malnutrition did not have a negative impact on the earnings and subsequent pensions of German men born in 1945-1948. Acta Paediatr. 2017 Oct;106(10):1630-1634. doi: 10.1111/apa.13945
Scheffler C, Dammhahn M (2017): Feminization of the fat distribution pattern of children and adolescents in a recent German population. Am J Hum Biol. 2017 Sep 10;29(5). doi: 10.1002/ajhb.23017.
Musalek M, Kokstejn J, Papez P, Scheffler C, Mumm R, Czernitzki AF, Koziel S (2017): Impact of normal weight obesity on fundamental motor skills in pre-school children aged 3 to 6 years. Anthropol Anz. 2017 Sep 1;74(3):203-212. doi: 10.1127/anthranz/2017/0752.
Pospisil C, Czernitzki AF, Scheffler C (2017): No association between nutrition and body height in German kindergarten children - a pilot study. Anthropol Anz. 2017 Sep 1;74(3):199-202. doi: 10.1127/anthranz/2017/0704
Czernitzki AF, Pospisil C, Musalek M, Mumm R, Scheffler C (2017): Analysis of longitudinal data of height z-scores in kindergarten children - A pilot study. Anthropol Anz. 2017 Jul 1;74(2):109-112. doi: 10.1127/anthranz/2017/0708.
Scheffler C, Greil H, Hermanussen M (2017): The association between weight, height, and head circumference reconsidered. Pediatr Res. 2017 May;81(5):825-830. doi: 10.1038/pr.2017.3
Koziel S, Hermanussen M, Gomula A, Swanson J, Kaczmarek M, El-Shabrawi M, Elhusseini M, Satake T, Martinović IK, Scheffler C, Morkuniene R, Godina E, Saša M, Janina T, Anna S, Nieczuja-Dwojacka J, Núñez J, Groth D, Barbieri D (2017): Meeting Reports: Adolescence - a Transition to Adulthood Proceedings of the 24th Aschauer Soiree, held at Jurata, Poland, November 5th 2016. Pediatr Endocrinol Rev. 2017 Mar;14(3):326-334. doi: 10.17458/per.vol14.2017
Mumm R, Czernitzki AF, Bents D, Musalek M (2017): Socioeconomic situation and growth in infants and juveniles.Anthropol Anz. 2017 Jul 1;74(2):101-107. doi: 10.1127/anthranz/2017/0706.
Lehmann A, Floris J, Woitek U, Rühli FJ, Staub K (2017): Temporal trends, regional variation and socio-economic differences in height, BMI and body proportions among German conscripts, 1956-2010. Public Health Nutr. 2017 Feb;20(3):391-403. doi: 10.1017/S1368980016002408.
Nowak-Szczepanska N, Gomula A, Ipsen MJ, Koziel S.2016: Different effects of living conditions on the variation in BMI and height in children before the onset of puberty. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2016 Jun;70(6):662-6. doi: 10.1038/ejcn.2016.30.
Hermanussen M., Scheffler C. (2016) Stature signals status: The association of stature, status and perceived dominance - a thought experiment. Anthropol. Anz. J. Biol. Clin. Anthropol. Doi: 10.1127/anthranz/2016/0698
Lehmann A., Floris J., Woitek U., Rühli F.J., Staub K. (2016) Temporal trends, regional variation and socio-economic differences in height, BMI and body proportions among German conscripts, 1956-2010. Public Health Nutrition. Doi: 10.1017/S1368980016002408
Mumm R., Hermannussen M., Scheffler C. (2016) New reference centiles for boys' height, weight and body mass index used voice break as the marker of biological age. Acta Pediatrica. Doi: 10.1111/apa.13488
Sander M.M., Scheffler C. (2016) Bilateral asymmetry in left handers increased concerning morphological laterality in a recent sample of young adults. Anthropol. Anz. J. Biol. Clin. Anthropol. Doi: 10.1127/anthranz/2016/0663
Hermanussen M. et al. (2016) Stunted Growth. Proceedings of the 23rd Aschauer Soiree, Held at Aschauhof, Germany, November 7th 2015. Pediatric Endocrinology Reviews (PER). 13(4), 756-767.
