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ZIM workshops for winter semester 2023/2024

The ZIM offers a variety of workshops on exciting IT topics during this winter semester 2023/2024.

Most workshops are offered as online events. All information can be found via the ZIM website by clicking on Beratung & Hilfe / Lernen und Arbeiten / Tutorien:


The Workshops are regularly held in German. Through the website you will get all the important information and you can register directly through the booking system on the site.


The first courses start in November.


Selection of topics:

  • Juris & Beck-Online | Onlinedatenbanken
  • MS Excel | Grundlagen und Tipps für Tabellenkalkulation
  • MS Word | Grundlagen und Tipps für Textverarbeitung
  • Python | Grundlagenwissen zum Programmieren
  • Blender | Einführung in Modellierung für 3D Druck 


Feel free to take advantage of these opportunities and improve your skills.



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