Dr. Klara Kager
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin (Drittmittel)
Campus Golm
Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 24-25
Haus 24
Raum 1.85
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin im Projekt "LemaS"
1. Platz beim Leistungsstipendium nach dem Studienförderungsgesetz der Universität Wien für das Studienjahr 2018/2019
seit Juni 2023 | Wissenchaftliche Mitarbeiterin (Postdoc) in der 2. Phase der BMBF-Initiative "Leistung macht Schule" (LemaS), Transfer von Lesson Study in die Schullandschaft | ||||||||||||||||||
2019-2023 | Promotion (summa cum laude), "Critical Research Needs in Lesson Study: Then, Now, and Looking Forward", Universität Potsdam/Bildungswissenschaft | ||||||||||||||||||
seit Sept. 2019 | Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin im BMBF-Projekt Lemas „Leistung macht Schule“, Teilprojekt Lesson-Study: Leistungsstarke Kinder im Grundschulunterricht fördern – Kooperative Unterrichtsentwicklung durch die Lesson-Study-Methode | ||||||||||||||||||
April-Mai 2022 | Forschungsaufenthalt an der Universität Aberdeen, Schottland | ||||||||||||||||||
2017-2019 | Master, "English Language and Linguistics", Universität Wien | ||||||||||||||||||
2017-2019 | Mitarbeiterin am Center for Teaching und Learning, Universität Wien | ||||||||||||||||||
2016-2019 | Studentische Tutorin am Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, Universität Wien | ||||||||||||||||||
2014-2017 | Bachelor of Arts, "English and American Studies", Universität Wien |
seit SoSe 2020:
Einführung in die Schulpädagogik mit Orientierungspraktikum (Seminar)
- Professionalisierung von Lehrkräften
- Transfer von Bildungsinnovationen
- Umsetzung und Wirkung von Lesson Study und CPD
- Einsatz von Game-based learning in der Professionalisierung von Lehrkräften
Publikationen (ResearchGate):
Vock, M., Bucher, J., Kager, K. (2024) Challenges and solutions when implementing lesson study from the perspectiv of German primary school. International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies, 13 (5), https://doi.org/10.1108/IJLLS-05-2024-0101
Kager, K., Kalinowski, E., Jurczok, A., & Vock, M. (2024). A systematic review of transparency in Lesson Study research: How do we report on the observation and reflection stages? Frontiers in Education, 9, 01–19. https://doi.org/10.3389/feduc.2024.1322624
Bucher, J., Kager, K., & Vock, M. (2024). A systematic review of the literature on lesson study in Germany: A professional development approach under the radar of research? International Journal for Lesson & Learning Studies, 13(5), 35–48. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJLLS-10-2023-0138
Kager, K., Mynott, J. P., & Vock, M. (2023). A conceptual model for teachers’ continuous professional development through lesson study: Capturing inputs, processes, and outcomes. International Journal of Educational Research Open, 5, 100272. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijedro.2023.100272
Kager, K., Jurczok, A., Bolli, S., & Vock, M. (2022). “We were thinking too much like adults”: Examining teacher learning in reflective group discussions in the lesson study process. Teaching and Teacher Education, 113, 103683. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tate.2022.103683.
Jakobeit, M., Westphal, A., Jurczok, A., Kager, K., & Vock, M. (2021). Welche schulischen Rahmenbedingungen sind für die Kooperation von Lehrkräften in Lesson-Study-Prozessen förderlich? Eine Clusteranalyse von Grundschulen im Rahmen des Forschungs- und Schulentwicklungsprojekts Leistung macht Schule (LemaS). Journal für Schulentwicklung, 2(21), 17-26.
Jurczok, A., Kalinowski, E., Kager, K. & Vock, M. (2020). Was Lesson Study zur Schulkultur beitragen kann. Erfahrungen aus dem Projekt Leistung macht Schule. Schule leiten, 22, 28–29.
Kager, K., Kalinowski, E., Jurczok, A., & Vock, M. (2021). A Systematic Review of Methodological Transparency in Lesson Study: How Do We Report on the Observation and Reflection Stages?. OSF. Registration. https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/5NXGY.
Kager, K., Bolli, S., Jurczok, A., & Vock, M. (2022). Lernen durch Konflikt? Ein praktischer Erfahrungsbericht über kooperative Unterrichtsentwicklung durch Lesson Study. In G. Weigand, C. Fischer, F. Käpnick, C. Perleth, F. Preckel, M. Vock, & H.-W. Wollersheim, Dimensionen der Begabungs- und Begabtenförderung in der Schule (Vol. 2, pp. 115–128). wbv. https://doi.org/10.3278/9783763967858
Kager, K. (2018). Language aptitude in relation to handedness, hemispheric dominance, cognitive learning strategies and non-verbal IQ: a combined quantitatie and qualitative study. In Exploring language aptitude: Views from Psychology, the Language sciences, and Cognitive Neuroscience (pp. 167-193). Spirnger, Cham.