Ipsen J, Nowak-Sczepanska N, Gomula A, Aßmann C, Hermanussen M (2016) The association of body height, height variability and inequality.Anthropol Anz - J Biol Clinic Anthropol 73/1:1-6
Lehmann A, Scheffler C (2016) What Does the Mean Menarcheal Age Mean? - An Analysis of Temporal Pattern in Variability in a Historical Swiss Population from the 19th and 20th Centuries. American Journal of Human Biology 00:00-00 (2016)
Mumm R, Ipsen MJ, Hermanussen M (2016) The association of weight, weight variability and socioeconomic situation among children. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2016), 1-3 doi: 10.1038/ejcn.2016.21
Hermanussen M, Anisimova A, Aßmann C, van Buuren S, Cámara AD, Abbas Elhusseini M, El-Shabrawi M, Godina E, Gomula A, Groth D, Koziel S, Lieberman L, Meigen C, Mumm R, Nariyama K, Nowak-Szczepanska N, Novokmet N, Satake T, Scheffler C, Söderhall J, Suchomlinov A, Tutkuviene J, Wit JM, Wittwer-Backofen U, Yestrebsky CL (2015) Proceedings of the 22nd Aschauer Soiree on Growth and Health Screening.- Pedatric Endocrinology Reviews (PER) 12(3)2015.-323-332
Hermanussen M, Scheffler C, Groth D, Aßmann C (2015) Height and skeletal morphology in relation to modern life style.-Journal: Journal of Physiological Anthropology 34:41, DOI: 10.1186/s40101-015-0080-4
Scheffler C & Hermanussen M (2014) Is there an influence of modern life style on skeletal build? Am J Hum Biol 26: 590–597 doi: 10.1002/ajhb.22561
Mumm R, Scheffler C, Hermanussen M (2014) Developing differrential height, weight and body mass index references for girls that reflect the impact of the menarche. Acta Paediatrica (103) pp e312-e316 doi: 10.1111/apa.12625
Jopp E, Scheffler C, Hermanussen M (2014) Prevention and Anthropology. Anthropol Anz - J Biol Clinic Anthropol 71/1-2 pp 135-141 doi: 10.1127/0003-5548/2014/0384
Hermanussen M, Meitinger T, Veldhuis JD, Low MJ, Pfäffle R, Staub K, Panczak R, Groth D, Brabec M, von Salisch M, Loh CPA,Tassenaar V, Scheffler C, Mumm R, Godina E, Lehmann A, Tutkuviene J, Gervikaite S, Nierop AFM, Holmgren A, Aßmann C, van Buuren, Koziel S, Zadzinska E, Varela-SIlva, I, Vignerove J, Salama E, El-Shabrawi M, Huijic A, Statke T, Bogen B (2014) Adolescent Growth: Genes, Hormones and the Peer Group. Proceedings of the 20th Aschauer Soiree, held at Glücksburg castle, Germany, 15th November to 17th November 2013. Pedatric Endocrinology Reviews 11(3) pp 341-353
Scheffler C, Gniosdorz B, Staub K, Rühli F (2014) Skeletal robustness and bone strength as measured by anthropometry and ultrasonography as a function of physical activity in young adults. Am J Hum Biol. 2014 Mar 4;26(2):215-20.
doi: 10.1002/ajhb.22504. Epub 2014 Jan 28
Schrade L & Scheffler C (2013) Assessing the applicability of the digital laser rangefinder GLM Professional ® Bosch 250 VF fpr anthropometric field studies. Anthr. Anz. J. Biol. Clinic. Anthrop. 70/2:137-145
Rietsch K, Godina E, Scheffler C (2013) Decreased External Skeletal Robustness in Schoolchildren – A Global Trend? Ten Year Comparison of Russian and German Data. Plos One 7(8) e68195
Scheffler C & Schüler G (2013):Leitfaden für die richtige Auswahl und Anwendung anthropometrischer Daten.- Hsg.: Kommsission Arbeitsschutz und Normung - online.
