Services at the University of Potsdam
Below you will find a list of services offered by institutions belonging to the University of Potsdam. Some of these you will probably contact quite frequently.
International Office
Especially at the beginning of your stay you might be confronted with a lot of questions concerning university life in Potsdam or from abroad. The International Office is responsible for the many administrative matters that accompany your stay.
The International Office is located on Campus Neues Palais in building 8 . The office for program and exchange students and the service point for the transcript of records is located on Campus Neues Palais in building 8, in room 0.35 and room 0.41.
The office for international Bachelor- and Master students is loacted on Campus Neues Palais in building 8, room 0.37.
By e-mail you can reach us anytime. Please write to: (exchange students) or incoming-degree@uni-potsdam (Bachelor and master students) and we’ll do our best to get back to you as soon as possible.
PUCK Service Point
The PUCK Service Point is there for you when you have questions concerning Potsdam University's Chip Card, for example:
- The publication of current information on PUCK functions
- Replacement of a lost or damaged PUCK
- Processing of refunds and remaining balances
PULS-Service is your point of contact for all questions regarding the University of Potsdam's PULS service - our portal for planning and organizing teaching and learning.
- The online course catalog
- How to generate an iTAN list
- Enrolling for classes, etc.
- Registration and enrollment deadlines
- Change of address (through PULS)
Information about the office hours during the registration period can be found on the pages of the Examination Office.
Mental Health Counseling Service
When your studies become a burden – the Mental Health Counseling Service of the University of Potsdam can help you. Here, you will find somebody to talk to about your concerns relating to your university studies, but also in case of difficulties and worries that have a more indirect effect on your performance and contentment in your studies. You can also send an e-mail to
In addition you will find a list of offers in Berlin and Potsdam.
Academic Sports Center
The Academic Sports Centeroffers a high-quality sports and fitness program that is compatible with university life and available to students of all academic institutions in Potsdam along with cooperating extramural institutions of the University of Potsdam. You may select from more than 400 weekly classes in more than 100 sports and sign up for your choices on the webpage of the Academic Sports Center. Sports and fitness classes all have fees. Students may also work out individually at one of the two student fitness clubs.
Individual sessions
You can also participate in individual sessions without booking a whole course. Feel free to use this opportunity to try out different sports. Under this link you will find all courses that offer booking for individual sessions. The booking is only valid for a single participation.
Center for Languages and Key Competences (Zessko)
The Center for Languages and Key Competences (Zessko) offers foreign language Training in eleven languages.
Students with advanced German skills can participate either in general or specific language courses (e.g., German for economics and business, etc.) during the semester. These courses are offered by the language center (Sprachenzentrum) of the University of Potsdam. For international students in German Studies, the Department of German offers special courses.
The course levels are structured according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Registration normally occurs before the beginning of the semester, following a language test and a consultation. Because the number of interested students can sometimes exceed the number of open seats, early registration is recommended.
University library (UB)
The University library (UB) holds ca. 1.3 million volumes as well as about 2,850 printed and 8,000 electronic current journals. The catalogue is accessible online. Most books can be checked out. The library is divided into three separate libraries that are located on the three university campuses. On campus Golm, a new information, communication, and media center is currently being built. This center will hold about 1 million additional books.
Get to know our library and take a virtual tour through our departmental libraries.
Linkbox 1: Information for new students
First Orientation in the library and references on dirfferent advisory and course services.
Linkbox 2: Current library services
Service offers of the University Library in the winter semester and current rules.
Linkbox 3: Electronic Resources
Information on research and usage of e-book, e-journals and databases.
ZIM (Center for informational technologies and media managment)
The ZIM- Center for informational technologies and media managment - supplies the University of Potsam with IT-infrasturcture and technical equipment. If you have any questions about the tasks and services of the ZIM, or specific problems, you can personally contact our Service Centers at all three locations.
From a library tote bag to a warm sweater, Unishops products are a great way to express pride and support your alma mater. You can purchase the products at our brick-and-mortar shop on the Neues Palais campus as well as online. Student sales are also held on a regular basis on all three campuses.
Tutors of the Faculties
The student tutors of the faculties are students in higher semesters and they are familiar with the University's support services as well as the organization of your studies. These tutors for international students support you and answer your questions regarding
• the overall structure of your studies
• the creation of your timetable
• tips on study-related questions
AStA (Student Union)
AStA (Student Union) is an elected committee of students that mediates between students and university administration and professorial chairs. But also other problems, such as discrimination or even everyday questions about life in Germany, can be taken to AStA. AStA is elected in the summer for one year, and is composed of several speakers who each work on a certain topic at the University of Potsdam. These topics range from university policy to legal counselung, from gender issues to culture.