Carbon pool assessments in Ghana complete!
Congratulations: Field activities to assess carbon pools in woody vegetation in Ghana are completed!
PhD and master’s students from both the University of Potsdam (Germany) and the institutional partner in Ghana (CSIR-FORIG, Kumasi) completed all investigations at the four sites of their current field campaign in Ghana. Most recently, they worked within and close to Mole National Park and Gbele Game Resource Center in the savanna zone of northern Ghana which is characterized by open vegetation and less dense forest cover. For a last time in Ghana, the students were counting, identifying and measuring the trees, shrubs and herbaceous layer on plots selected in three different land-use types (near natural vegetation, rangeland and cropland).
The measured parameters will be included in at least two PhD theses and one master thesis and will be part of the overall project synthesis. Great job and all the best to the Ghana Team!