Rietsch K, Eccard J, Scheffler C (2013): Decreased External Skeletal Robustness Due to Reduced Physical Activity?.- AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN BIOLOGY 25:404–410 DOI:10.1002/ajhb.22389
Scheffler C (2013): Variable and Invariable Proportions in the Ontogenesis of the Human Face.- J of Craniofacial Surg. 24: 237-241 DOI:10.1097/SCS.0b013e31826d07a3
Scheffler, C (2013): Types of Body Shape. In: Hermanussen, Michael (ed.): Auxology.-Studying Human Growth and Development. p.28-29.- 324 p. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart
Scheffler, C (2013): Body Composition. In: Hermanussen, Michael (ed.): Auxology.-Studying Human Growth and Development. p.30-31.- 324 p. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart
Scheffler, C (2013): Determining Body Composition in Field Studies. In: Hermanussen, Michael (ed.): Auxology.-Studying Human Growth and Development. p.32-33.- 324 p. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart
Scheffler, C (2013): Comparative Biology and Human Life History. In: Hermanussen, Michael (ed.): Auxology.-Studying Human Growth and Development. p.41.- 324 p. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart
M. Hermanussen, L.S. Lieberman, V. Schönfeld Janewa, C. Scheffler, A. Ghosh, B. Bogin, E. Godina, M. Kaczmarek, M. El-Shabrawi, E.E. Salama, F.J. Rühli, K. Staub, U. Woitek, P. Blaha, C. Aßmann, S. van Buuren, A. Lehmann, T. Satake, H.H. Thodberg, E. Jopp, S. Kirchengast, J. Tutkuviene, M.H. McIntyre, U. Wittwer-Backofen, J.L. Boldsen, D.D. Martin and J. Meier (2012): Diversity in auxology: between theory and practice Proceedings of the 18th Aschauer Soiree, 13th November 2010. Anthrop. Anz. J. Biol. Clinic. Anthrop. 69/2, pp. 159–174
Schönfeld Janewa, V., Ghosh, A. and Scheffler, C. (2012):Comparison of BMI and percentage of body fat of Indian and German children and adolescents. Anthrop. Anz. J. Biol. Clinic. Anthrop. 69/2, pp. 175–187
Hermanussen, M., Lehmann, A. and Scheffler, C. (2012): Psychosocial Pressure and Menarche: A Review of Historic Evidence for Social Amenorrhea. OBSTETRICAL AND GYNECOLOGICAL SURVEY Volume 67, Number 4
Scheffler, C. and Obermüller, J. (2012): Development of fat distrinution patterns in children and its association with the type of body shape assessed by the Metric-Index.- Anthrop. Anz.J Biol.Clinic. Anthrop. 69/1, pp 45-5
Hermanussen, M., Lehmann, A. , Scheffler, C. (2012): Sexuelle Reifeentwicklung & Menarchealter - Bedeutung des psychosozialen Umfeldes damals und heute.- Korasion 27/1, S.19-22.
Brinkmann, S. and Scheffler, C (2011): The relation between anthropometric measures of the body and back pain of nurses under work-related physical stress.-Anthrop. Anz. J. Biol. Clinic. Anthrop. 68/4, p 490 (abstract)
Gniosdorz, B. and Scheffler, C (2011): The variability of bone strength and skeletal robustness of young men – how it can be influenced.- Anthrop. Anz. J. Biol. Clinic. Anthrop. 68/4, p 497 (abstract)
Lehmann A,Tryggvadóttir L, Scheffler C and Hermanussen M (2011): Menarcheal age and body height in Iceland in the last century.- Anthrop. Anz. J. Biol. Clinic. Anthrop. 68/4, p 507 (abstract)
Rietsch K and Scheffler C (2011): Association between skeletal robustness and physical activity in schoolchildren – First results.- Anthrop. Anz. J. Biol. Clinic. Anthrop. 68/4, p 516 (abstract)
Scheffler C (2011): How many skeletons do we need? – An evolutionary approach of the change of skeleton measures in school children in the last decade.- Anthrop. Anz. J. Biol. Clinic. Anthrop. 68/4, p 519 (abstract)
Voigt, A and Scheffler, C (2011): Manual Abilities of the Elderly – Handgrip Strength, Finger and Thumb Push Strength and Opening Strength in Age Comparison.- Anthrop. Anz. J. Biol. Clinic. Anthrop. 68/2, p 167-173
Scheffler, C (2011): The change of skeletal robustness of 6–12 years old children in Brandenburg (Germany) – Comparison of body composition 1999–2009.-Anthrop. Anz. J. Biol. Clinic. Anthrop. 68/2, p 153-167