Erasmus - Incoming
Department of Psychology
!!! The new Erasmus-Coordinator is Christian Kliesch: erasmus-psychuuni-potsdampde !!!
General Information
- Work Groups and Professorships
The idea is that you identify a specific work group that you want to do an internship with. You can send your application directly to the according professor or researcher.
Laguage Requirements
You are not required to provide proof of your German language proficiency. However, the majority of the psychology courses at the University of Potsdam is conducted in German. We thus urge you to acquire proficiency in German (at least level B1) before coming to Potsdam.
How to find englisch courses?
Please, search PULS for courses with other "languages of instruction", for example English (see picture on the right).
The University of Potsdam uses the term “Leistungspunkte” (LP), which equals ECTS credits (LP = ECTS). ECTS is based on the following points:
- 60 credits or points for an academic year,
- 30 credits or points for a semester and
- 20 credits or points for a trimester.
Credit can only be given if all requirements, including the necessary exams, have been fulfilled. However, this does not preclude exceptional regulations.
Important to know: Individual courses at the University of Potsdam are grouped into modules. For successfully completed modules you will receive achievement points (“Leistungspunkte” in German, or Short “LP”). 1 LP = 1 ECTS. The number ECTS/LP for individual courses varies. As a rule of thumb (no guarantee) you can receive about 3 LP for a “Seminar” and 4 to 6 LP for a “Lecture” (in German: “Vorlesung”), which are the two most frequent course formats.
How to find the ECTS?