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Investigating farmers’ agricultural practices in relation to GHG emissions

This WP will use a multi-level analysis approach combining qualitative and quantitative methods to explore the agro-ecological knowledge and perceptions of rural populations (farmers, livestock keepers) on climate change, GHG and on the impact of agricultural practices in GHG emissions. WP 7 addresses the following tasks:

  1. Interviews and focus group discussions: All important groups in the local population will be considered in interviews and focus group discussions in order to get an understanding of agro-ecological knowledge and perceptions and motivations of rural populations concerning traditional and modern farming systems and the possible acceptance of climate-smart agriculture. Interviews with key stakeholders like intermediary national met service staff, NGO practitioners and local government including extension service staff will give a comprehensive overview of perceptions and motivations in the rural context.
  2. Analysis of interview data and provision of quantitative data for interdisciplinary analysis: Interview data will be analysed qualitatively, involving conceptualization of different knowledges about climate mitigation as holistic, complex, comprehensive systems. Furthermore, data will be prepared in order to be analyzed in relation with the natural science data, be database-compatible and feed into the models of Tier 4.

Project members involved:

Constantin Compaore, Birba Sibiri with Dr. Eveline Sawadogo-Compaore (INERA)

Sanoussi Ibrahim Oumarou with Dr. Mounkaila Mohamed (UAM)

Roman Hinz with Dr. Reginald T. Guuroh (CSIR-FORIG)