About us
The Equal Opportunities Commissioner of the Faculty of Science supports the University's Equal Opportunities Commissioner in carrying out her tasks under Article 7 and 68 of the Brandenburg Higher Education Act ( BBgHG).
We participate with the right to speak and make proposals in the Faculty Commissions and in the Faculty Council, as well as the Senate Commission for Equal Opportunities. In particular we support the work of the Commission for Equal Opportunities and Opportunities for Women, as well as the Commission for the Development of an Equal Opportunities Plan. Moreover, we work towards the realisation of the Equal Opportunities Plan.
Furthermore, we assist in all professorial appointment procedures (and other recruitment processes if necessary) and provide advice in questions regarding funding for young researchers.
We are the point of contact for all persons who have individual questions or problems regarding equal opportunity. You can contact us under the common email-adress gbamnfuuni-potsdampde.

Decentral Equal Opportunities Officer
Dr. Elke Rosenberger
Universtität Potsdam
Institute of Mathematics
House 9, Room 2.07
Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 24-25
14476 Potsdam

Vice Equal Opportunities Officer
Dr. Lina Weiß
Campus Golm
Plant Ecology and Nature Conservation
Am Mühlenberg 3, Haus 60, Raum 3.16
14476 Potsdam

Vice Equal Opportunities Officer
Tanja Mutschler
Campus Golm
Institut für Physik und Astronomie
Lehrstuhl Didaktik der Physik
Haus 28, Raum 1.114
Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 24-25
14476 Potsdam

Vice Equal Opportunities Officer (substitute)
Dr. Merlin Schäfer
Campus Golm
Plant Ecology and Nature Conservation
Am Mühlenberg 3, building 60, room 3.11
14476 Potsdam

Vice Equal Opportunities Officer (substitute)
Dr. Barbara Schneider
Campus Golm
Mathematisch- Naturwissenschaftliche
Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 24-25
14476 Potsdam OT Golm