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Lectures and accompanying seminars on digital education

The events offered by the Digital Education department are listed below. Further events are offered by the Department of School Media Education (Prof. Dr. Steve Nebel).



Digitale Bildung (Digital Education)



1. Lernen mit digitalen Medien (Learning with Digital Media)

2. Lehren mit digitalen Medien (Teach with Digital Media)

3. Medienkompetenz (Media competence)

4. Mediensozialisation (Media socialization)

5. Guten Unterricht entwickeln, evaluieren und gestalten (Developing, evaluating and designing good teaching)

6. Personale und organisationale Rahmenbedingungen für digitale Transformation (Personnel and organizational framework for digital transformation)

7. Orchestrierung digitaler Medien in formellen und informellen Bildungskontexten (Orchestration of digital media in formal and informal educational contexts)

8. Self-Regulated Learning: Teaching and Learning with Technology

9. Propädeutikum zum Praxismodul / Auslandsaufenthalt (Preparatory course for the practical module / stay abroad)


Obligation and optional modules for the Master in Digital Education can be found here.