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Invited talks

  • "On the impact of definiteness and animacy in Spanish relative complementation". Talk at the CCLS Lecture Series, University of Cologne, 24/06/2024 [together with Patrick Auhagen].
  • "Exploring the limits of variability in Spanish relative complementation - first results".  Talk at the Forschungscolloquium Romanistische Sprachwissenschaft, Freie Universität Berlin, 17/01/2024 [together with Patrick Auhagen und Iñaki Cano].
  • "Variability in Spanish prepositional relative complementizers and its limitations - first results". Talk at the General Linguistics Colloquium (WiSe 2023/2024), Georg-August-University of Göttingen, 19/12/2023 [together with Patrick Auhagen und Iñaki Cano].
  • "En procura de "lo maya" en las guías turísticas alemanas de la península de Yucatán". Talk at the Seminari de recerca i intercanvi docent "Illes, Mars, Turisme, Fronteres", Universitat de les Illes Balears (Palma, Spanien), 20/10/2023.
  • "Que galicado und donde-Effekt: Variabilität von Relativsatzkomplementieren im Yukatekischen Spanisch". Talk at the  Oberseminar Romanistische Linguistik 2022, Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich, 29/06/2022 [together with Patrick Auhagen].
  • "Variation von Relativsatzkomplementierern im Yukatekischen Spanisch". Talk at the Master- und Doktorand*innen-Kolloquium der Romanistischen Linguistik of the Romance seminar,  Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg, 30/06/2022 [together with Patrick Auhagen].
  • "Multilingüismo y turismo: visiones desde la península de Yucatán y Mallorca". Seminaris Virtuals 2021-2022 del GRESIB (Grup de Recerca Sociolingüísica de les Illes Balears), Universitat de les Illes Balears (Palma, Spanien), 04/03/2022 [together with Maria del Mar Vanrell].
  • "Ein Zug für Yukatan? Staatliche Zukunftsvision, lokale Narrative". Talk at the Ringvorlesung of the Volkshochschule Bonn in cooperation with the Bonner Altamerikanistik, 14/07/2020.
  • "Object prominence and event perspectivization. On the incompatibility of object fronting with the progressive aspect in Yucatec Maya", Talk at the University of Göttingen, 25/06/2019 [together with Rodrigo Gutiérrez-Bravo].
  • "Zwischen Minidiskursen und Bildkommentaren: Zum Verhältnis von Prosodie und Informationsgliederung in Sprachdaten aus bildbasierten Elizitations-experimenten". Talk at the section "Prosodie und konzeptionelle Variation. Kommunikationsbedingungen, Planungsgrad und Aktivitätstypen als Parameter prosodischer Gestaltung", 35th Romanistentag, University of Zürich, 10/10/2017.
  • "Acerca de la labialización de las nasales finales en el español yucateco: factores lingüísticos y extralingüisticos y desarrollo diacrónico", Talk as part of the Coloquio Lingüístico des Colegio de México, Mexiko City, 18/08/2017 [together with Leonor Rosado Robledo]. 
  • "Der Kontakt zwischen Spanisch und yukatekischem Maya auf der yukatekischen Halbinsel in Mexiko",  Talk as part of the Ethnologisch-Altamerikanistisches Kolloquium of the University of Bonn, 22/05/2017.
  • "Der Sprachkontakt in Yucatán und die Besonderheiten des yukatekischen Spanisch", Short talk in the seminar Sprache und Kultur der Yukatekischen Maya II/ Language and Culture of the Yucatec Maya II, by Prof. Dr. Nicolai Grube, Department of Ancient American Studies at the University of Bonn, 09/02/2017.
  • "Language contact and intonation: Evidence from contrastive focus marking and loanwords in Yucatecan Spanish and Yucatec Maya". Talk at the Linguistisches Kolloquium of the University of Bielefeld, 08/02/2017 [together with Rodrigo Gutiérrez-Bravo].
  • "Die Bedeutung von Sprachkontakt und Migration für das Yukatekische Maya". Talk as part of the Ringvorlesung Lateinamerika als Kontinent der Migrationen des Centro Latinoamericano de Colonia (CLAC), University of Cologne, 14/01/2016.
  • "Concordancia de número de los préstamos españoles en el maya yucateco: Variación y restricciones." Talk at the II Coloquio UNAM en la Península, UNAM/CEPHCIS, Mérida, Mexico, 03/11/2015 [together with Rodrigo Gutiérrez-Bravo].
