Main research areas
- Language contact and variation
- Language change
- Linguistic diversity and language preservation
- Language and tourism
8. Since 06/2023: Red de Diversidad Lingüística en Colombia y Latinoamérica (ReDiLeC): Transatlantic exchange network of researchers on the topic of linguistic diversity in Colombia.
7. Since 10/2022: Limits of variability in Spanish relative complementation: new subproject at the CRC 1287 (SFB 1287) "Limits of Variability in language", with Patrick Auhagen and Iñaki Cano.
6. Since 09/2021: Lengua y Turismo: Co-operation project with Maria del Mar Vanrell Bosch and Mercè Picornel, Universitat de les Illes Balears (UIB), Palma de Mallorca.
5. 09/2020-12/2021: "Multilingualism for social inclusion in the European classroom"
- Research project in co-operation with Inmaculada Solís García, Christina Muriel Samson (Università di Firenze), Alice Corr, Eleni Mariou (University of Birmingham), Maricarmen Parafita Couto, Eduardo Alves Vieira (Universiteit Leiden) and Aline Willems (Universität zu Köln) as part of the EUniWell Seed Funding Calls.
4. 01/2017-12/2020: SFB-Project on "Prominence marking and language contact in Spanish im SFB 1252, Prominence in Language, University of Cologne.
- Project page: Projekt A5, SFB 1252.
3. Since 12/2017: Membership in thematic network: Español en contacto con otras lenguas: variación y cambio lingüístico
- Proyecto inscrito en el marco del Grupo de investigación de la UAM “CAMBIO LINGÜÍSTICO EN SITUACIONES DE CONTACTO” (HUM F-022) coordinado por Azucena Palacios desde 2006
2. 2012-2018: Habilitation project on the language contact between Spanish and Yucatecan Maya in Yucatán and Quintana Roo, Mexico (partial overlap with Projekt A5, SFB 1252)
- Brief general description in German: Uth_Habilitationsprojekt.pdf
- 12/2018: Habilitation at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Cologne, with habilitation thesis on "Language Contact as a Developmental Co-Determinant between Systems and Exemplars. Spanish and Yucatec Maya in Quintana Roo" .
1. 2007-2010 PhD project on the incremental interpretation of French nominalisation suffixes in the SFB 732, Incremental Specification in Context, University of Stuttgart.
- Contrastive study of the French nominalisation suffixes -age and -ment
- Moderate-emergent morphological model
- Monosemantic analysis of -age and -ment
- Synchronous empirical investigation in a 3,000,000-word corpus from FRANTEXT
- Diachronic empirical analysis using 7 3,000,000-word corpora (NCA and 6 FRANTEXT-Corpora)
Colloquia, conferences and workshops
- "La variación lingüística y la noción de las interfaces en las lenguas románicas". 30/09-02/10/2019, section at the 36th Romanistentag, University of Kassel (together with Martin Elsig, Ingo Feldhausen and María del Mal Vanrell Bosch).
- "Extraromanische Strukturen", 08-12/10/2017, section at the 35th Romanistentag in Zürich (together with Miguel Gutiérrez Maté, Uli Reich and María del Mar Vanrell Bosch); program.
- "Sprachwandel als Optimierung? Ökonomie, Sprachkontakt und andere Faktoren", 31/01/2017, University of Cologne (together with Sonja Gipper, Anke Grutschus, Katja Hannß and Eugen Hill).
- "Focus Realization and Interpretation in Romance and beyond", 30-31/01/2014, University of Cologne (together with Marco García García).
- "Romanistisch-linguistisches Netzwerktreffen NRW", 24/06/2013, University of Cologne (together with Anke Grutschus).
- "Semantic Features in Derivational Morphology“, 30-31/05/2008, University of Stuttgart (together with Regine Brandtner and Simone Heinold).