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Islands, Languages, Masses of People: Mallorca and Yucatán.

Exhibition at the Volkshochschule Potsdam on the Effects of Tourism on Languages and Cultures

Mass tourism impacts not only the environment but also the languages and cultures of the destinations – often with consequences that threaten their preservation. Students and staff from the Institute of Romance Studies and the Center for Language - Variation - Multilingualism at the University of Potsdam have examined the positive and negative effects of tourism using the examples of Mallorca and Yucatán.

The results of this interdisciplinary research are showcased in the exhibition "Islands, Languages, Masses of People: Mallorca and Yucatán," which will be on display at the Volkshochschule Potsdam (Potsdam Adult Education Center) starting January 15. The display panels invite visitors to reflect on questions such as: How do travelers influence local culture and language? What does “authenticity” mean in the context of mass tourism? These complex interactions between travel habits and cultural as well as linguistic dynamics are explored from diverse perspectives.

The idea for the exhibition emerged during a field trip to Mallorca in October 2023 and through close collaboration with researchers from Palma de Mallorca (Spain), Cartagena and Leticia (Colombia), as well as Quintana Roo (Mexico). This international partnership highlights the global relevance of the topic.

The exhibition will be on display from January 15 to May 9, 2025, at the Volkshochschule Potsdam (Am Kanal 47).

Unfortunately the event has to be cancelled!

Accompanying event: ‘Das Geschäft mit der Sehnsucht'

On 26 February at 17:30, Prof. Dr Melanie Uth will give a lecture as part of the current exhibition "Inseln, Sprachen, Menschenmassen: Mallorca und Yucatán". The VHS kindly asks you to register in advance via the website A warm invitation!