Kager, K. (2022), "Book review – Lesson study-based teacher education: the potential of the Japanese approach in global settings", International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies, Vol. 11 No. 1, pp. 43-45. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJLLS-01-2022-100.
Kager, K. (2020). Buchrezension Rezension Pädagogische Psychologie - Lernen und Lehren. socialnet Rezensionen.
Kager, K. (2023). Research on Lesson Study: Where to go and how to get there. Keynote at the PhD & Early Career Researchers Day at the WALS Conference, Zwolle, The Netherlands.
Kager, K., Bolli, S., Bucher, J., & Vock, M. (2023). “Lesson Study – the Game”: Introducing teachers to Lesson Study by playing a collaborative board game. Workshop at the WALS Conference, Zwolle, The Netherlands.
Kager, K., Jurczok, A., & Vock, M. (2022). A Systematic Review of Transparency in Lesson Study: How Do We Report How Teachers Observe and Reflect Together? Paper presentation at the World Association of Lesson Study Online International Conference (WALS). https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.20748.18565
Kager, K., Mynott, J., & Vock, M. (2022). A shared conceptual model for Lesson Study: Capturing inputs, processes, and outcomes. Paper presentation at the World Association of Lesson Study International Conference (WALS), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. https://doi.org/ 10.13140/RG.2.2.34169.95847
Kager, K., Kalinowski, E., Jurczok, A., & Vock, M. (2022). A systematic review of methodological transparency in lesson study: Collecting, discussing and analysing student data. Paper presentation at the Nachwuchstagung 9. GEBF-Tagung in Bamberg, Germany (online).
Kager, K., Jurczok, A., & Vock, M. (2021). A systematic review of methodological transparency in lesson study: Collecting, discussing and analysing student data. Paper presentation at the WALS World Association of Lesson Study Online International Conference (online).
Bolli, S., Kager, K., Jurczok, A., & Vock, M. (2021). “Lesson Study – The Game” – a game-based professional development for in-service and initial teacher training. Workshop at the WALS World Association of Lesson Study Online International Conference (online).
Kager, K., Jurczok, A., & Vock, M. (2021). Wie Lehrkräfte mit der Methode Lesson Study lernen: Untersuchung der Reflexionstiefe in Auswertungssitzungen.[How teachers learn through Lesson Study: Examining the depth of reflection in group discussions ]. Paper presentation at the DGfE Sektionstagung Schulpädagogik in Osnabrück, Germany (online).
Kager, K., Jurczok, A., & Vock, M. (2021). „We were thinking too much like adults“: Examining how teachers learn through reflective group discussions in the lesson study process, Paper presentation at the European Conference on Education research (ECER) in Geneva, Switzerland (online).
Kager, K., Jurczok, A., & Vock, M. (2021). Dialogic reflection in lesson study: Examining potential moments of teacher learning in evidence-based collaborative discussions, Presentation at the EERA Summer School in Jyväskylä, Finland (online).
Kager, K.; Jurczok, A.; Vock, M. (2021). One Method - Countless Adaptations: Examining Comparability and Methodological Transparency in Lesson Study. 7. Berlin Interdisciplinary Education Research NEtwork (BIEN) Jahrestagung „Bildung - un.fair.gleichbar?“ (online).
Vock, M., Bolli, S., Jurczok, A., Kalinowski, E. & Kager, K. (2021). Lesson Study gewinnbringend gestalten [Implementing Lesson Study successfully]. Workshop at the 7. Münsterschen Bildungskongress LemaS-Jahrestagung in Münster, Germany.
Kager, K., Jurczok, A., & Vock, M. (2021). Dialogic reflection in lesson study: Examining potential moments of teacher learning in evidence-based collaborative discussions. Presentation at the EERA Summer School in Jyväskylä, Finland (online).
Kager, K., Jurczok, A., & Vock, M. (2021). One Method - Countless Adaptations: Examining Comparability and Methodological Transparency in Lesson Study. Poster Presentation at the 7. Berlin Interdisciplinary Education Research Network (BIEN) Jahrestagung „Bildung - un.fair.gleichbar? in Berlin, Germany (online).
Jurczok, A., Kager, K.,& Vock, M. (2020). Collecting, discussing, and analyzing student observations in Lesson Study: Does it matter how we do it? Presentation at the World Association of Lesson Study Online International Conference (WALS).
Kager, K., Jurczok, A., & Vock, M. (2020). Let’s talk about it: Examining how teachers learn through reflective group discussions in lesson study. Poster presentation at the World Association of Lesson Study Online International Conference (WALS).
Kager, K., Jurczok, A., & Vock, M. (2020). Let’s talk about it: Examining how teachers learn through reflective group discussions in lesson study, Paper accepted for poster presentation at the European Conference on Education research (ECER) in Glasgow, Scotland. (Canceled due to COVID-19 pandemic)