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Welcome to the Professorship for digital education

Teaching situation with digital media
Photo: Lehrsituation mit digitalen Medien

Welcome to the website of the working group Digital Education (Digitale Bildung) in the department of educational sciences. The working group was newly established at the University of Potsdam in 2022 with the assistance of the Hasso Plattner foundation. In university education, it represents the topic of digital education in the teaching of empirical educational science (bildungswissenschaftliche Lehre) in the study programms of the structural department of educational science (Erziehungswissenschaft) as well as in teacher training. In the empirically-quantitatively oriented research, the working group deals with the investigation of learning and teaching processes in the use of digital media, the design of learning-effective digital learning materials and digitally supported teaching-learning contexts, as well as with digitization-related competencies of teachers in the school context. The working group is committed to adhering to open science practices in science and to the transfer of scientific knowledge into educational practice. It cooperates on a project basis primarily with subject didactics, computer science, and computational linguistics.
