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International Applicants and Degree Students

International Students at Neues Palais

Advising and Services of the International Office

Right from the start we will be by your side. We are there for you during your studies until you complete your degree. The following consultation services are available to all international students, and we encourage you to make active use of them and to approach us with your individual needs.

Please note our office hours.

You can also contact us via e-mail: incoming-degreeuni-potsdamde.

Prospective and current students: if you have any questions regarding your studies (decision, application and planning), please contact the Central Student Advisory Service:

Would you like  support, contacts and inside tips from a local potsdam student as you start your studies at the University of Potsdam? We strongly recommend you check out the Buddy-Programm.

To top

You can also turn to us with personal concerns or problems during your studies. We will do our best to ensure that you receive individual and competent consulting and support, for example in the following matters:

  • Integration at the University and in Germany
  • Relations with fellow students and instructors
  • Problems with extending your residence permit
  • Or simply any question that has been bothering you

Information about the daka Student Loan

Your Contacts

Visa/residence permit/integration and orientation at the University of Potsdam and in Germany


Campus Am Neuen Palais
Am Neuen Palais 10
Haus 8, Raum 0.37
14469 Potsdam


consulting hours
In person:
Tuesday: 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Telephone Consultation: prior appointment via e-mail required.

Incoming Degree Assistent


Campus Am Neuen Palais
Am Neuen Palais 10
Haus 8, Raum 0.39
14469 Potsdam