Welcome to the Chair of Spanish and French Linguistics!
We are an international team of linguists with a special interest in Romance and American languages and cultures.
We research and publish on topics including linguistic variability, language contact and multilingualism, syntax and pragmatics of interrogative sentences, intonation and information structure, as well as the preservation of indigenous languages and other topics concerning linguistic and cultural diversity and sustainability.
We offer courses for Romance languages and cross-linguistic courses on diverse linguistic and interdisciplinary topics, about which you can inform yourself on the individual faculty pages if you are interested. We also focus on the implementation of international courses using and further developing digital methods.
News from the Chair
Hint: The project PaCoCo (DAAD/Campus France), carried out by Jan Fliessbach, Lucia Tovena , Damien Fleury and Johanna Rockstrohhas a new Webseite.
New publication: Patrick Auhagen and Jan Fliessbach have published their research about Structural and sociolectal limits of variability of que in Mexican Spanish noun clefts in Isogloss.
Ana María Reyes-Vujovic participated in the X SIMPOSIO INTERNACIONAL DE HISPANISTAS ‘ENCUENTROS 2024’ held in Gdansk (Poland) from 25 to 27 September with a talk on "Los vocativos y su aplicabilidad en el ámbito escolar desde la perspectiva de contacto entre el español y el magütá de la Amazonia colombiana ’.
Invited guest : Im September we are pleased to have Rodrigo Gutiérrez Bravo, El Colegio de México, as a guest researcher in our Chair. A warm welcome!
New publication: Iñaki Cano's first article has been released: “Lo mismo de que se hace el aguardiente”. Presencia y ausencia del artículo en las relativas oblicuas del español europeo appeared in the Revista Internacional de Lingüística Iberorrománica. ¡Felicidades!