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New Chamber System & Field Trials

We are delighted to hear that our project partner, Dr. Mounkaila Mohamed at University Abdou Moumouni (UAM) in Niamey (Niger) has received the SEMACH-FG chamber system today (see picture below). The SEMACH-FG system is used to measure soil and ecosystem CO2 fluxes from various land-use types. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to Prof. Dr Jörg Matschullat and Erik Börner of TU Freiberg for their active support in constructing this chamber system. Team Niger is now in a strong position to start greenhouse gas measurements in agricultural landscapes. All within great timing, just in time for the forthcoming growing season!

Once our project partners had received the chamber system, they started testing their new chamber system for measuring greenhouse gases in the field. These were sent to Niamey at the beginning of May. The researchers are very satisfied with the handling and the output given by the sensors – even with the current high air temperatures of more than 45°C in Niamey.