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Transfer Prize and Guido Reger Founding Prize 2024 awarded

Drei Männer im Anzug. Einer hält einen Preis in den Händen.
Fünf Männer und eine Frau auf rotem Teppich. Vier halten einen Preis in den Händen.
Photo : Kevin Ryl
Photo : Kevin Ryl

At the New Year's reception of the President of the University of Potsdam, Prof. Oliver Günther, Ph.D., Potsdam Transfer, together with UP Transfer GmbH, awarded the Transfer Prize 2024 to geoscientist Dr. Gerold Zeilinger for his research with direct application relevance in the field of geological GIS/3D applications for the detection and quantification of surface changes, especially in mountains and their forelands. The visualization of landscape changes using AR in a real environment is of great benefit for disaster control and civil security. In addition, Dr. Gerold Zeilinger's research methods enable decisions in landscape planning and the concrete effects of landscape-altering projects to be predicted directly in the real landscape. 

Since 2013, Potsdam Transfer and UP Transfer GmbH have jointly awarded the Transfer Prize to scientists at the University of Potsdam who build a bridge between research, business and society in a special way and promote dialog between the different levels.


ZEGD and Ordinary Seafood awarded the Guido Reger Start-up Prize 2024

The Guido Reger Start-up Award was presented to two innovative start-ups from the University of Potsdam for the first time this year. 

On the one hand, Sascha Thormann, Managing Director of Potsdam Transfer, and Johannes Zier, Head of the Startup Service, honored Dr. Andreas Heißel for his spin-off "Zentrum für emotionale Gesundheit (ZEGD) GmbH". The ZEGD connects the players in healthcare and offers specific further training for sports and psychotherapists. Together with Prof. Dr. Michael Rapp and a consortium of health insurance companies and various research institutions, the ZEGD has established "Sports Therapy for Depression" (STEP), an effective treatment alternative for improving mental and physical health.
The second start-up prize went to the Potsdam start-up Ordinary Seafood. The Ordinary Seafood team develops plant-based alternatives to fish and seafood that are in no way inferior to animal products in terms of taste. With its products, Ordinary Seafood actively counteracts the negative effects of industrial fishing and aquaculture on the environment, animal welfare, the climate and human health.

With the Guido Reger Start-up Award, Potsdam Transfer recognizes innovative business ideas from founders who make a lasting positive contribution to the economy and society with their ideas and entrepreneurial spirit.



Susanne Schilling
Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 24-25 Haus 29
14476 Potsdam

Phone +49 331977256173

Online editorial

Josephine Arnold