Advisor for Study and Teaching, Quality Management Commissioner
Dr. Sandra Woehlecke
Golm Campus
House 28, Room 1.090

Advisor for Study and Teaching, Quality Management Commissioner
Kathrin Kuchenbuch
Golm Campus
House 28, Room 1.090

Office of the Doctoral and Habilitation Committee
Jeanette Ziegler
Doctoral procedures of the faculty
Golm Campus
House 28, Room 1.101

Office of the Doctoral and Habilitation Committee
Sylke Pfeiffer
Doctoral procedures of external research institutions
Golm Campus
House 28, Room 1.101

Office of Studies and Teaching
Dr. Antonia Menski
Golm Campus
House 28, Room 1.089
E-Learning Coordinator
Marc Beilcke
Golm Campus
House 28, Room 1.089
Coordinator for Study Entry
Arne Aljoscha Pfennig
Golm Campus
House 28, Room 1.089