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Prof. Dr. Isabella Proeller

Funded by: Erasmus via the European university alliance “European Digital UniverCity” (EDUC)

Granted project volume: 90.504,00 €

Run-time: 01.09.2020 - 31.08.2023


"EDUCating for Positive Management" (short: EDUC+M) is a part of the European university alliance "European Digital UniverCity" (EDUC). In addition to the University of Potsdam, the universities of Cagliari (Italy), Brno (Czech Republic), Pécs (Hungary), Paris-Nanterre (France) and Rennes 1 (France) are involved in the sub-project.

At the university of Potsdam, the Chair of Public and Nonprofit Management (Prof. Proeller) and the Chair of Business Informatics, Processes and Systems (Prof. Gronau) are working on the project.

Main research question:

To what extent do established management approaches promote the consideration of social and sustainable objectives in organizational management?

The main research question investigates:

In the context of international commitments on social, environmental and economic issues (UN Sustainable Development Goals, EU Agenda 2030, European Green Deal, "Accord de Paris", ...) and the digital revolution, universities teaching management are asked in particular to play a formative role in environmental and social change by providing and teaching new economic tools that could help to meet the challenges of the 21st century.

The EDUC+M project is concerned with expanding the existing teaching base in management towards the promotion of responsible management approaches in the digital age. The subprojects, which are being worked on by the two chairs at the University of Potsdam, aim to better understand which requirements and challenges digital transformation processes imply for the management of (private as well as public) organizations.

Research objective:

The aim of the sub-project is to further develop the existing teaching principles of management. The new teaching content, tools and pedagogical models developed within the project will help to better prepare students and professors for the specific challenges of the 21st century. Furthermore, more responsible management approaches and more sustainable business practices are to be promoted.

The project is embedded in the overall goal of the European Higher Education Alliance EDUC to create a common European higher education area in which students, staff, teachers and researchers can learn, teach and work together in diverse exchanges and courses at all participating universities.