  • Information structure in language documentation: Usefulness and challenges of Acceptability Judgment Tasks and Picture-based Elicitation Experiments." Talk at the bilateral german-mexican Workshop on Typologie und Sprachdokumentation, ENES/UNAM Morelia, Michoacán, 19/03/2015.
  • "Contrastive focus in Yucatecan Spanish". Talk at the Linguistisches Kolloquium at the FU Berlin, 28/10/2014 [together with Rodrigo Gutiérrez-Bravo].
  • "Analyse morphologique du français médiéval: Corpus et dictionnaires". Talk at the Troisième Congrès Mondial de Linguistique Française, Université de Lyon, 06/07/2012.
  • "Untersuchungen zur Realisierung von Informationsstruktur im yukatekischen Spanisch." Talk at the Forschungsseminar des Arbeitsbereichs Sprache und Kommunikation/Linguistik romanischer Sprachen, 13/06/2012, University of Bielefeld.
  • "La rivalidad de los sufijos franceses -ment y -age en perspectiva sincrónica y diacrónica". Talk at the Seminario de Semántica y Sintaxis am Centro de Estudios Lingüísticos y Literarios am Colegio de México, Mexiko Stadt, 13/03/2012.
  • "Über den semantischen Unterschied zwischen -ment und -age im Neufranzösischen." Talk at the section Ist die Wortbildung Autonom? Flexionsmorphologie und Wortbildung in den romanischen Sprachen, 31th Romanistentag, University of Bonn, 30/09/2009.
  • "On the semantic impact of -ment and -age in New French: empirical investigations." Talk as part of the Forschungsseminar Latest Developments in Syntactic and Morphological Theory von Prof. Dr. Artemis Alexiadou, University of Stuttgart, 13/01/2009.

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Talks (anonymous selection)

  • "Emerging grammar in language contact: Evidence from word-final nasals in Yucatecan Spanish and Yucatec Maya". Talk at the RUEG Conference - Dynamics of Language Contact, Humboldt-University of Berlin, 22/02/2021.
  • "Functional projections and language contact: the case of plural marking of Spanish nouns in Yucatec Maya". Talk at the conference Typology of Morphosyntactic Parameters (TMP 2019), Pushkin State Russian Language Institute, the Institute of Linguistics of RAS & Lomonosov Moscow State University, 17/10/2019 [together with Rodrigo Gutiérrez-Bravo].
  • "Lack of syllable duration as a post-lexical acoustic cue in Spanish in contact with Maya". Talk at the conference Bilingualism in the Hispanic and Lusophone World 2, University of Leiden, 11/01/2019 [together with Nuria Martínez García].
  • "Circumflex nuclear configurations in Yucatecan Spanish as a supra-regional feature: The roles of bilingualism and gender". Poster presentation at the conference Experimental and Theoretical Advances in Prosody (ETAP) 4: Sociolectal and Dialectal Variability in Prosody, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, 13/10/2018 [together with Nuria Martínez García].
  • "Labialization of word-final nasals and language contact in Spanish". Talk at the 2nd International Conference on Sociolinguistics (ICS.2), Eötvös Loránd University of Budapest, 06/09/2018 [together with Élodie Blestel und Santiago Sánchez Moreano].
  • "Marcación de número de los préstamos españoles en el maya yucateco: Variación, contacto de lenguas y cambio lingüístico".  Talk at the DIA IV, University of Zürich, 13/09/2016 [together with Rodrigo Gutiérrez-Bravo].
  • "Language contact and intonation: Evidence from prosodic marking of contrastive focus in Yucatecan Spanish compared to Yucatec Maya." Talk at the IberoCon, Ibero-Romance Languages in Contact and in Contrast, Universiteit Gent, Belgien, 15/12/2015 [together with Rodrigo Gutiérrez-Bravo].
  • "Early high pitch and contrastive focus in Yucatecan Spanish". Poster presentation at the PaPE, Phonetics and Phonology of Europe, 29/06/2015 [together with Martine Grice].
  • "Contrastive focus in Yucatecan Spanish". Vortrag bei der Konferenz The Syntactic Variation of Catalan and Spanish Dialects, Centre de Lingüística Teòrica, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 28/06/2013 [together with Rodrigo Gutiérrez-Bravo und Martín Sobrino].
  • "Spanish preverbal subjects in contexts of narrow information focus: Displacement of nuclear accent or exhaustive interpretation?". Talk at the 2nd Graz Workshop on Information Structure, University of Graz, 25/06/2013.
  • "L’évolution diachronique des suffixes -ment et -(ai)son et la question de la correspondance vernaculaire de -(at)ion." Talk at the Troisième Congrès Mondial de Linguistique Française, Université de Lyon, 05/07/2012. 
  • "French corpus data in favor of Construction Morphology". Talk at the 8. Mediterranean Morphology Meeting, Università di Cagliari, 15/09/2011.
  • "The diachrony of the French -age suffixation in a moderately emergentist model".  Talk at the conference Gradualness in change and its relation to synchronic variation and use, Università degli Studi di Pavia, 30/05/2011.
  • "In favor of a non-morphomic analysis of the Latin 3rd stem". Talk at the Workshop Perspectives on the Morphome, Universidade de Coimbra, 30/10/2010.
  • "The semantic change of the French -age-derivation." Talk at the ESSLLI Student Session, University of Hamburg, 4-15/08/2008.
  • "From kind formation to event nominalization: The morphosemantic change of the French -age-derivation." Talk at the 13th International Morphology Meeting, University of Wien, 3-6/02/2008.
  • "The rivalry of the French nominalization suffixes -age and -ment from a diachronic perspective." Talk at the Workshop Nominalizations across Languages, University of Stuttgart, 30/11/2007.

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Other lectures and talks

  • "Relative complementation in Yucatecan Spanish - patterns of variability between simplification and language contact". Talk at the Syntax-Semantics Colloquium, Department of Linguistics, University of Potsdam, 01/02/2022 [together with Patrick Auhagen]
  • "La variación lingüística y la noción de las interfaces en las lenguas románicas: Introducción". Talk at the section of the same name of the 36th Romanistentag, University of Kassel, 30/09/2019.
  • "The 'Tren Maya' project and contested visions of future". Talk at the congerence on Futuro hoy/ayer/mañana. Visiones de futuro(s) en las Américas, Panel 15: Competing Futures in the Americas: Frictions, Conflict and Violence in Securing Futures worth Living, Universität Bonn, 12/06/2019 [together with Eriko Yamasaki].
  • The relation of attitudes, agency and intergenerational transmission reconsidered: Language socialization and educational beliefs in Yucatán, Mexico". Talk at the Symposium on Analyzing Ideologies, Attitudes and Power in Language Contact Settings, Universität Stockholm, 17/05/2019 [together with Eriko Yamasaki].
  • "Labialización de las nasales finales y prominencia prosódica: estudio comparativo en tres regiones de español en contacto". Vortrag beim XXII. Hispanistentag , Freie Universität Berlin, 29/03/2019 [together with Élodie Blestel und Santiago Sánchez Moreano].
  • "Chomsky versus Wittgenstein? Über die (Un)Möglichkeit einer inhaltlichen Gegenüberstellung". Habilitationskolloquium, University of Cologne, 12/12/2018.
  • "Estructuras sintácticas extrarrománicas y el rol del contacto lingüístico en el español yucateco". Talk at the section "Extraromanische Strukturen", 35th Romanistentag, University of Zürich, 10/10/2017.
  • "Las particularidades del español yucateco como cambios lingüísticos inducidos por contacto". Talk at the XVIII. Congreso Internacional de la ALFAL, Proyecto 11 Lenguas en contacto (español/portugués y lenguas amerindias) by Azucena Palacios, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 25/07/2017.
  • "Acerca de la labialización de las nasales finales en el español yucateco." Talk at the 21. Hispanistentag, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, 30/03/2017.
  • "Sprachwandel, Ökonomie und Sprachkontakt". Talk at the Netzwerk Sprachwandel, University of Cologne, 14/07/2016 [together with Katja Hannß].
  • "F0-contours in picture-based elicitation experiments: Evidence from contrastive cleft sentences in Yucatecan Spanish." Talk at the section Methoden in der empirischen Prosodie-Forschung at the XXXIV. Romanistentag, University of Mannheim, 27/07/2015.
  • "Focus realization at the syntax-prosody interface: Yucatecan Spanish opposed to standard Mexican Spanish." Talk at the Romanistisches Kolloquium of the University of Cologne, 29/04/2015.
  • "Contacto de lenguas: Problemas relacionados con la clasificación y la documentación lingüística."Talk at the Primera Escuela Latino-Americana de Documentación y Tipología Lingüística. ENES/UNAM Morelia, Michoacán, 28/03/2015.
  • "Yucatecan Spanish focus fronting constructions and the syntax prosody interface." Talk at the XI. LIMES-Tagung, Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, 25/02/2015.
  • "Yucatecan Spanish focus fronting constructions at the syntax prosody interface." Talk at the Workshop on Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives on the Interrelation of Syntax, Semantics and Prosody, University of Cologne, 01/12/2014.
  • "Prominence marking and language contact in Spanish." Talk as part of the CCLS Lecture Series, University of Cologne, 20/10/2014.
  • "On the prosodic realization of contrastive focus in Yucatecan Spanish." Talk at the section on Prosodie und Sprachkontakt in der Romania at the 33rd Romanistentag, University of Würzburg, 24/09/2013.
  • "Prosodic realization of contrastive focus in Yucatecan Spanish."  Talk at the conference of Focus realization and interpretation in Romance and beyond, University of Cologne, 30/01/2014.
  • "Syntaktische Besonderheiten im Yukatekischen Spanisch." Talk at the Romanistisches Kolloquium of the University of Cologne, 10/07/2013.
  • "Kontrastfokus im yukatekischen Spanisch: Sprachkontakt und prosodische Variation".  Talk at the Romanistisches Kolloquium at the University of Cologne, 30/01/2013.
  • "Zur prosodischen Realisierung des Kontrastfokus im yukatekischen Spanisch". Talk at the Forschungskolloquium of the Institut für Linguistik/Phonetik, University of Cologne, 28/01/2013.
  • "Realisierung von Kontrastfokus im yukatekischen Spanisch", Talk at the Romanistisches Kolloquium at the University of Cologne, 27/06/2012.
  • "Zur Realisierung des Informationsfokus im yukatekischen Spanisch." Talk at the conference on Diskurs, Informationsstruktur und Grammatik, University of Wuppertal, 12/04/2012.
  • "Sprachkontakt und Variation im mexikanischen Spanisch". Talk at the Romanistisches Kolloquium at the University of Cologne, 25/01/2012.
  • "Abstraktion und Emergenz - Französische Korpusdaten und Konstruktionsmorphologie". Talk at the section Konstruktionsgrammatik und romanische Sprachen des 32. Romanistentags, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 28/09/2011.
  • "Regeln und Analogien in der Wortbildung am Beispiel französischer Korpusdaten". Talk at the Romanistisches Kolloquium at the University of Cologne, 19/05/2011.
  • "Zur diachronen Entwicklung französischer Nominalisierungssuffixe." Talk at the VII. LIMES-Tagung, University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, 12/03/2011.
  • "Die Rivalität von -ment und -age aus diachroner Perspektive" Talk at the Romanistisches Kolloquium of the University of Cologne, 26/01/2011.
  • "Abstrakte Bedeutung und regelhafte Wortbildung. Eine synchrone und diachrone Bedeutungsuntersuchung der französischen Nominalisierungssuffixe -ment und -age" Talk at the Romanistisches Kolloquium of the University of Cologne, 23/06/2010.
  • "The semantic impact of -ment and -age in New French." Talk at the Projekttreffen von B4/D1, B2, SFB 732 über Ereignisnominalisierungen. University of Stuttgart, 25/02/2009.
  • "Approaching the diachrony of the French -age-derivation." Talk at the Klausurtagung des Graduiertenkollegs 609, Kleinwalsertal, 27-29/06/2008.
  • "Lexical semantics of aspectual operators: some issues concerning the formal representation of event nominalizations." Talk at the Workshop Semantic Features in Derivational Morphology, University of Stuttgart, 30/05/2008.
  • "How French -ment- and -age-nominals differ in the nature of their process and result readings - An investigation in the realm of the causative/anticausative-alternation." Talk at the SFB 732, University of Stuttgart, 17/12/2007.
  • "A uniform semantics for the suffix -age in Old French." Talk at the Klausurtagung des Graduiertenkollegs 609, 27-29/06/2007, Kleinwalsertal.

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